None of these skipping dipshits realize this would add so many more to the D column. In fact it would not be one state because of its sheer fucking size. R’s would not allow 2 more D senators so they cut the clout of conservatives in the plains and Rockies.
Also, to comment more on this frigg’n insanity, what do you do about Canada’s pension and healthcare systems, as well as higher Ed? If you just hate hearing Mexican or Indian at the supermarket, wait until you get a man earful of Quebec. We love special status in the US.
He's not suggesting incorporating Canada into the US. He's suggesting that they unite their economies. (This makes sense: incorporating Canada into the US would make it very hard for Republicans to win the Presidency or House of Representatives.)
He can go to hell, that treasonous bastard. I don't want the Canadian economy merged with the fucking US's! They can't do *anything* right. No. Absolutely not. Fuck him and fuck them.
Yeah, and why would Mexico in the 19th century want to join the U.S. by ceding Texas, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Washington, Oregon, and bits of Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, Wyoming, and Montana?
there’s a seam of really reactionary right wing politics in Canada, especially in the prairie provinces. a lot of right wing figures here in the us are from Canada.
O’Leary can go fk himself! He doesn’t speak for Canadians, he sure as hell doesn’t speak for me! The OLeary’s just killed 2 people without remorse or accountability! That’s the kind of person he is!
No, because we aren't for sale and it isn't liberals who sell all the stuff. Conservatives already sold Canada's sovereignty to China in a 31 year FIPA deal in exchange for the LOAN of two pandas. They remain the master negotiators.
Kevin O'Leary is just another opportunist, and doesn't speak for Canada or even the majority of the population. Non issue and doesn't deserve any type of coverage.
I'm looking forward to the new 51st state, with 40m people and half the GDP of CA, that votes firmly to the left of the US norm, with 54 electoral college votes and 2 more senators. Who are furious about losing their single payer health care.
Yeah there’s not a chance in hell anyone up here would adopt the racist electoral college system either. So look forward to the parliamentary system, official opposition parties, and an ongoing push for proportional representation. 👍🏻
Mostly about PEI. it's 1/3 Rd the pop. of WY
NL is sus, too (the pedants are saying it isnt a maritime) But NS is actually kinda fine.
Also, they tend to be old-fashioned (not crazy) conservative, don't they?
Genuine question, like all Americans I know way too little about Canadian politics.
Don't many of the territories have treaties from when they joined Canada where they are guaranteed a certain number of senators regardless of the population, and ar least as many representatives as senators?
That'd be 24 senators from Ontario, 24 from Quebec, 24 from the Maritimes, 6 senators from each other province, 1 senator from each territory, and an equal number of reps...
13 states and several amendments to the Amendments to the US Consitition and we are in.
1) ERA
2) Abolish the 2nd Amendment
3) Single payer health care protected in the constitution.
4) Citizens United overturned and Canadian campaign finance rules adopted.
5) CBC and NPR merged and financed by Fed
Mr. tRump and his junta will try to finagle it so that Canada is treated as occupied territory in all but name, so they won’t have to consider any of that.
I still don’t want to become part of the US
I like going places and not worrying about being shot
I like my PM and don’t want any part of your orange overlord
I like knowing women have Rights to any healthcare needs/wants
I like my healthcare
I like having a climate change policy/plan
Kevin O'Leary doesn't even have any say in this. This would be like if Andrew Yang announced he was flying down to Paraguay to discuss selling them Montana in exchange for strategic unicorn reserves.
Pretty sure if you're asking about the British royal family and unicorns its a Prince Edward kind of question. Even so, aren't they deeply enough in backbiting and crashing their own economy to own the libs that they're going to be too distracted to notice?
Canada is a constitutional monarchy, so government (Trudeau/Liberal party etc) is separate from head of state (K Charles III). Like, I *think* this is all just some dumb theatrics power-play distraction, but no idea for sure.
I thought leadership in Canada was determined by monomachy but instead of fighting to the death it was who could consume the most maple syrup in an hour?
Confused Canadian here: I wonder about this too, it's never come up before, I have no idea, and haven't been able to find any information. This is truly the dumbest timeline. It feels like a big troll game, but who tf knows.
They have something called Logan’s Law in the US that applies to US citizens only. We don’t have such a law in Canada and until Stephen Harper and his minions came along, it was never an issue. No sensible American president would ever entertain such an unvetted idiot as Kevin O Leary.
The post has been phrased in such a way that it is a foregone conclusion that Trudeau will even be negotiating. They're playing politics with the general population via social media. It's insanity.
I do kind of wonder how the libertarian/militia types are seeing this apparent attempt to create the North American Union they’ve always freaked out about
Nah, Right wing libertarians will always collapse into fascism because their framework is built on might makes right. They have no issue with big government, as long as it lets them do whatever they want.
A libertarian ex-friend lamented gov't intrusion and the need for the 2d Amendment. I said I've seen the 6th Am. stop the government, but I've never seen a pistol make a good argument in court.
But worse, those buying an armory will become the very oppressors that they say they hate.
This is why we don’t need ice breakers. We will compete with the 3 day SMO master genius on the world stage with melting ice craft carriers taking Greenland and Canada while ignoring North Korean troops in Europe and a potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
I keep trying to tell people this isn't happening. It'll go like the War of 1812 where half of the units just refuse to mobilize and a bunch of lefty weirdoes like me make a mess of the freeways to jam up military traffic.
