Are you OK tearing up the constitution and allowing Trump to become the King of the USA?
Because that is what’s happening.
Because that is what’s happening.
"A great purge is necessary to cleanse the government of those who sabotage progress"
- Stalin
"I don’t want a government of experts. I want a government of believers."- Mussolini
I dissent.
Looks like they're gonna try lawsuits. Worked pretty well last time amirite
Billionaires are keeping their profits tight in their pockets - and still enjoying the benefits the actual taxpayers have created.
Once the benefits are eliminated, we will all be suffering.
How about you?
Unite damn it! It is impossible to overtake a united country.
Yes, I am calling.
Please let's get this right- the future of our country- and likely the rest of the world- depends on it.
And I troll äTrump and #Musk any chance I get...
The President and the Attorney General (subject to the President’s supervision and control) will interpret the law for the executive branch, instead of having separate agencies adopt conflicting interpretations.
Kamala Harris Actually Won The Election
Waiting for the military to round him & his corrupt band of cabinet up .If people rise up, orange fuckface will direct Drinky Pete to sic the military on the people.The military (any that duly take their Oath to Heart) will refuse . Orange FF will demand their heads.Military coup ensues
Time to accept it. America made it 249 years
We must rise from the ashes. Together
if we continue on with this rogue president & pals following Victor Orban's recipe to destroy democratic republic & abandon the Constitution all is lost & we will enter an autocratic dictatorship heavy on the Oligarchs. The military intervening is the only chance to fix, remove & reset.
We are almost at that point where we must refresh our hold on liberty and rededicate ourselves ,the nation to her.
Every day this guy and his pals are in office our liberty is being strangled
The sooner you accept that, the more prepared you will be for whatever is coming
Change IS here. We must BE the change
there is no way 350 million people that live in this nation will go quietly under the hatchet that is wielded by these authoritarian fascists .Some will BUT even maga is questioning the motives.
Baby, you can go quietly if it makes you feel better ..but most will not.
But frankly, I think anyone who thinks things will just go back to normal if you arrest Trump and JD are out of touch.
Things must change. Most people see this.
COVID like shutdowns, scheduled across the nation.
The Billionaires will hear you. They freaked out during the COVID shutdown, show them WHO has the power over the money!
They made their money off the backs of the people who control the dollar in their pockets.
Just sayin'
Just sayin'
Don't sit around and wait for help to come, it not coming.
What if 20,00 people wanted to watch a golf game, live?
Can you watch while the orange faced rapist is golfing during his work shift as POTUS?
Is that difficult to do?
Just sayin'
Get the ruskie yanks out of my country now.
Can't trust you - you'd sell yer granny to Putin.
Remember me from Twitter.
here is what I think...
To Yamtits:
You shall have a golden crown that men will tremble to behold...
I’m the youngest of 7 living siblings and I’m OLD (70 in April) The next 2 (ages 77 and 78) are 100% pro Trump, about everything he is doing, insult my husband and I publicly, and on social media (thank God BlueSky is too “woke” for them) and they don’t see it.
• both Veterans, one Navy (pilot), one Army and went to Viet Nam
The other says “he is the most caring President in his lifetime.”
I am convinced I must have been adopted.
Keep on fighting stupidity! You're doing great 😊
(Their guy was charged. Ours was elected President)
Former Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro was charged with leading a plot to overthrow the gov & undermine the country’s 40-year-old democracy after his 2022 election loss, complicating his narrow chances of a political comeback.
tRump must be stopped somehow.
It's now the United States of Russia.
He needs to be removed
I believe it’s Musk who’s becoming King of the USA.
36% didn't vote because Harris [insert reason here]
67% of the country are okay with it.
So what’s that bring us to? 75%+ aren’t doing shit about shit.
Anyone who couldn't see this coming is either inept, blind, brainwashed, or simply a traitor insurrectionist to our country 🤬
I understand what is going on. I don't have the authority to do anything. It's a frustrating situation. OTP vp
The Constitution still presides as I write this, and don’t dare pretend otherwise. Push back on their overreach. He must obey the law, he _must_. No kings.
Our despair is the only path they have to victory. Deny them.
Every American can protect and defend the Constitution. Every American can deny anyone who claims to be our king.
Others before us have done it. Now it is our turn. We got this.
It may get scary, very scary. More scary than things have ever been. But whether or not a would be king-maker is our friend or not: they will be stopped.
How do we deal with kings in America?
That gives them influence & leaves us with none.
There has always been project XXXX's that were everything the ruling class wanted for themselves. That's why politics is what it is.
I’m not
Look away. You don’t see a thing.
Just Trump calling himself “King”.
He doesn’t wear a crown on his head.
Yikes! Does he think it’s a cap in red?
Emperor might be a better word to use.
A lot of pieces come together
If I die, I die. I have no interest living through whatever dystopian future they have in store for us.