Was a time when "plan the lesson" meant "plan multiple lessons for each period for different children in long form writing, produce a colour coded mark sheet, a context for learning sheet, an annotated seating plan and have all this ready in case someone wanders in."
Some things are better now!
Some things are better now!
What is there more of now, do you think? Where have we gone backwards?
There's lots more emails!
... who expects? OFSTED? Parents? Mythical creatures? Rodents of unusual size?
You keep using that word "expected". I don't think it means what you think it means.
Trips, photographs, sporting events, clubs, etc all used to require very limited additional paperwork/time.
That's not a loaded question, it's something I've thought a lot about since returning from teaching abroad.
Life is so much easier when these things didn't exist, but you're very glad of them on those few occasions when necessary.
We need to plan curriculum like nobody's watching...
Planning is often given to teachers through a scheme, but they adapt it for them.
The majority of marking is done at the time, in the lesson and given verbally. Long written marking comments are usually pointless in primary.
However, I do see at secondary a certain amount of deflation amongst the student population when the books don’t even have a tick or some sort of signal that their work has been seen and assessed. Managing that from a whole class sheet is very tricky, especially when addressing mistakes.