Every time I wrote about my home state, readers would just be like "F-- Texas, throw the state away", not realizing that what I was trying to do was show them what was going to happen nationwide.
That money is king, that people, yes, are cowards, and that "rules" are made to suit the powerful.
That money is king, that people, yes, are cowards, and that "rules" are made to suit the powerful.
Yes! I grew up in TX and distinctly remember, when researching my thesis on Italian fascism in the early 2000s, seeing common threads in TX GOP politics. I’ve been in disbelief about how slow people have been to see what is happening for what it is.
People who talk like that are tools.
And I realized: Northern contempt for the South is fundamentally just like white mainlanders' contempt for Haiti. "Those savage people...!"
No wonder they annoy me the same way.
It is the American South where fascism, segregation, and terror reigned supreme -- and the tools for fighting this will come from the South as well.
Lurk, don't inject or react.
Interrogate any defensiveness that may occur.
Rinse/repeat until the fear subsides.
(not meant as anything other than a road map to finding the answers you seek)
The rest of us are going to have to learn to follow your lead.
Signed, a North Carolinian.
Present threats are spread out geographically: mass media encourage racial identitarianism; international companies love exploiting the backward Yanks.
This chronic pain in my side has been doggin me since the state surrounding me was YeEeeEE-HAWin it up when George W. Bush ran in 2000, and I guess it’s just never going to get any better. 😞
Oh, I felt this. I did.