If you're mad and find yourself yelling that you want someone launched into the Sun, take a moment, calm yourself, and remember that it takes a lot less Delta v to launch them out of the Solar System instead.
You can be mad, but that's no excuse to be inefficient with propellant.
You can be mad, but that's no excuse to be inefficient with propellant.
sometimes propellent is no object
Just enough life support for a one way trip. No heat shield required. Lots of windows so they can see the featureless disc grow larger.
No toilet or even space diapers.
Cameras and audio pick ups in the cabin, so we call all watch.
We can't throw our trash out into the solar system!
And given the time to the Gas giants and back, it's a long, terrifying wait.
It makes me jealous of the Voyager probes, they're the farthest from this current bullshit and still going every day.
Just tell me they'll run into a star eventually and I'm more than happy. ;)
Even if a vehicle gets out of Earth orbit *it's still in a solar orbit". It's not just a matter of it falling directly toward the biggest object.
If you launched something either towards the sun from earth or away from the sun from earth using the same amount of energy, the thing being launched toward the sun would still eventually hit the sun… right?
I assume I’m completely wrong here but fascinated as to why
If you try to reach Solar escape velocity instead, you're already ~2/3rds of the way there - you only need ~16km/s more
It's something "Lagrange" Calvert would say, for sure.
Thanks for letting me know and tagging him for me.
I needed this.
Bonus points for the alt-text.
But you only need ~16km/s more to get out of the solar system from Earth.
Impact with the sun ensures desctruction.
That would be better.☮️
for you or for someone else that needs it.
I want the collective rage of all who
are right thinking and value all that
is just and true to rise up with the
fury of a 100,000 stone age Volcano
gods and for that rage to burn a path
through this present vile era of gutter
depravity and self-inflicted decline.
It's only an extra 12 m/s or so to kick them out of the solar system though.
It takes just a bit more to head out, on the other hand.
(The most efficient way to drop something into the Sun is to send it way out, then change its velocity to zero & let it fall.)