When the judge gave his order, he told Department of Justice lawyers, "This is something that you need to make sure is complied with immediately," WaPo reports. https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2025/03/15/trump-alien-enemies-venezuela-migrants-deportations/

Secretary of State Marco Rubio retweeted this "Oopsie... Too late" post from Bukele this morning.
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This type of conduct justifies a default judgement
Ok then what? They’ll wipe their ass with the judgment unleash a torrent of death threats against the judge who issued it.
In your hypothetical, the then what is lawyers appearing for the government start getting formally censured and eventually disbarred, as a result of which eventually the Trump administration isn’t even able to defend its policy it’s in court and cannot rely on a fig leaf of legalism
And eventually they'll scrap the judiciary
AND immediate sanctions.
Rubio never had a soul.
This is where the Judge starts handing out contempt citations like they're Snickers bars at Halloween.
Please change your settings to remind you to add alt text to images. Bluesky isn’t Twitter. Everyone is welcome here including low vision folks. You can use an ocr app for long text.
Lock him up.
They need to oopsie his ass into jail then
Seems like the definition of contempt to me, but what do I know?
Defying a judge's order has been the thing most people have been waiting to happen. I can't really see any recourse for the judge. What does he do? Write a strongly worded letter? Can someone be identified as being in contempt of court?? Is this the beginning of the end?
Another component of this, the flights seemingly took off during the break that the judge gave for the DOJ lawyer to find out what was going on as he couldnt answer the time issue. When they got back, lawyer insisted on offline convo with DOJ. I somehow doubt they were truthful in that chat.
Sanctions, NOW!
Time for Judge Boasberg to issue a Show Cause Order to Marco Rubio & Pam Bondi.
Rubio respects asylum seekers the way he respects children massacred in school shootings and the surviving students and all other students in all other schools throughout the country who may well become victims in school shootings because of him.

Rubio has a dark, contemptuous soul.
None of the articles, tweets, or bleets, I have read have quoted from a "turn back" order. Do you know if the text of any such order is online?
I hope you all rot in hell
These people want Jack Smith jailed for following the law while smugly laughing at breaking the law.
Arrest him
So, who can they send to jail for this and why haven't they done it?
The arrogance of these shits is astounding!
Judges? JUDGES?? We don't need no stinkin' judges! #MarcoRubio #LittleMarco

I wonder if Marco can envision himself as an inmate in federal prison in the not-too-distant future?
There are not enough levels in hell for these people.
I'm confident Hell can sort it out, the important thing is that they end up there.
People forget...Trump may have immunity, but his underlings don't.
Bukele can’t wait to get his hands on the fraudulent, wasteful, and abusive $6million for taking the Venezuelans. Or..."oopsie", maybe Trump won't pay that bill either?
‘Oh really? Fuck off. How do you like that?’
What’s the over/under for when Rubio quits or is fired?
I have 16 months in our office pool.
I’d bet the under:)
Arrest warrants for all these bastards, plus $100,000 personal civil fines per deported person per day until they're back on US soil, to be paid to immigration defense funds.
I like it 👆🏻
Heritage Foundation fundraisers are executing the 'Second American Revolution' while Democrats follow politics as usual.
Too bad Trump & DOJ dont deport our criminals in jail. That would save tax payers a bundle and probably enough $ to send Elon home.
RubiO, what a great statement by our Secretary of State. You effing 2 year old! This guy who we thought might be a good, well average, well decent, SofS has failed HUGELY! Other countries shouldn't allow him anywhere near their country. For anything!!! Oopsie? He should have stopped it immediately!
Sorry weak and spineless little marco, do you really believe “oppsie” is the term to use to ignore a court order?
What are these “laws” you speak of, pray tell.
I believe there is precisely one traditional way Rubio can reclaim any dignity, and, failing that, he needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into Nuremberg Trials 2 after all this
The thing we do after this needs to be so massive in scope and consequence that it supplants the term "Nuremberg Trials" in the lexicon of our civilization.

