If I were the NYT I would be VERY worried
Harry won’t rest until Murdoch and his empire are in the same place as his Mother
And to be honest I think that would be too good a place for their Toilet Paper Empire
Sorry to intrude but can I offer your followers a little suggestion please?
Vote in every god damn election, no matter how big or small - regardless of where you live. Stop these idiots locally, statewide & nationally. That includes any 2025 & 2026 elections. That’s your job. Now go out & do it!
So if election security experts found this backdoor thing, why wasn't anything done or sent it to the media? Trump wasn't in office yet so he didn't have the power to stop it.
I’m guessing they didn’t want a similar debacle with an election and tRump. Plus to kill off the Republicans for a generation what better way than letting tRump take control for 4 years!
You idiots still sleeping. Voting doesn't do shit. This makes it so you dont go after the gov and silences you by thinking u can,change things with voting. Lol keep dreaming.
I learned yesterday from my German husband and Hitler essentially made every household in Germany buy a copy of Mein Kampf and it had to be prominently displayed in the home.
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. 2 Peter 2:1
Hmmm... I guess these geniuses missed this part.
The First Amendment,
“Establishment Clause” specifically forbids this.
Although a stacked US Supreme Court could reinterpret this clause to suit their partisan, religious, ideology; if they do so, for those reasons, it is unconstitutional.
Maybe so, but they did it anyway, and no one had the power to stop them. The lesson here is '' Don't fuck with SCOTUS when they're already bought and paid for.
The man is a thief and a CULT leader. It's embarrassing to think the rest of the world is watching this Three Card Monty Grifter, turn the white house into a outlet store. Fucking Moron.
But his followers bought a ton of them, and considered them lucky to get one, and who could resist the ugliest sneakers in the world for only $399 plus tax, along with all the other shit he sells. We don't have a real president, what we have is a salesman.
Timothy 6:10: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."
Well if nothing else the kids can learn who to kill, that is is they themselves are not killed because of idiotic gun laws. The money would be much better spent in trying to protect the kids.
Grifter does what a grifter does, as for Indiana - you wanted overpriced Chinese bibles so have at it, felon47 is a mouth breathing scum traitor and the absolute antithesis of everything this country stands for, the grown ups will have to fix this mess and no we are not going away
Better yet, schools don’t need bibles in the first place, even if they’re free. Parents can buy a bible if they want to raise their kids in a religion, the school should have nothing to do with any of that.
Of course. That "separation" hasn't worked as intended.
When my kids were young my wife exerted a little pressure to expose our kids to religion. I took them to a few different local chuches. They were like.. "Dad, this is nonsense."
They believed in science and are Engineers.
Left Oklahoma with my entire family (5 women) and went to MI. never looking back. Take me back to when OK was socialist capital of the country! 🫶🏼 #thismachinekillsfacists
I don't understand all this merchandising, KitKat. When did the presidency start merchandising?? Did I just not notice, or has this always been going on.??
It’s a repeat of his first term - using his position to make himself wealthy. His entourage will stay at his resorts for official business at grossly inflated rates. We’re still being ripped off and no one seems to care
How can Oklahoma use taxpayer dollars to purchase bibles, which are instruments of a specific religious group, i.e. Christians? Are they also buying Torahs and the books of all the other religious groups? Are they going into competition with Gideon bibles? Are they aware of the 1st amendment?
Let's be candid, republicans control congress, and they didn't think an attempted insurrection spurred on by his LIES meet the mark necessary for impeachment so enriching himself while POTUS isn't going to be an impeachable offense either.
The only thing they're more scared of than the Felon is the people and when the people demand as our economy failing and law and order is crumbling around us because of the behavior and acts of an incompetent senile rapist felon impeachment is the remedy I still believe in the American Constitution.
I'm with you. Perhaps as life for the working-class gets more and more expensive maybe and just maybe a big chunk of the 93+ million that didn't bother to vote will give a fuck now. As for congress, I'm not going to hold my breath for Dems to grow a spine or Reps to uphold their oath of office.
He is so incompetent so demented so convinced that he knows no wrong and can do no wrong as he is slipping into further into dementia he almost put America's coffee supply at risk he is literally putting our food supply at risk at present hyperinflation and the price of eggs watch out.
2015 Fordham U. Alumni Mag. reprinted a letter from Michael Cohen threatening litigation should tRumps grades ever be released to the public. The genius had a 1.25 GPA. Understandably, his MAGA supporters are even dumber than he is. Therein LIES our problem.
McBride, a Republican from Moore, called the proposal "problematic on several levels” and quickly requested an official opinion from AG Gentner Drummond about the legality of Walters' plan.“ He went on to mention that if bibles were needed they could be donated or you could use an AP on your phone.
Glad they canceled it… it’s the fact that they tried that is fucking disgusting….. BUT NOW!! Jan24 2025 The Supreme Court agreed Friday to take on a new culture war dispute: whether the nation’s first publicly funded religious charter school should be allowed to open in Oklahoma.
This should not even be heard in our courts. Waste of our tax dollar and we already know how the Christians will rule. we all know they are so persecuted . . .
The grift will continue with this garbage because the demand is there from the MAGA Gomers. They will gladly empty their pockets of their hard earned money to keep enriching billionaires. That is self induced. The billionaires have their boots on the next of MAGA chuds. Classic signs of a cult.
everything Trump's involved with is a scam. It started from when he took over the family business from Fred. He scammed banks, people, even went bankrupt 6 times, and every building on 5th avenue has a mortgage or loan on it for more than the property's worth. He's the face on the poster of idiots.
If we teaching religion in schools, we might as well teach about all religions, including the satanic church, and keep it all in 1 class called cultural studies or something, and make it an elective
Harry won’t rest until Murdoch and his empire are in the same place as his Mother
And to be honest I think that would be too good a place for their Toilet Paper Empire
Three Dollar Chinese Bible
They are like little boys with no mom, & they never learned how to show compassion or respect.
They are scared. Greed is their weak knee replacement for ..... well, almost everything.
Conservatives are the same........
Vote in every god damn election, no matter how big or small - regardless of where you live. Stop these idiots locally, statewide & nationally. That includes any 2025 & 2026 elections. That’s your job. Now go out & do it!
You get what you VOTE for
Hmmm... I guess these geniuses missed this part.
Can't wait for the Trump Condoms. All shit flavored.
Arrogant bastuds.
The First Amendment,
“Establishment Clause” specifically forbids this.
Although a stacked US Supreme Court could reinterpret this clause to suit their partisan, religious, ideology; if they do so, for those reasons, it is unconstitutional.
But I’m guessing that hole is so full because stuffs coming out of his mouth. There must be no room left!
When my kids were young my wife exerted a little pressure to expose our kids to religion. I took them to a few different local chuches. They were like.. "Dad, this is nonsense."
They believed in science and are Engineers.
Trump has no goal, only way.
a little Japanese...
Who can help with Chinese wisdom?
Some would benefit from learning the difference between profit and gain.
Angry fuzzy math makes a person look stupid, not right.
I think giving those "Bibles" away would be wrong for all kinds of reasons.
Just increased few days ago 😂😂😂
And they’ll blame that on Dems