Did you know that this year is the 40th birthday of the Commodore 128? One of my favorite computers. I love the look & it can dual boot into CP/M using a 2nd onboard Z-80 processor. Here is a photo of mine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_128 #commodore #c128 #retrocomputing
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Meanwhile in 2025 everyone’s phone has 1000s of x more processing power & 1000s of x the data storage.
Kids today are so spoiled. Well, except for the whole end of democracy/planet dying thing.
A 1571 drive lives on my desk though!
- Disgusting.
So many cheap floppy disk games 🥰
But the looks of C128. Totally agree with you
Btw I'm building a single board computer with a 65816 processor from scratch, it will use the kernal and basic from the c128 + my extensions.
Taught myself assembly with the Atari 800 XL and MAC 65