So, 3/5 fascist. Like the joke. There are 10 nazis sitting at a table. You go sit with them. How many nazis are at the table? There are 11 nazis at the table.
Don't panic, don't despair. Come to me whenever you need to talk or just be silent together. I will do everything to protect you.
Chin up, work hard, study. We'll get through this, eventually.
Focus on one day at a time.
Tell them the fight for a democracy never ends, and we’re not giving up. Win hearts and minds. We don’t lose until we have lost the will to keep fighting. We haven’t lost that yet. Goodness matters, kindness matters.
I honestly don't know. My 8-year-old is not part of a group that's going to be persecuted but I want him to care. I've tried so hard to teach him kindness and empathy and that prejudice is wrong.
I don't know how to tell him that people aren't actually good.
Continue being a good kid, and you don't have to join in any conversations you don't want to join. Sometimes you can just listen and you'll learn more and be better off than if you had spoken.
That things will always change. Most of the best things that have happened to me in my life I never saw coming. Pull back the camera. Things take time. Do not worry.
This was and is difficult. My 13 y/o twin daughters learned how society really views women. My 11 y/o son sobbed so hard, it scared me. All the hearts in our home are broken, but together we cling.
My kids aren’t old enough yet to have this talk, but I do have memories of what kids I knew dealt with in 2016 so I’d add in something about what to do if there’s harassment at school, to look out for friends & stick together, etc. The bullies with bully parents will be activated.
Don’t assume or maybe project that this will happen, just maybe “hey if it gets rough today, if people are being unkind, stay near your friends and text me if you need me.” Or whatever.
Also maybe highlight how there *are* better countries out there, shit as things are going in large parts of the world.
So it's not a lot of years until they can get out? After this vote, I truly no longer think the US can be redeemed. You saw the damage 1 term of Trump did, and still elect him...
I have a 20yo who has already been unable to launch, and I think she's going to look at this and say "why even bother trying now" and I don't know that I'll have an answer.
I still remember my mom doing this pro-actively when the first Gulf War broke out and I have carried that as a parent in my tool kit. I think you’re spot on.
I think it’s good parenting to say something. My kid is 9, nonbinary, has a bunch of trans friends (as well as trans dads) and they are worried. We’re in Australia where it’s dinner time. They asked me what will happen if Trump wins, and I told them a lot of people will fight.
I am back up out of bed now bc I’m trying to figure out exactly this.
I also feel like I need to say something about being cautious right now because bad people will feel emboldened. And I hate that I feel I need to say this. But also am worried if I don’t…
It’s not weird, it’s excellent parenting. I never thought we would need to prep our children to be a sort of underground railway for pregnant girls, trans folk and kids of all sexualities but fuck it here we are.
I talked to him about it tonight. He's terrified because he's openly trans. He knows his dad & I will protect him no matter what, but I also pointed out that our state still has a dem governor, as does the state we plan to move back to in the next year or so. It's helpful we're in a blue state.
Similar here and she’s old enough to understand what’s going on. Hug them hard. Good ideas, they need to know we love them and wont let anybody hurt them. This is a symptom of ignorance and hatred, they don’t get any better if we give up on people
I would say "reasonable" rather than "fine" because it's a rational response.
I don't know what I'd say if I was able to talk to my child but I do know my adult best friend is freaking out and I had to talk them off another sui cliff today.
IDK what to do 🇦🇹's gov't is just as bad but might have to
It's already tomorrow on this side of the Atlantic. My child asked who won. Noted my hesitation in answering and automatically assumed it was Trump. Some swearing followed, but after the venting was done I gave a lil talk about how it's important to be kind, fight injustice and racism, and so on.
My main thing was reinforcing the idea that just'cuz a bully won doesn't mean that we win in life by being one; to remember her worth and that is never ok for men or other women to talk about women in the way he does. Finally, we'll do our best everyday. He's not a reflection of our loved ones.
Jimmy, thank god that you won't return without your jimmy!!!
Jenny, don't get used to all of this learning that your brother gets. Yes, you're walking home!
Only your brother truly deserves to ride the bus home!!!
This is my question as well. We just had a huge discussion before they went to bed about why we don’t support Trump (my kids are younger). I don’t know how to explain this in a way which isn’t painful.
I think it's going to be painful.. I think it's okay if it is painful, because kids at school will probably be rubbing this in others faces. We don't have to support who got elected... we are allowed to disagree and keep pushing for better. Idk what I'm going to say either honestly....
Chin up, work hard, study. We'll get through this, eventually.
Focus on one day at a time.
I don't know how to tell him that people aren't actually good.
Even people who hate and slur me... which is hurtful and causes anxiety... getting angry forever would just turn me into them, imo.
Remembering to want a good life for myself and everyone else helps me.
Most people are not as bad as we think they are, they've just been failed by the system and misled, and vote with different priorities.
-How are you feeling?
-We love you. We’ve always got your back and will keep you safe.
-The people we love are too important to give up on. We will work to keep them safe.
-It is fine to be sad or angry
So it's not a lot of years until they can get out? After this vote, I truly no longer think the US can be redeemed. You saw the damage 1 term of Trump did, and still elect him...
I also feel like I need to say something about being cautious right now because bad people will feel emboldened. And I hate that I feel I need to say this. But also am worried if I don’t…
I don't know what I'd say if I was able to talk to my child but I do know my adult best friend is freaking out and I had to talk them off another sui cliff today.
IDK what to do 🇦🇹's gov't is just as bad but might have to
I mean -- that's basically it.
Jenny, don't get used to all of this learning that your brother gets. Yes, you're walking home!
Only your brother truly deserves to ride the bus home!!!
I wish I could give a better answer but I don't know what I can even tell anyone right now.