Going to need a long essay on the historical unity of Americans and Canadians, which is artificially the product of malevolent British forces. Then an extended televised Oval Office rant followed by a special military operation.
The slow, predatory smile that spread across my face at the thought of Mike Johnson and the Orange Man having to negotiate with Quebec :D :D which has *famously* never given anglo leadership any heartburn whatsoever :D :D :D
In under what authority does he think he can negotiate this? It would be like me trying to negotiate a merger between Ford and GM, despite the fact I don’t own any stock either company and haven’t been hired as a negotiator by them.
A MAGAT told me residents of the state of Canada would have to lose their healthcare, because the ‘rest of America’ wouldn’t want to be paying taxes for them to be covered. So they’d have to lose it, so things can be even…
That's typically how attempting to forcibly take control of another nation against its people's wills works.
I'm personally hoping Trump's just blowing smoke, cuz if he's not then what follows would likely be the worst political move in American History (and that's a HIGH bar).
Another question. Would residents of the state of Canada give up their maternity and paternity entitlements currently offered in the country of Canada?
I said that too, and I was told that Canadians may be receptive becuse they’re already going to the US for specialty care since the wait times in Canada are so long!
Nah, it's an excuse for right-wing assholes in Canada to take away all our social progress.
No more constitutionally enshrined gay rights, no more constitutionally enshrined women's rights, no more health care, no more high quality public education, etc.
Very little winter here this year, unfortunately... The first snow fell on 26/11. Been raining the last couple days. They had to refrigate the big tobogan slide. :(
It'll get cold again in a few days, but there won't be any real winters in the future, I'm afraid. :(
I personally really like Ottawa, it’s a nice city for nerds with lots of museums and the Rideau canal is amazing (sadly I don’t think that you can skate on it this winter…)
We can do that? In that case, I would also like to travel to another country to chat about a merger that will never happen. Somewhere nice, preferably. I’ve heard Sweden is beautiful, I’ll start there.
Quelle surprise. (I sat next to O'Leary at a business bash in early/mid 2000s. I recognized him but didn't say so. He introduced himself as being from Boston. He'd run a company there in the '90s, but this was long after. I got sense he felt implying he was American made him sound more important.)
Also, no you skipping dipshits.
Oh . . . so, the wanting part is optional . . .🤔
Also, America is not falling.
Also also, I like Canada. Just dislike logical fallacies.
Please, I want someone higher up to be held accountable for this nonsense
Seriously, as an earlier King Charles could tell you, you need to stay on top of this shit
(And he was driving the boat)
Deny. Defend. Depose. Canadian version. 🇨🇦
##LuigiMangione #freeluigi #whosnext
#whosanext #BryanThompson #UHC #UnitedHealthcare
Anyway his ass should be in prison.
Oh they didn't mean like that?
(Disclaimer: I don't think "merging" countries like this is a good idea, or even possible.)
NL is sus, too (the pedants are saying it isnt a maritime) But NS is actually kinda fine.
Also, they tend to be old-fashioned (not crazy) conservative, don't they?
Genuine question, like all Americans I know way too little about Canadian politics.
(Not trump, he cray)
stand down (not trump)
(I was very much joking about the unforeseen demographic change Trump apparently wants)
It would certainly be a shakeup!
1) ERA
2) Abolish the 2nd Amendment
3) Single payer health care protected in the constitution.
4) Citizens United overturned and Canadian campaign finance rules adopted.
5) CBC and NPR merged and financed by Fed
7) Canadian Thanksgiving adopted
8) 3 downs for football
I like going places and not worrying about being shot
I like my PM and don’t want any part of your orange overlord
I like knowing women have Rights to any healthcare needs/wants
I like my healthcare
I like having a climate change policy/plan
I guess what I mean is, will there be a Canadian Declaration of Independence if they can strike a deal on the unicorn reserves
But worse, those buying an armory will become the very oppressors that they say they hate.
Still true.
Younger politicians.
As an American, I wouldn’t want to inflict the USA on Canada.
Yeah, this is treason, and I am getting them real tired of these wealthy a-holes screwing us over.
On this topic English and French Canadian are united, we will never be Americans
A MAGAT told me residents of the state of Canada would have to lose their healthcare, because the ‘rest of America’ wouldn’t want to be paying taxes for them to be covered. So they’d have to lose it, so things can be even…
So the plan is to put a boot on the neck and a gun to the head of Canadians?
I'm personally hoping Trump's just blowing smoke, cuz if he's not then what follows would likely be the worst political move in American History (and that's a HIGH bar).
But would Canadians give it up for the system, or lack thereof that exists in the US?
... Which is how long it takes to get medical procedures when you're uninsured.
I was just genuinely curious of MAGATS had actually thought about what it would mean if Trumps bat shit insane idea vomit were to actually happen.
MAGATs for some reason also seem to think that Canadians may either welcome them, or not have a choice in the matter…
WILD stuff.
No more constitutionally enshrined gay rights, no more constitutionally enshrined women's rights, no more health care, no more high quality public education, etc.
note to self....
winter vacation in canada
Going further and further to find winter every year.
Very little winter here this year, unfortunately... The first snow fell on 26/11. Been raining the last couple days. They had to refrigate the big tobogan slide. :(
It'll get cold again in a few days, but there won't be any real winters in the future, I'm afraid. :(
Oh, wait...
"Canschluss was right there, eh?"