I called Sen. Fetterman's office & asked for his support of Bernies Iran nuclear agreement. The more voices raised and speaking out, the more work that we do on human-to-human outreach, the better our chances for success.
Yeah, the Felon won’t attack this angry old whore because Bernie actually helped him win his first presidency. Bernie is just continuing the work he started, invigorating his racist white fanboys and AOC whose own chief of staff helped her bully Sharice Davids snd has ties to Peter Thiel, too.
Imagine how good it would have been if this moron got out there and did this before the election .. Four years of his whining too now .. He makes total sense but no one in going to a damn thing
Sanders, Crockett, AOC, Pritzker, Buttigieg, a few others whose names are slipping my mind at the moment. Not many, but there are some who are still working for the people.
What I would like to know, is how does Bernie not be attacked by Trump ? Bernie is openly and publicly defying him? Trump attacks for minute criticisms, why isn’t he going after Bernie? Keep going Bernie!!!
It’s 2025. The only real advocates we have currently making waves are Bernie and AOC. The Hillary’s and the Kamala’s are no where to be seen. Centrist trash in the senate and house are actively working against pushing back.
On January 20, tramp signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency at the United States’ southern border.
90 days after, on
April 20, Trump will constitutionally — through the Insurrection Act — be allowed to deploy the military against American civilians.
You tell 'em Bernie! AOC too! Love it! I'd like to see more fight from everyone else too. Becca? Peter? AND every other member of Congress who is not a fascist! We are in a fight for the core values of our country!
Join the fight for democracy! 🗳️ On Saturday, April 5, 2025 , stand up against corruption and reclaim our voice. Join nation-wide protests & sit-ins in all 50 states. Let’s make a difference together!
I was there tonight. The arena held 5,000 and it was filled. They announced that there were also about 5,000 of us outside. We waited for Bernie and AOC to come outside and see us. They were both incredible. She is the future of the Democratic Party.
The state voted overall blue in 2020 but back to red in 2024. In this area, we have a Republican representative who we’ve been trying to get rid of for years (Schweikert) but he hung on in ‘24. Hopefully the tide will turn in ‘26 and we will get rid of him.
Bernie mentioned that they are going to Tucson on this trip. Check Bernie’s website for details. Note: wherever they hold this event, get their EARLY. The lines are long.
You are headed for Denver, home to Palantir Technologies. Created by Peter Thiel. Holds major contracts with the federal government. Thiel is actually Musk’s puppet master. He and Curtis Yarvin are on a quest to eliminate democracy. Tell Denver to march at Palantir. Let it be known we will not stop!
Lazy, bitter, dumb, corporate welfare queen, sociopathic Nazi wannabes. They pretend to hate what they really are themselves. It's goddamned simp 101. What losers. The whole lot of them.
No, he didn’t. That CR just handed Trump control of the military without Congressional approval and oversight. Like with Pelosi in the first term, it just gave Trump greater power.
It can’t be true. The only resistance come from a 83 years old man Bernie Sanders. God bless him.
Fifty years ago we sagn:
“America where are you now, don’t you care about your sons and daughters.
Don’t you know we can’t fight alone against the monster.”
Bloody NRA Militarist Pro-IDF Bernie: You have
surely come a long way!
It's still sick AF that you and your VP candidate Nina Turner didn't assist Secretary Cllinton in winning the Presidency
Ok Election in
Better late than never?
Not really! Hillary
Trump is tearing down our government, setting the stage for martial law, and rejecting the Supreme Court’s authority. He wants absolute power. We must stand up now to defend democracy before it's too late!
The point of not having it is physical and financial torture. It makes rich men richer. It’s really nothing more than that. You can’t tell me any different either, Bhutan, Botswana and Pakistan all have free healthcare. If they can do it so can we.
It boils down to not wanting taxpayer money to help people they don't feel "deserve" it. Sure, even the Trump voters get screwed, but they've been told they're all super-special individualists anyway, so they'll forego even helping themselves as long as an "undesirable" doesn't get help.
Require fact-checking and evidence based reporting. Otherwise, you must be clearly labeled as "Entertainment." For years, the news has been increasingly resembling Entertainment Tonight 🫠😒
No but we should do something to stop outright lying and misinformation by those portraying themselves as "news". We need better standards and very clear labeing of false information.
