The second Al Green was dragged out, another Democrat should’ve stood up.
Then another. And another. And another.
Disrupt. Make them throw every Democrat out.
Holding signs? Wow. Way to dig deep.
We’re with Al Green.
Then another. And another. And another.
Disrupt. Make them throw every Democrat out.
Holding signs? Wow. Way to dig deep.
We’re with Al Green.
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I’m disappointed in them.
The only reason I watched that shitshow was to see what the Dems would do to resist. I could've stopped after Al Green left and had an extra hour of sleep. 😡
This is what WHITE PRIVILEGE looks like.
Be Like AL!! Standup, get into good trouble FFS! a 🙏 Appreciation for him standing up opposing & Rebuking the Trump Regime & Tyranny of the MAGA Minions and getting In Good Trouble
If you'd like to let him know what a Legend Move his Actions of Defiance & Resistance was 👏 and we are with him
His Bluesky🦋 is above
He can't handle it. He's a weak, cowardly man. Harass him. Every chance.
Absolutely DISGRACEFUL that he stood alone.
They are not the answer. It may take revolution.
What a bunch of FLACCID, DO-NOTHINGS
In the meantime, everyone of us should be on the phone every day. Call the house call the Senate here are some numbers I’m using. There’s plenty to complain about rant on.
But the dems don’t know what to do with a big stick..
nor do they have some secret strategy etc
never have — and i’m a dem- the last act of no plan to stop dumpster & thugs proved it .
we know what you are dems—finally we do 😔
GOP are better at showmanship than us right now. The thing is, it's not even hard to match them. Just be loud, obnoxious and disrupting, but be UNIFIED.
This I guarantee you, will get us fired up, and more of us will show up. You are WRONG! You cannot bring a rule book to a gun fight.As John Lewis once said,we need “Good trouble”!
Shame, Shame, Shame...
I'm tired of their games.
Also when he said we never applaud anything he says, we should have given a standing ovation and drown out the rest of the speech.
Also a man that said we are spending money on Trangender Mice!
Democrats proved to Trump and his goons that the Democratic leadership is feckless, spineless and will be EASY to march over!
"We might offend someone."
I could not watch the propaganda
Would have been great to see a giant orange wave of huge FALSE signs, instead we got weak and wimpy.
They looked like a bunch of teenagers holding stupid signs
Your biggest voice would have been walking out behind Al Green
Democrats are playing stupid games
Democrats missed a great change to stand up for and with Al Green!
Stop being cowards!
It was really sad to see only one Democrat demonstrated courage last night. 🙁
Weak shit Dems.......
So disappointed
not until Churchill came in - was there push back
Only a few democrats did anything, so he enjoyed watching them get escorted out. It made him feel powerful. But if he would have been interrupted multiple times, he’d have been visibly shaken. And the Republicans would sit there alone.
The GOP is still on track to win the midterms because the DNC is just handing it to them.
The Black Congressional Caucus should have followed him out and stood outside the chamber chanting NO JUSTICE NO PEACE so it could be heard inside and on air.
THAT is the consensus we MUST achieve through TAMPER FREE Midterm Elections.
How to ensure that is open to discussion but better happen NOW.
Stalin killed 2 million little by little. Had those folks are 2 million more started fighting back before their number was up- instead of hoping for the best- stalin wouldve been deposed.
Laying low is just saying “yeah, catch me later”
If you have time to post, you have time to actual make an impact.