Ah, I see we've reached that point in the novvle outline where I introduce two new characters as "The Thief" and "The Muscle" and added a note "Add names later"
Well later is now
Thanks, Past Me (I thought we did this already but APPARENTLY NOT)
Well later is now
Thanks, Past Me (I thought we did this already but APPARENTLY NOT)
but alas not quite as stylishly
Bief, Patty
Less controversial, Tess makes excellent thief.
"and their best friend, Lady Bergamot"
Opihr and Fever-Tree
Pratchett was a gem and it took me WAY TOO LONG to realize all the ways in which this name is punny.
When I take off the waistcoat you know it’s Business Time
Someone is about to get Messed Up
That's a good gimmick
Like "Hold my waistcoat, it's TIME TO BREAK SOME FURNITURES"
Name's Girdle. Tango Girdle.