We need to make a new landmark for accountability.
Hara kiri?
#marcorubio is NOT immune from his actions while in office
Biden ignored the courts (student loans)
Little Marco indeed.
I think several need to be held In contempt
The open contempt for the rule of law from these fascist douchebros is breathtaking.

Only question now is how Judge Boasberg will react to the administration effectively laughing in his face and flipping him off.

The last few years have not taught me to expect a forceful response, but …
It's ALL of them, it ALWAYS has been, they just hid it when they feared they wouldn't get re-elected. Rubio was supposed to be a 'decent' Republican, Dems unanimously voted to confirm him as SoS
Rubio HAS to be held to account for this, either by the courts or by the people.
Now what @gtconway.bsky.social ??? Listened to you and Sarah yesterday! Now what!?
I am going to remind Democratic senators, again, that they all voted to approve the nomination of Rubio to State.
We told you he would be just another ass kisser for Trump, but you had some old-fashioned idea that he would be a normie.
Are you listening to us now?
And? 51 Republicans confirmed him too.
Are the Republicans your allies?
I don't understand why people refuse to hold Republicans accountable for governing.

Why did you elect them?

So many people on here complain about Democrats but didn't give the a House, Senate or presidency.

What did you think would happen?
You voted for Republicans?
I didn't, but come on. People on here are not being honest, or they don't understand that sitting out the election or voting Stein or voting Trump and Republican was going to get us here.

I don't know why people won't call Republicans and demand that they govern. You're not explaining that.
And they’ve also not said “diddly squat” (my mom’s phrase) about ousting @schumer.senate.gov as leader.
No and they never will. They are not an opposition party
99-0 stamp of approval
Jail ?
*needle scratch*
**scene stop**

🎶baba o’riley intro🎶


that’s me

lil’ marco

coming to to the realization that i sold my soul to a syphilitic nazi lunatic for a now-worthless title i probably won’t even have in six months

you’re probably wondering how i got here…
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Revolting arrogance.
This is a 5-alarm bell. Everything has changed.

The Trump administration has intentionally violated a Court Order, and Rubio mocks the Constitutional Order.
What are The US Courts and Judges going to do if Trump and his administration Defy their Orders and US Laws, are the US Judges & Courts scare of him or are really corrupt like him or they are going apply the law and Fine Him and his administration or they are get a Hall pass like always they do?
Rubio is probably my biggest disappointment. I can’t blame the other Orange Jesus disciples - they grew up with Trump’s mushroom in their mouth, but Marco, I was holding out that this guy had an ounce of integrity. I was wrong 🥺
Rubio should not only be ashamed; he should face legal consequences.
Rubio is disgusting.
Rubio is a criminal just like the rest of the Trump gang.
The *Secretary of State* retweeted snark beneath the dignity of a fifth grader. About actions taken by our government that are likely causing irreparable harm to vulnerable human beings.
Beyond shameful.
Really, they (Rubio and Musk) think it’s funny??!! We’re talking about real humans who’s life’s are being destroyed and they think it’s funny.. this level of evilness goes far beyond my comprehension!
Rubio is a blood traitor and a disgrace to humanity.
Remember the Death Eaters use that phrase. Wrong side. 😀
I learned it outside of that universe or context? But I will keep that in mind for in the future.

But basically Rubio is awful because he hates immigrants even though his parents and grandparents are. He’s essentially an anchor baby but wants to ban anchor babies.
Pulling up the ladder is how people with his mindset have forever behaved. Despicable
A blood traitor?
His parents were Cuban immigrants and he has deplorable stances against immigrants. He is outright refusing to grant the same opportunities to other people that his own family and and he himself actively engaged with and benefit benefited from.
Thanks for explaining! To me "blood traitor" sounds like a white supremacist term, but I def agree with you on the rest of it. It's a betrayal
When you stop trying to make it make sense, you'll come to realize the cruelty is the point.
I’m not trying to make it make sense because I know I can’t.
But I do understand what you mean. Cruelty is the point and their cruelty is also one of their means to their goals.
Way to go @schumer.senate.gov this is what you voted for.
Like Ted Cruz. His family immigrated to Canada, IIRC. He took advantage of the USA and then made that door was CLOSED TIGHT!
It feels like the country is being run by a bunch of 12 year old boys with their headsets on playing Minecraft and talking smack to each other. That’s the level of professionalism. 🙄
Elon Musk also interacted with the post mocking the judge's order for being "too late," replying with a laughing emoji.

