1/ It appears to me that having been unable to meet their election promise numbers, they are using every trick in their playbook to appear like they are dealing with illegal criminals even though that is not the case. In order to keep fealty going, they must deliver
2/ lies, mistrusts, propaganda, $200 million ads with ICE Barbie Kristi Noem, photo ops at Guantanamo Bay,…
In his first three years, the Obama Administration deported 1.18 million v Trump in his first three years of his first term, the Trump Administration did not exceed 260k/year.
@reichlinmelnick.bsky.social did the judge’s order have jurisdiction if they never allowed her past secondary? If so I’d expect her to be brought back to the US shortly. If not… not sure.
There have been many court orders blocking actions by the Musk/Trump Syndicate. That's all well and good, but the problem is, for the most part, the orders are being ignored. So now what?
Seems like a pretty big whoopsie that the founders didn't build in enforcement mechanisms for the courts. (I know its the doj but clearly each branch needs its own).
I think all of us should march to the police station in Washington DC and make a citizens arrest on Donald J Trump at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Charges: breaking laws enacted by congress and human rights offenses.
They are not going to obey court orders. Who's going to enforce them? The President could always provide a pardon. The system is flawed with a dictator in charge as long as Congress is complicit.
Us lawyer here. The framers of the constitution wanted everyone in office to be rich men w an identity of interest in maintaining the system. They did not think the system would function with political parties. They formed inside of ten years. Then we had a civil war. Our Constitution's dumb.
People relied on tradition, and assumed politicians would be too embarrassed to break the law. Founding fathers couldn't imagine a president all out of f*cks.
Congress is supposed to exercise oversight over the executive, ultimately through impeachment and removal, if necessary. They are largely supine, particularly the Senate.
One thing that has been proven. All of those 2nd Amendment absolutists who insisted that they were protecting against government tyranny, were full of shit.
I have a friend who parrots that shit and I remember telling her "so you think its a get out of jail free card for opening fire against cops and soldiers?" And you could tell she really did think that but it conflicted with her back the blue bumper sticker. Two propagandas collliding. 🥴
Most LEFTIST 2a peeps have been sittin at "ALDO RAINE WHEN?" for over a decade...They just know that if they DID "DO SOMETHING" th whinyass "Liberals" that have been screechin for "sOmEoNe tO dO SOMETHING" will continue to do NOTHING as that leftist's particular minority group gets scapegoated
That being said, I don’t think it’s smart to unilaterally disarm in a political environment where right-wing paramilitaries are FOR SURE going to start executing state-approved terrorism at the direct or indirect behest of Trump, et al.
She’s not on US SOIL the minute the tires touch down she was on AMERICAN SOIL!! This justice department immigration should be ashamed of themselves for treating her like this 🤬🤬
Seems we are at Constitutional crisis!
Please listen to us.
@chrismurphyct.bsky.social please tell them👆🏾
That’s a constitutional crisis-Trump spitting in the eye of the American public-next Trump will Seize journalists and put them in Guantanamo-then Jews , -then Catholics-either we impeach Trump now or we burn in the gas ovens. Can’t be passive no more, forget Mama’s apple pie, the shit is on.
It really does seem cruelty is the point. If you're in the country, they deport you as quickly as they can get away with it, for any reason or no reason. If you're coming in to visit, they imprison you rather than reject your entry.
She’s a medical doctor working w/people w/kidney disease. She was affiliated to Brown University Medical.
This is straight up racism & sexism. She was literally helping Americans who are sick
This is ICE increasing deportations as quickly and as much as possible. They will happily screen and deport folks arriving at international airports as an easy and lazy way to identify and boot out these folks. No need to search out and affirmatively take action, just let them all come to you!
There are at least 2 Germans, a Brit, and a Canadian in the news for being in detention facilities rather than being deported. One of the Germans, like Dr Alawieh, is a green card holder. For people of color, the U.S. has always been a police state. Today it is an authoritarian police state.
Of course, she WAS on "U.S. soil." There is no such thing as a "no man's land" at an airport. Sure, there are restricted or security areas, but they are all in the United States of America, not some other country's territory. The test is to ask if she was not the US, then in what country was she?
‘Later Friday, U.S. District Judge Leo T. Sorokin issued an order saying Alawieh could not leave Massachusetts without 48 hours' notice to give the court time to “consider the matter.”
It’s unclear if the order reached immigration officials in time.’
Hello Natasha
I know that you do not publish many campaigns, but things get worse if you can help me, I will be grateful to you all my life if you cannot excuse me for annoying me💔😔😔
In his first three years, the Obama Administration deported 1.18 million v Trump in his first three years of his first term, the Trump Administration did not exceed 260k/year.
We already knew that though.
Please listen to us.
@chrismurphyct.bsky.social please tell them👆🏾
This is straight up racism & sexism. She was literally helping Americans who are sick
It’s unclear if the order reached immigration officials in time.’
I keep saying MAGA is pushing us to our last resort, which is violence.
Be prepared.
Or someone with measles sneezing on him. Sorry, I already got my shots.
We must talk about this loudly and incessantly.
I know that you do not publish many campaigns, but things get worse if you can help me, I will be grateful to you all my life if you cannot excuse me for annoying me💔😔😔