Maybe it’s time for Canada to become a republic- I think there’s going to be increasing support for saying goodbye to a monarchy that cosies up with an aspiring expansionist dictator. Reminds me of Edward VII’s adulation for Hitler.
The bottom line is that we are absolutely screwed because our nuclear deterrent is controlled by the US. How the hell we get out of that God only knows.
And you don't think canada is worse off? We have no nuclear weapons at all. And the nuclear power south of us is threatening us. Yet we are standing up to fascism
Wow, so the US is their closest ally and Canada is merely an important ally and he doesn't seem to care one bit that we are being threatened. Good job by the interviewers tho in questioning him and not holding back
It’s not that you aren’t our close ally, it’s the fact that we are attached military because they have half of our nuclear subs and they have the control over them as well as the intelligence agreements. We really are quite fucked.
Canadian here, and I agree with the point you’re making (all of us are in the same boat). Starmer will pander to the US b/c he calculates this is the best way to defend the UK’s interests. Ultimately you will get screwed. donald has no respect for anyone who panders and you will find this out.
We've been pias weak.
And we ALWAYS will be vis a vis America. I think we would NEVER severe ties with US sadly, military or intelligence or economic, as we are so mentally and physically entwined in our one way special relationship.
Sad but there it is. Not backed Canada at all.
Very glad to see Starmer facing tough questions over this insanity. Our fucking Sovereign having dinner with the fascist trying to annex our country. UnFuckingBelievable.
you absolutely do not have to hand it to these people, they've only angry about manners here, not policy. maitlis, sopel and goodall are all dreadful in their own ways
You are not on your own on that one. 😡 He was supposed to be the change that UK needed after all the awful Tory years! What is the point of being part of the Commonwealth if they don’t have your back??Might as well have Boris Johnson back! #cdnpoli #ukpoli #uspoli #traitor
News Agents are the best. Found their voices after leaving Tory-led BBC news. But 2nd visit is unnecessary. Maybe Anonymous can release the whole Jeff Ep report and we can move on?! Wonder who this is really to protect….poss Andrew who wants to stay on the right side of 🍊?
The US joined WWII because of Pearl Harbour. At that point, their Navy was almost obsolete. They needed the rest of the world if they were to defeat Japan
That’s the ONLY reason they joined WWII
Up until a few days before, they were still refusing to help Europe
Never Forget has a new meaning
The outgoing one was not. Being charitable, good chance he's buying time to prepare for the US leaving. No amount of hard or soft words will change that, but time is a finite resource.
UK independent nuclear deterrent is clearly not independent, then. That’s the bottom line here, I suspect. Quite apart from being too bound in with the US in intelligence. Time to unpick the knots.
Empires gotta empire. Until, of course, they’re weak and cowardly and desperately kowtowing to a moronic orange sociopath with dreams of fascist global domination.
You are our brothers. If you don't think that we will have your backs, or that Britain is currently desperately trying to keep Trump quiet for long enough for the free world to prepare to defend itself against him, you're wrong.
Trump has consistently only liked four things: Italian suits, golf, Scotland, and the British royals. That gives us and by extension Canada two priceless diplomatic advantages: all we have to do is wave a visit to Balmoral under his nose and the imbecile sits down for a while.
I’d love to be wrong. But right now, all indications point toward Britain bending the knee to the Orange Mussolini. At what point does the international community recognize that Trump’s ego will always demand more. The more ground you give, the more he wants. Policies of capitulation, 1/3
containment, or compromise do not work. Every nod is approval. Every hand shake is a promised concession. Every state visit is a validation and tacit endorsement of tone, temperament, and tactic. Starmer is wrong. Rapprochement is wrong. Ask anyone in North America. We’ve lived it. This is a 2/3
failure of leadership. It is cowardly. It is treacherous. It is foolhardy. And it is an insult to tens of thousands of Canadians who lost their lives defending the UK and Europe from the first incarnation of fascism. We remember Neville Chamberlain. 3/4
Nope. Not a chance. Anti-Americanism has long been a dormant force in British as in all European politics and it is now on the rise. Besides which unlike with Germany in the 1930s nobody but nobody thinks that America is a wronged nation with legitimate grievances and leigitimate territorial claims.
No, it’s that we are fucked by the fact that our military defense is jointly operated with the US and they have control over it including 50% of our submarines that are docked in the US. Plus our intelligence services depend on the US. We are screwed.
Really makes you wonder what the point of the commonwealth is. 🤨 How are we supposed to expect them to come to our aid, or NATO for that matter, with bull💩 like this going on?!? Are we seriously on our own? What’s the point of treaties if no one follows them FFS.🤬
#Wolverines indeed. 😣
Like I said before. Next time UK needs help to push back fascist bombing the shit out of them, Canada will be watching and laughing with them at the joke of "annexation". Starmer is another Putin puppet and a POS. We will not die for you anymore. Traitors to democracy.
Here, found his spine. Perhaps you'd like to pass it along to him from the citizens of Canada. Please stop referring to the US as your closest ally and that you fought wars with them. We fought wars with you. We are your closest ally. They jumped in at the last minute. At least get that part right.
