And now I've seen someone saying the Dutch speak "better" English than Americans and I need every European out there to go acquire a working knowledge of dialects and linguistics because shit like the Académie Française has given y'all the idea that there is a single "good" version of languages
But the idea that the version of the language that's been simplified and formalised and written in a textbook is "better"??? That's absurd.
But since their English was much better than my Swedish, we had to make do.
(For Dutch: here local dialects have long been oppressed)
they're seen as sticks in the mud at best
The Dutch love playing the game of Right so a Dutch speaker whose teachers were American speakers can fight hammer and tongs with a Dutch speaker whose teachers were British
Obviously, they are not on the right side of history 😂
Never let that die...never take someone's dialect.
Or back to the boondocks with you!
—pure ‘Merican English proverb
So-o-o many words the same, either in spelling, in vocalisation, or in meaning (although rarely all three at the same time). 😊
On a tangent note, it would be nice for ESL speakers if English kept the meanings of words it stole.
The English language is a record of the language of their colonizers & they imposed it on their colonies.
- James D. Nicoll
Want to keep that quote
Despite the fact that Limburgish is older than Dutch and differs significantly from Dutch, it was still considered a Dutch dialect until the 1990s. It has only been available on Google Translate for a few weeks.
Same sentences in 3 languages:
English: Where do you come from? I speak Limburgish, are you going to speak Limburgish to me?
Dutch: Waar kom je vandaan? Ik praat Limburgs, ga je Limburgs tegen mij praten?
Limburgs: Woo bös dich van? Ich kal plat, geise plat taege mich kalle?
-James D. Nicoll
And remember, friends, a language is just a dialect with an army.