#EduSky! People on a high from #ascilite24! Give me your one weird trick for spending less time on marking/feedback while still supporting students.
One of mine: ask students if they want detailed comments on summative feedback ("final essay"), then only write comments for the ones who say yes.
One of mine: ask students if they want detailed comments on summative feedback ("final essay"), then only write comments for the ones who say yes.
Really interesting idea to offer an "opt in" for detailed feedback! (Although the detailed feedback is also useful to review/ moderate across a marking team)
Having said all that, 100% agree it can be hugely demanding of time and energy, and super demoralising if not even read 🫠
Not sure how well it would work for first-year since they lack exp.
* Ask students to submit a self-assessed rubric with the assessment, & focus on elements *they* pick out as problems, or areas where they have over- or underestimated themselves.