Fellow Americans! Remember, Trump is NOTHING without his spineless, traitorous, cowardly, corrupt, and self-serving Republican enablers—Senators, Congress members, and Supreme Court justices.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
That one made me smile…I was once told by a Canadian visitor to Kelvingrove Museum where I was attempting to draw the moose, (my favourite,) that they’re not that cute- if they take a dislike to you they try to stamp on you!:)
It's bad enough this RAPIST and CONVICTED FELON lives in the US. DON'T let him in to Canada.
If he does sneak across the border, ARREST him and ship his bloated ass to jail.
Trump is going to deforest National Parks, so animals collaborating with Canadians, to fight back against his tyranny, cannot jump him in his photo op sweeping the forest. Around the remaining stumps.
Death by geese would be appropriate. If he’s still kicking, the beaver can whack him with the hockey stick and the moose can stomp on him. Still, nothing is more scary than a pissed off goose.
Look, we already know there are at least 2 #RussianAssets leading the #FederalGovernment the best way to assure they have #NoPower over #Anyone is if the remaining #FederalWorkforce went on #Strike until #Congress did THEIR JOBS to #Impeach and #Convict bypassing #Corrupt #SCOTUS
You don't want to get near them when nesting.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
I'm with Canada and its people !
💙 🇨🇦 💙
If he does sneak across the border, ARREST him and ship his bloated ass to jail.
What I really like right now are the head shots that can be made into dartboards
I was wondering why Donald is always lobbing nonsensical and idiotic threats at Canada, he’s actually scared!
Enjoy your day. 😃