Single rulebook or suite?
So there’s this new game with a n new(ish) system based on a bespoke fantasy world. Mid crunch rules. Detailed world.
They’ve decided on Letter (8.5 x 11) format, print and (bookmarked) PDF.
As a consumer do you want a single rulebook or a suite?
Single rulebook or suite?
So there’s this new game with a n new(ish) system based on a bespoke fantasy world. Mid crunch rules. Detailed world.
They’ve decided on Letter (8.5 x 11) format, print and (bookmarked) PDF.
As a consumer do you want a single rulebook or a suite?
I sit on the bus and type. If someone replies I’m happy.
When the youngest tired ran his module it taught me a lesson. The first goblin captured revealed the story behind the dungeon. This made it more fun.
(Random rolling FTW - unless I’ve written the rule myself & thoroughly understand them.)
If you’d prefer multiple products, which ones do you want to see?
Players book, Referees book, Bestiary, “Hack” versions for use/reference at the table…
Those who chided me yesterday for not - in the past - doing as a writer what I now propose are quite right. I’m here to learn.
But, me, I’d want a book to give my players.
At the table resources should be printed on the character sheets.
Crucially they should all be published at the same time!
If I like the game I might buy a full colour almanac or omnibus later.
So. New games in? Single core rulebook or suite? If suite, which books do you want?
- Core task resolution
- The aid mechanic
- Metacurrency spends
- Recovery
- How to die
- Grapple rules (kidding)
- ...
6. End
If binding the content into a single book is impractical for to page count reasons, that's too much content for me.
For "what about players reading secrets?", don't have em read it. Or have a game where there are no secrets as such, any that exist can go in adventures
(Have I got right that Spectaculars is something like this?)
DnD players (me!) want to look at the shiny options available.
Everyone else (including me) just wants to play without having to know anything. Maybe a single rule sheet.
As a GM? I resent being given homework. Don't make me learn a setting!
It's tricky.
A single book with everything in it.
But also, a separate, smaller book with just the player stuff in it (no more than the single book, just separated out).
Some players buy the cheaper, smaller book, some buy the bigger, all-in book.