I’ll give it a shot.
Clever.....you should try writing.
Nice one.
I read a lot but his are the only books I read holding a cross & a butcher knife..
And thank you, Mr. King, for all your books and being who you are.
do you like horror? we can always use new good horror stories
Or...maybe you are a bot, defending a bot? It's difficult to tell sometimes.
If you got my joke then I guess you're real.
• If the Shoe Fits
• Toe Truck
• The Shoelace Garrotte
Steve something? anyway I'd read a few of his books for inspiration if you're going to give it a try...
(I think his son writes too... his stuff is great too.)
I appreciated both sides of this.
(how long did it take you to come up with the retort?)
Just Kidding... I do appreciate you more... as a person? (although I have yet to complete one of your books)
Btw, I really did appreciate that none zombie movie too (still zombies)
I’ve been reading your works since I was 12. Only one I couldn’t read more than once is Pet Cemetery. The scene where the little boy gets hit by the truck absolutely destroyed me. The flying sneaker 😭😭😭
Under the Boardwalk
Like for Con voters
If you don't succeed right away, keep trying! Like most things, it takes trial and error, and practice, practice, practice!
King-ish idea 😉
I’m reading ‘Salem’s Lot for the first time and it’s great. The author is really good I think you should emulate him.
There’s this one guy? I been reading him all my life. Must of bought 40 books of his or more. An honorable lifetime of excellent work and literal years of entertainment for me.
I’d say thanks to him for the work.
So I did. It was worth the wait. But it was a long wait.
Stephen King: Welp, that's a new book written!