theres this one level, 2-something i think, in sonic frontiers that i really enjoyed
dont really have a feel for whats what in community stuff though so i cant say if it actually falls into the category described
tbh i think all those bits are better in generations (its generations green hill act 2 but only the 2d parts) so i dont really have any particular fondness of that level lol
every fight in bayonetta 1 lowkey like people usually focus on cutscenes and the obv famous pussy bomb but theres so much more to bayonetta fights i wish people talked abt them more
The Cave of Dolls in Evil Within 1 always stands out because when i first saw it, not only was it visually striking, it reminded me of the eclipse from Berserk and REALLY got my anxiety going lmao
Gotta go with Kingdom Valley. As much crap as 06 gets for being rushed, I do genuinely think the level design is really good for a ton of the stages. Plus, dude, you run across a waterfall. How fucking cool is that!? 🤣
Haunted Ship is so cool idk what else to say.
Running though shipwreck after shipwreck while ghost ships in the background fire at you is so cool.
And the music? It’s funky as hell.
Really wish it was reimagined in a Generations sequel, boosting across the water would be amazing.
red mountain from sa1 is super cool. the outside is so pretty and knuckles' best level from that game and then you go inside and like. the weird prisoner guys and the song and the graves and its all just soo cool.
Gonna say Dead Simple from Doom II. A relatively small box where you are introduced to 2 new enemies, both the Mancubus and the Arachnotron, in a very intense and very cool battle, especially on Ultra-Violence!
The mission in Halo Reach where you fly the Saber in space combat
Lady Boyle's manor from Dishonored
The haunted house in A Hat in Time
I really love levels that redefine core game play mechanics in a new context and I wish they got more love
The first time you hit one of the music levels in rayman legends especially when you didn’t know it was coming was a really amazing experience. there are rhythm games entirely based around music who don’t do as good of a job integrating music into gameplay as some of those levels do.
Caustic Cavern from borderlands 2. This place is awesome, the whole area is basically a huge island surrounded by a lake of acid inside a massive cavern with all these roots hanging down from the ceiling. It's lore is some of the best in the series and is also home to the famous minecraft easter egg
rainbow ride 100 coins
tick tock clock
water hazard and highway 17 in half-life 2
is launch base underappreciated? idk
sky troops, cosmic fall, and probably a bunch of other levels in shadow the hedgehog
most of thy flesh consumed in the ultimate doom (i say most bc e4m6 is not a good level)
fair lol. i do think some of that, intentional or not, is pretty silly. like shadow's amnesia is so powerful that at the start of one of the levels he cant remember if he's SEEN A BLUE SKY BEFORE despite THE INTRO HAVING A BLUE SKY IN IT
All play only the vbucks missions ( who have the founders pack ) or battle royale in Fortnite.
Save the world have a drama storyline introduced by quests but none cares.
Not a big Elden Ring fan, but I do NOT see the Leyndell Catacombs get brought up enough, genuinely one of the most creative dungeons From has ever made
it's not quite a stage but the duel mission in Nioh 2 where you just fight a single swordsman 1 on 1 with wooden katanas in a little ring is one of the most confident and well-executed combat sequences i've ever experienced. there's no QTE or unique triggers. you just fight 1v1 and it rules
I’ve always had a soft spot for final chase, once you get ahold of the gravity mechanic it’s a ton of fun and the cinematic moments where you fly over the stage are really cool. It’s a shame it gets so much less love than final rush
Are we talking "cool environment" or storytelling? Because if the latter, Skye Larsen's home from "Watch_Dogs Legion" has stayed with me to this day. Like a playable Black Mirror episode. Such a brilliant sequence that nobody talks much about because the game it's in is sorta mid.
dont really have a feel for whats what in community stuff though so i cant say if it actually falls into the category described
only complaint is i wish it was just a titch longer
frontiers is the first sonic game ive [partially] played in ages
Running though shipwreck after shipwreck while ghost ships in the background fire at you is so cool.
And the music? It’s funky as hell.
Really wish it was reimagined in a Generations sequel, boosting across the water would be amazing.
Lady Boyle's manor from Dishonored
The haunted house in A Hat in Time
I really love levels that redefine core game play mechanics in a new context and I wish they got more love
i should change this.
also the name "bingo highway" is rly funny to me
tick tock clock
water hazard and highway 17 in half-life 2
is launch base underappreciated? idk
sky troops, cosmic fall, and probably a bunch of other levels in shadow the hedgehog
most of thy flesh consumed in the ultimate doom (i say most bc e4m6 is not a good level)
there are a lot of parts that are wacky goofy, but to me theres more that arent
Save the world have a drama storyline introduced by quests but none cares.
You are literally plying as the antagonists, leaving destruction in your perpetual wake. It's like if Katamari was malicious Fantastic.
Tbh I’m pretty sure part of why I like it more than final rush is that I can A rank it more reliably and that makes my perfectionist brain happy lol
okay but fr, I would say probably Cyber Track from Sonic Advance 3
Connecting the towers, goin into the temple to unlock the blue eco fountains and that fucking fishing minigame that is stuck in my brain
Also the coin fortress in World 7 of Super Mario Brothers 3. I loved running through and getting all the coins.