Canada fought with us for years before the US ever got involved. Canada stood with us out of choice, friendship, and loyalty, while the US only ever got involved because they were pushed. They would've happily sat out both world wars if they could've gotten away with it.
Exactly! We always jump in to defend our allies. They sit back and wait until they can pop in at the end to try to look like the heroes that fixed everything. It's such bullshit.
Now they're not even loyal to themselves! They can't be trusted, especially since Putin got his nose into it.
Did not have PM Keir Starmer as a traitor to Canada on bingo card. Apparently Canada does not rate as high as the US in terms of trade, facing challenges, having a special relationship and lived experiences. Our allies are no more. Elbows Up Canada- we can and will defend ourselves.
And what's with Starmer referring to the Canadian Prime Minister as 'the King's Prime Minister'?! The PM answers to Canadians and Parliament, not the King.
True about the setup, but in practice, it's ceremonial. 'The King's Prime Minister' isn't commonly used in 2025. That seemed like a weird thing for Starmer to say.
Furthermore, from my experience of living in Canada and being in the US a lot; Canadians see the UK as genuine friends and allies. We're family on a spiritual level. Most Americans see us as some kind of quaint theme park at best or just an extension of American political interests at worst.
I love listening to during the week and wish we had reporters who took on our politicians like they do. They are so good at their job, and have great banter between the serious stuff. Highly recommended and informative.
uk labour is doing some good stuff, especially on housing, but also some tremendously awful stuff. and what a terrible leader. this guy literally stands for nothing
the housing stuff is one of those things where they have the basic concepts of the problem but like many governments haven't really gotten around to working solutions yet
As the UK & Canada share much deeper historic ties (we joined 2 WWs years before the US), a sovereign & we're members of the Commonwealth why's Starmer sucking up to the fascist regime who bullying Canada the Ukraine, the EU & trying to destroy democracy? You can't appease Trump, he'll turn on you.
I'm no fan of the monarchy but I know the King is constrained by his symbolic roles. He's can't intervene or even speak on issues until the Prime Minister (of the UK or Canada) requests it. Why does Starmer think it's appropriate to have our symbolic head hosting the evil who wants to destroy us?
Starmer has a knack for nailing his balls to the front of a speeding express train. He did it with "Israel does have that right" (cutting off electricity to Gaza) and he's done it with Trump. My guess is some lobbyist is committing him to support for America.
No, I don’t think so. We are horribly, almost undissolvably tied to the US because of our joint nuclear defense system, and the fact that our intelligent systems are intertwined. We really are in deeply unique shit, and there is no easy way out.
It won’t be easy for any of us in different democracies but it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise the world will be divided between Putin & Trump & it won’t be possible to remain sitting on the sidelines.
Your situation isn't unique, we in Canada are tied to them as well with our defense systems (NORAD) & they're our military equipment supplier. This fact has not prevented them from threatening us. Trump hates democracies & will threaten all of them. Canada/Greenland just happen to be the first ones
They are 10x our size in population & have the world's longest undefended border. They thought they could push us around & we'd fold. They don't know or understand us (even though they thought they did). We will not fold. Ironically, these threats have united us as never before.
British government are totally compromised by American businesses who support Turnip.
They are crawling all over our establishment from ports, free ports to the N.H.S.
Nobody walks a tightrope with Turnip he understands one thing strength to stand up to him.
With respect, I partially disagree. Our problem is that we don’t have independent nuclear facilities or intelligence agreements. I’m picking this is going to be like getting eggs out of a cooked cake.
Nevertheless we are allowing people such as Peter Thiel and Larry Fink far too much access to our systems. We have been compromised for many years on security and defence we are now allowing Britain's inferstructure to be compromised by people with strange ideas.
It’s surreal. And Quebec?! They’ve turned out be the Canadians we’re all looking up to as an example of how to fight back against Trump, while AB & SK have betrayed Canada.
Canada is forming stronger ties to the EU. If we can ship our natural resources to the UK, then we can ship them to the EU. We will pad the pockets of those that help and withdraw our goods from those that don’t. Carney won’t tolerate any political nonsense when it comes to Canada’s economy
We can never let the UK forget this - Starmer continually throwing us under the bus. Incredible naïveté thinking Trump will play nice with the UK if he just sucks up enough. And the audacity to think we are stupid enough not to realize the King extends the invitation at the request of the PM…
Yup. Every time the UK had to choose between Canada and the USA, they picked their richest and most powerfully ally. National interest first. That's how international relations work, alas. If Canada gets invaded, the UK won't lift a finger. But hey, Charles might wear a Canadian uniform that day.
Excuse US aggession because they fought with the UK? That's rich, the UK literally forced Canada to fight in WWI because they still controlled our foreign affairs at that point! Then in WWII Canada voted to join the UK within a week while the US spent another two years thinking about it.
Honestly, I don't think any country would want Trump on its soil. Inviting chaos and evil.
You'll have to sage the palace afterwards, I'm afraid, and have the Archbishop give a blessing for good measure.