You make the same mistake everybody does. You claim Trump is weak and a coward. Those comments induce American to stay put, to do nothing. Trump controls the much of the Courts, the media, the Civil Service, the purged Military, the Congress, he's FAR FROM WEAK. It'll take an effort to remove him.
Unfortunately, that form of government no longer exists in this country. Why? Because we’ve been taken over by a coup. Can anyone really argue with that?
But because we didn't properly address FOX News, we have a different form of government now.
Enjoy the fascist regime we earned by allowing it and buying their distractions and tactics.
The ceasefire had ceased.
We currently live under harsh and miserable conditions: starvation, no peace, ongoing bombs and facing death every single moment.
if politicians really cared
we would have universal healthcare
our ss contributions would be guaranteed
credit would not cost more than 10%
minimum wage would be permanently tied to the cost of living
disasters would always be met with compassion
education would be for all
integrity would matter
We were conned by the wealthy, self-seeking popularists and Russian agents into Brexit.
Look at the state of Britain now.
We have the adults back in government but it will take 30 years to repair the damage.
I look at the crowds applauding and cheering Bernie & AOC and I remember Kamala’s & Tim’s crowds acting the same…and I also remember the outcome. It’s all well and good to cheer but unless you continue that support when you leave the rally, nothing will be accomplished.
If we’re pointing fingers, Democrats should have pushed back hard on the baseless attacks on Hillary for decades. The party left her hanging out there to fight the “vast right wing conspiracy” on her own. Now look at that group.
I was a staunch democrat who hated Hillary after the shit she pulled running against Obama. She was disliked by the Republicans and half her own party. It was suicide to run a candidate with such unfavorable numbers.
I was an Obama supporter from the start and she didn’t pull sht - It was a typical primary. God I wish democrats weren’t so wimpy and easily offended. That’s our HUGE disadvantage in politics and we’ll continue to lose if we feel like losers.
It's a whole series of f-ups. Foreign interference again via social media.Trumps habitual lies.Right wing podcast & media flooding us with lies. Harris mis-steps,Bidens staff giving him a thumbs up to do a debate & was completely LOST! Too late to have a primary. Harris way too scripted. No plan B.
Voters chose a convicted felon over a well qualified black woman. All that you listed are excuses given by people who didn’t like 2 things - black and woman.
Yes! Kamala did great for having only 120 days to run. We needed a robust primary and a "white man" candidate. Know why?
Amerikka was never gonna vote for a woman much less a black woman!
(Below: a tweet from a Trump "diplomat.")
Ooorrr, channel that energy into getting everyone around you even more fired up & organized, make sure anyone you know in red or purple areas they visit next is even more excited & motivated to see them. Let’s get all current & former MAGA folks from the“find out” to the “fix it” phase ASAP!
It's like all the kids I didn't like in high school are in the US admin... The same ones that kept changing the rules when things didn't go their way. 🤦🏽♀️
I was thinking the median maturity level of the regime is more like a bunch of kids on the elementary school playground. The poor teacher on recess duty- “It’s not okay to throw sand at people.” Kids-“my daddy says I’m the boss. I do whatever I want. Also- you’re fired”
So Bernard why don't you just create a "New Form of Government"? Like a Third Party, one not controlled by the Media. "Don't wanna be an American idiot
Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mindfuck America" #GreenDay
Granted Dear Leader is a fragile little snowflake, but my question is, what form of government is this? It's not a democracy, has elements of totalitarianism, klepocrisy & oligarchy tossed in & is packaged in a 💩-film of laissez-faire Capitalism. What is it except a bad dream, a nightmare?
But what power do words have if they don't alter the outcome? You need to get Republicans, even a few, to denounce Trump and begin the cascade of rejectors. Otherwise these are just feel good moments on a path to nowhere.
No, Republicans are Nazis and you’ll never convert them. What you need are the nearly 100m non-voters who gave up on both parties long ago because they stopped caring about the people and only the Oligarchs.
"ultra white 'bern" is the main reason we are having to figure out how to deal with a seditionist in the oval office !
