I was curious if there is a case to revoke citizenship beyond "we don't lie this person" (probably not a good basis tbh). It looks like no? In 2017 the Act was changed so that even "high treason" is not a method of revoking citizenship (link: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2017/10/changes_to_the_citizenshipactasaresultofbillc-6.html) https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/elon-musk-citizenship-petition-1.7466278
Thanks for clarifying.
Like whether Canada should cede our sovereignty.
Or whether we should allow two-tier citizenship to become a thing.
Leave it outside the Overton window.
That should help set a precedent. Identify Musk as a Nazi like they did with Oberlander. He's making it easy enough to prove he is.
Perhaps the other argument to be made is that he's not upholding his responsibility as a citizen based on the oath he would have had to take.
Is that a door we want to open as a country? Are we looking at populist movements worldwide and saying "you know what would be good? Public votes on whether you get to keep your rights as a citizen"
If you get enough signatures, does it automatically happen?
In California, enough signatures will get a measure on the ballot and then the public votes on it. If it passes, it becomes law.
Is this like that process?
“call upon”=petitioners do not have direct power to make it happen. It’s an open letter signed by lots of people, yes?
There are more than enough reasons for it to be revoked.
A more petty argument is that if Musk becomes involved in actions against Canada, as a Canadian citizen, he could be charged with treason.
This would likely improve the behaviour the other 70 or so folks, and not harm them too much.
And would be kind of fun.
The beauty of Canadian citizenship in our liberal Western democracy (an endangered species these days) is that we don't differentiate between born and naturalized. Doing so makes us like the authoritarian states we never aspire to be (that Musk admires).
I signed the petition anyway because of the message it sends and the press it will get. I don't expect anything to come out of it other than that.
That's how it should be, even for people we don't like.
We have other penalties for crimes.