He's as slimy as Tony Bliar (oh sorry i spelt that wrong). Nice he tried to blame the King. You notice he can't sit straight, it's because of the splinters he's got from sitting on the fence.
Look all the UK government wants to do is hurt people in wheelchairs and do all they can to court fascist voters that will never vote for them. If kissing Trump’s ass and making the disabled suffer is wrong then they want to be far right.
Well said, Mr. Chamberlein. Absolutely splendid.
Here's an idea. How about we give resident Trump the Sudetenland as a guarantee of peace so he stops threatening to annex countries?
Starmer has a tightrope to walk with the thick maniac in the WH, but rest assured, the good people of the UK see Canada, Europe, and Oz & NZ as closer and more reliable allies than the US.
- the loud son who’s on crack and left home telling mom and dad to drop dead on the way out the door and bullies the brother -gets treated like the favourite.
- and we are the first child who’d never dare offend their parent, always comes over for visits - and we get the shaft.
Time for Canada’s version of Canexit - break from the Commonwealth. There are other countries that may follow suit….Scotland, Australia, New Zealand…Britain doesn’t have our back, so why should we have theirs? Canadians are tired of fighting wars for other people - looking at you USA and Britain.
What the hell is he waffling about? The US is not our closest ally. It was always a one-way relationship that benefited US economic and political interests. Just fucking resign and let someone with an actual spine take over the job. Ask your Prime Minister why he is willing to destroy the UK's "special relationship" with Canada to appease a maniac who clearly doesn't give two shits about your "special relationship" with his country. Signed Canadians.
Im so disgusted with England at this moment. They’re the enemy too it looks like. What an asshat. Suck up to a fascist cause you don’t want to lose trade. I hope it bites you hard you absolute POS.
Canada should withdraw from the Commonwealth in protest. Make the British public turn on Starmer. Make him lose the confidence of his party & parliament.
Honestly I think he’s doing it himself. Cutting social services and disability supports, cutting the NHS, and giving the rich more tax breaks is peeving off a lot of left-leaning Brits.
Not sure this two-faced weasel-looking fake Labour PM needs any help sinking his boat!
I don’t think the people are on board with his kissing trumps butt. I love the humans there! It’s Starmer. I was happy he won initially but the way he’s treating Canada while he sucks up hurts. Both my grandpas fought alongside them. It’s scary and increasingly lonely feeling as a Canadian.
To be honest you don't need to do that to turn the British public on Starmer. Starmer's approval ratings are in the gutter. His current net approval rating is -32%. Most of us already want him gone.
We can't constitutionally remove monarchy. That's too difficult. But we can symbolically and publicly withdraw from the Commonwealth, the organization. i.e., the King is no longer welcomed here because of his British PM.
Abolishing the monarchy in Canada needs unanimous agreement: Parliament, Senate, & all 10 provinces must amend the Constitution. Indigenous treaties tied to the Crown add complexity. No gov’t has tried due to political chaos. Creating new head of state system needed. Possible? Yes. Likely? No.
- A pissed off Canadian.
And we ALWAYS will be vis a vis America. I think we would NEVER severe ties with US sadly, military or intelligence or economic, as we are so mentally and physically entwined in our one way special relationship.
Sad but there it is. Not backed Canada at all.
MBS/Saudi hosted Trump & Putin re: Arctic resources, US access to Russian oil & Ukraine
Starmer came across like he had no choice but to back U.S. 🇺🇸 citing security/intel.
Trump’s Intel from:
US+Israel+Musk+Zuck+ Bezos…
KS can’t even side with Canada and the EU against the US.
With allies like that, who needs an enema.
He needs to remember what Churchill said about Canada.
That’s the ONLY reason they joined WWII
Up until a few days before, they were still refusing to help Europe
Never Forget has a new meaning
Long before the US dragged itself into WWII, Canadian soldiers were fighting & dying for their British allies.
Is this what we can expect from the Brits in return? Cowardice? Equivocation? Capitulation?
Kindly go fuck yourself.
#Wolverines indeed. 😣
Now they're not even loyal to themselves! They can't be trusted, especially since Putin got his nose into it.
Why would Britain tie itself to a rogue state?
They are crawling all over our establishment from ports, free ports to the N.H.S.
Nobody walks a tightrope with Turnip he understands one thing strength to stand up to him.
and those are his good points.
What is even happening?!
Britain is in a sunk cost fallacy situation right now. France less so having maintained an independent military.
The article, along with extra links, is in this Bluesky thread. Tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬
Don't turn your back on your allies.
You'll have to sage the palace afterwards, I'm afraid, and have the Archbishop give a blessing for good measure.
Here's an idea. How about we give resident Trump the Sudetenland as a guarantee of peace so he stops threatening to annex countries?
The PM less so.
- the loud son who’s on crack and left home telling mom and dad to drop dead on the way out the door and bullies the brother -gets treated like the favourite.
- and we are the first child who’d never dare offend their parent, always comes over for visits - and we get the shaft.
Not sure this two-faced weasel-looking fake Labour PM needs any help sinking his boat!
ever....Canadians will not forget.