Watching the contortionistic explanations, they give that swerve around the destruction he is rendering is mind boggling ... Denial is a dangerous thing in humans, driven by a fear so big we cannot even fathom it ...
What "MAGA agenda"! Did trump or anyone ever even say they were going to "restrain corporations" from doing anything? It's one thing falling for what should be obvious lies, but he like made up his own lies to get fooled by...
they were going to restrain corporations from observing pride month and from suspending nazi accounts on social media, but the corporations jumped at the chance to do that with very little prompting
It's like he realized he accidentally posted something somewhat rooted in reality, remembered his job is to be an "I'm not a Trump supporter but..." type of MAGA guy and had to course correct in the follow up.
Shorter Glenn: “Bad people do a bad thing. But the real issue is that it could be used as evidence by the critics of the bad people that they were right all along.”
When Hawley voted against raising the minimum wage, Greenwald spun it as the senator just being anti-Big Capital, because higher wages would be harder for small businesses to pay. You can tell he only cares about such issues insofar as they can be used as a fig leaf for his reactionary politics.
Hawley doesn’t give a fuck about workers. He’d vote for the Reduce Workers to Their Component Elements and Then Sell Them Act if John Thune introduced it to the Senate.
It's interesting that he counts people as belonging to the MAGA camp based on the ideology he prefers. When Trump receives appoints a slew of neocons and hawks to his cabinet, he dismisses them as establishment moles who work against Trump's instincts.
Glenn Greenwald is the guy that moves to another country to learn a second language, doesn't manage to, and then begins to forget his native tongue. That's all so obvious if you know Brazilian politics.
glenn imagines that the face eating leopards have read "eat this, not that" and is beside himself that they do not live in accordance with its teachings
Thought that guy was dead. They are among the dumbest of non-sentient beings and own quite a bit of maga, quite a bit.
bern and josh hawley...
I almost crapped my pants.
It's like how Jim Cramer doesn't really represent a coherent investment strategy, he just makes consistently bad investment decisions.
At least I had enough sense to bail when it became clear where he was headed???
bern and josh hawley...
I almost crapped my pants.
Trump is preparing a FULL & UNCONDITIONAL pardon for Edward Snowden.
The days of honest and open governance have arrived.