I used to live in Seattle. Most times whe I went shopping, there'd be at least one big strapping Norwegian fisherman's daughter in the supermarket who was taller than 6ft me. And they can't ALL have been trans.
I’ll have to get someone to take a photo of it for me and I’ll post it, it’s on the small of my back, but it’s Tala the same as your profile pic, holding a library card that’s says “cope” in trans colours
I really like that according to this graphic her head very clearly doesn’t reach the 6ft mark. Is this like men adding two inches to their height on dating apps?
My daughters obvious cis woman surgeon was nearly 6ft, this take is crap and in my family most of the cis men are 5 ft 5 and under, me at 5’4 towers over a couple of them.
Maya Forstater is the school shooter of politics. She behaves like a psychopath who's been snubbed.
The picture is factually incorrect and libel against Dr Upton given it's been scaled. All part of Forstater's ongoing harassment and attempt to defraud trans people of our rights.
I'm 6ft tall, I've been shouted at in the street 'you're a man'.....probably by people encouraged by the likes of this woman. It's not a nice thing to happen to anyone!
One of the female Gladiators on the new series is over 6ft tall. They'll be telling us she's cheating next. I'd love a TERF to go up against her on Duel, tell her she's a bloke, and see how far they get without getting whacked by a giant cotton bud.
I'm genuinely surprised that lot haven't already started 'transvestigating' either the female Gladiators or some of the contenders. Maybe they don't watch it.
I'm honestly surprised there wasn't an immediate campaign to "out" Diamond as not being a cis woman by these mentalists the minute she appeared on screen simply because she's tall and muscular.
Much like other creatures on the planet, women vary.
A girl in my class at school was a whole foot taller than me throughout our 7yrs in class together. I was 5'1" at 18, she was 6'1".
Marking her in hockey was a bit dicey, but beyond that, nobody really noticed/cared about our relative heights.
I had a girl in my class who was the same; coming down some stairs once at school I could see her towering above all the other students. She was always goal shooter or keeper in our netball team (I was the other position of the two due my height)
I'm sure it was, 'for a laugh,' but I was once put as shooter with her as keeper. A clear foot taller than me, and I'm dyspraxic.
The only goal (net?) I ever scored in netball, I scored that day.
I will never know how. 🤷😂
I went to a girls school and there was huge variation in height. I was one of the shortest at around 5' and my best friend was *significantly* taller. People used to quip that we looked like a comedy double act but it never made a difference in any meaningful way
Even in the frame of their ridiculousness... I don't understand the relevance of height to anything about this. What is she trying to say? Fucking crazy wretch that she is.
Apart from the witch-hunt agenda (now aiming to break Beth before the resumption of the case), the Sex Matters team has the problem that Beth scrubs up pretty well and people are even getting confused about who’s the nurse/doctor. Not the cliché stereotype of ‘bloke in a dress’ they love to present.
I found it odd the trans-hostile media outlets weren't using more flattering images of Ms Peggie to illustrate their "fragile wee lassie victim" narratives. She always seems to be scowling, or appears to be sneering in photos.
But maybe scowling and sneering is what she does all the time.
Yeah - I’m thinking of Julius Streicher’s relentless efforts in Nazi Germany to ensure that pure-blood Aryans could spot Jews by certain physical features.
This shit will I suspect soon be taken up by a UK tabloid (they did used to run such articles about ‘how to tell’).
Funny how 6-foot women can be striking and successful models, and set up as some sort of "ideal" when it suits, and written off as "men" when it doesn't.
So, not trying to place a value judgement on it or anything, but if you showed me these two women and told me one of them was trans, I would not have picked the one who is actually trans here.
At my hospital. Our female CINO is 6ft and our male nursing IT transformation lead is about 5’ 5’’. Maya’s head would presumably just explode if she came into our office.
Proof a man can have a uterus?
It must be to fit those male brains in.
The picture is factually incorrect and libel against Dr Upton given it's been scaled. All part of Forstater's ongoing harassment and attempt to defraud trans people of our rights.
A girl in my class at school was a whole foot taller than me throughout our 7yrs in class together. I was 5'1" at 18, she was 6'1".
Marking her in hockey was a bit dicey, but beyond that, nobody really noticed/cared about our relative heights.
The only goal (net?) I ever scored in netball, I scored that day.
I will never know how. 🤷😂
Wiki says she's 180cm tall.
But maybe scowling and sneering is what she does all the time.
This shit will I suspect soon be taken up by a UK tabloid (they did used to run such articles about ‘how to tell’).
Almost as if height has nothing to do with it.
If so, is it 6 foot in heels or barefoot?