"the bern" is a lyin', masochist, wannabe elitist
Had "the bern" cared about democracy he would have helped elect the first woman president 👊🇺🇲
Is there any chance you and Senator Sanders can make a stop in NE Florida? We have a special election on Apr 1st for 2 House seats - @joshweil.bsky.social is aiming to flip the FL-06 seat, and if he and @gayforcongress.bsky.social in FL-01 win, it will provide better odds to block terrible bills. 😎
Trump’s a massive coward. He’s a scared little disgusting man. Notice how he always stands behind bullet-proof glass when delivering speeches now? If you have to do that because you’re afraid of The People, you are automatically assumed to be a bad leader who isn’t supporting interests of The People
This is the way. We need to more of these meetings. Organizers need to be there recruiting people so that when the time comes, we can unite and take back our country.
Agreed since both the Democratic and Republican parties are so divided and outdated, we’re so disrespected and we honestly need strong leadership, fighters and organizations while trying to regain trust once again!!! #Demvoice1
How will the media respond? By denigrating, demeaning and patronising him.
Because the media and news outlets bosses don't want to pay tax.
What a dumb species we are.
Instead they are voting for cosplaying puppy murderers to head the DHS and praising Trump’s border policy on Fox News.
They call themselves DEMOCRATS!
Virginia deserves better!
I admire him from europe
"In our form of government" It's not our form anymore!
IT'S TRUMP'S GOVERNMENT, that the GOP is helping to make, willingly!
And we went with.......Bernie Sanders.
Boy that'll bring in the new voters all right.
Fuck off. All the way off.
Max cap 2.2k
Keep on warrior Bernie!
90 days after, on
April 20, Trump will constitutionally — through the Insurrection Act — be allowed to deploy the military against American civilians.
Get banners: https://antimagaclub.com
#Protest #Democracy
Leave the dead weight of GOP MAGA DNC behind.
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ #mobilize.us and #fiftyfifty.one for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
Trump has found a way to extort money from them, and muzzle them at the same time.
Fifty years ago we sagn:
“America where are you now, don’t you care about your sons and daughters.
Don’t you know we can’t fight alone against the monster.”
Maybe stick to other issues than that one.
surely come a long way!
It's still sick AF that you and your VP candidate Nina Turner didn't assist Secretary Cllinton in winning the Presidency
Ok Election in
Better late than never?
Not really! Hillary
Thank god I live in the UK
* Free press & speech
* Fair wages & taxes
* Soc. Security
* Health care
* Environment
* Education
* Rule of law
* Checks & balances
* The rights of women, workers, voters, consumers, minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ
But because we didn't properly address FOX News, we have a different form of government now.
Enjoy the fascist regime we earned by allowing it and buying their distractions and tactics.
We currently live under harsh and miserable conditions: starvation, no peace, ongoing bombs and facing death every single moment.
I kindly ask you to he/lp us: https://gofund.me/e8789197
we would have universal healthcare
our ss contributions would be guaranteed
credit would not cost more than 10%
minimum wage would be permanently tied to the cost of living
disasters would always be met with compassion
education would be for all
integrity would matter
But I see the point. Trump supporters, you were lied to. It's not your fault, they used there positions of power to fool you. Fight back!
Look at the state of Britain now.
We have the adults back in government but it will take 30 years to repair the damage.
I just used his delusions against him 😊
Arrest #trElump
“Just Say No”
TO tЯ☭mpublican Traitors supporting Traitor tЯ☭mp & P☭tin! Remove THEM
#VerifyTheVote!! StarLink
Amerikka was never gonna vote for a woman much less a black woman!
(Below: a tweet from a Trump "diplomat.")
#truth #journalism #facts
You might want to wake up now.
Please come back Bernie, and we’ll fill another bigger arena.
They're stealing another election
#impeachtrump #lunatictrump
Ugh, I hate these fools.
Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mindfuck America" #GreenDay
Same as last time.
Four more years of avoiding actual news that we might need to pay attention to
Bless him.
He is like 83 and travelling state by state to spread TRUTH with Alexandria!
Go Bernie and Alexandria!
"the bern" is a lyin', masochist, wannabe elitist
Had "the bern" cared about democracy he would have helped elect the first woman president 👊🇺🇲
Seems Prophetic 94 years later.
Brought to you by @drharmony.bsky.social