Depends on how far you set the timescale. Over the next few years, this is more or less what will happen. 10 years from now, I think the US is in a better place than it is now.
As a US citizen, for a while I've wanted to have other countries take on more of the US's role for a while as the best way to extend US power into the future but I guess we get to see what happens when that power collapses all at once instead.
tbh with how much of the global economy depends on china and the us, both of them potentially shitting bricks in 2025 probably means everything gets worse globally.
It's been over a century since the Civil War. Time for the country to seriously look itself in the mirror to figure out where it wants to go.
Or not and do it the hard way.
(Kind of like the UK after Brexit.)
guess it depends on how trump's meeting with xi in inauguration goes rofl