Best kinds of video game levels:
- Casino
- Circus/Carnival
- Inside Something's Guts
- Everything Is Food
- Spooky Halloween
What else
- Casino
- Circus/Carnival
- Inside Something's Guts
- Everything Is Food
- Spooky Halloween
What else
•The four seasons of Click Clock Wood in Banjo-Kazooie.
•The time shift stones in the Lanayru Province in Zelda: Skyward Sword.
I also forgot to put in my example list, every level (except the last) of “Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair” because you can solve puzzles in the Overworld to alter the levels between two different states.
-Future city levels
-Active Volcano
-The lair of some BBEG
- Shopping Centre (abandoned)
Labyrinth Zone being sluggish was shite.
Water Temple was fine! Except that one switch which very much felt like it was designed to milk money out of a hint line...
Robots Have Taken Over
Hey Look, Dinosaurs!
Floating Ruins In The Sky
Spark Mandrill?
Bonus points: one of my favorite of these was from a sonic fan game, and was called "OSHA Violation Zone".
- desert
- frozen ice land
- maze
- cave
- escort someone
Wait sorry these are things I hate
You're tiny (fly sized) in a large room and have to navigate around
Sewers (wildly hit or miss)