If the timeline is correct, these senior administration officials are laughing in the face of a federal judge's order.

Does “Oopsie” stand up in court?
They are. So now what
It's almost like there's a pattern here ...
The question is,who's going to make them obey the law? Anybody? Anyone?? #VichyGovernment
They are the law now.
White House director of communications too https://x.com/StevenCheung47/status/1901264604275093801
Maybe the Venezeulan “gangs” can shut up these lying dangerous POS Trump and Elon sycophants.
I mean, they’re gonna be detained, deported and then jailed in Honduras or El Salvador and then sent back to Venezeula anyway, so what’s the risk?
Do not lose sight of the fact that everything Elon Musk says and does is being said and done by a White House official.

It was a White House official who posted the comment "too late" with a laughing emoji.
The day will come when we will be laughing at these "senior administration officials" and it can't come too soon.
I would love to know how that happens.
Me too but it makes me feel better to imagine it.
@aclu.org This one too
H/t again to @adamisacson.com, whose detailed timeline here makes clear that at least THREE flights arrived in El Salvador well after the judge's order. (Two flights departed from Honduras):

They should be held in contempt, but we know that won’t happen, so jail everyone working on the mission, the pilots, etc. Make it so no one wants to go near this administration and get caught up in their illegal activities.
So what's the judge going to do? Because it seems like nothing
But hey Chuck Schumer thinks he’s gonna find bipartisan compromise from biking in the Senate gym
You can buy one ticket to his book talk for $50 or two for $75 and get sweaty with him too
I’ll be protesting with a full face covering, and my cellphone in an RFID pouch.
Non-zero chance Schumer’s team is sharing the full ticket list, and associated facial images with DHS to enable deportation of pro-Palestinian voices.
No, he doesn't. He is justing saving face to keep his money in the future dictatorship. He doesn't care about bipartisan compromise, he cares about money and status only.
Remember, we saw this exact same playbook from 08-16 when he let McConnell absolutely humiliate him for eight straight years.

I wish it were all performative and that he only was after money. It would mean he could be bought by donors with better politics.
BO's term was '09-'17. And Harry Reid was the Dem Leader. Schumer became Dem Leader in '17, + together with Pelosi, did a decent job of managing and thwarting trump in his 1st term. At least get the timeline right. Now everyone can go back to escalating conspiracies about Schumer worthy of the maga.
I think he cares about the traditions of the gentlemanly Senate, more than money.

Notice in his NYT interview he refuses to name and shame a DEAD former GOP Senator who was openly antisemitic to his face.

Why? Because he places NOTHING above the rules of the country club.
Hello my friend , I beg you. Donations are very weak and prices are very high. My family is in danger. I lost my father, my home and my job. I do not want to lose them. I beg you. We are dying of hunger.🙏🥺
Chuck Schumer in the Senate Gym shower, asking a Republican colleague when he's gonna finally stand up to Trump:
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Schumer needs to go
“We believe the order is not applicable” = “fuck off”
Impeachable offense.
In a filing Sunday, the Trump admin says that per DHS, "some" removals had already happened "before the issuance of this Court’s second order." But the admin doesn't acknowledge the judge's verbal bench order– the "immediate" one

Just one of many such exercises we can expect from Trump’s people, as I wrote yesterday. When he was out of power and faced prosecution, it was the leading power in the federal judiciary that bailed him out.

Of course his people will see what they can get away with now. https://bsky.app/profile/zathras5.bsky.social/post/3lkh2jx6eks2x
Here's another alleged violation of a judge's order, in another deportation case: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/16/us/brown-university-rasha-alawieh-professor-deported.html
Weren't ignored federal court orders the thing that even lawyer-brained institutionalists conceded would be crossing a Rubicon?

I look forward to learning why the
deported plaintiffs cannot be brought back ("they're lost in the jungle, your honor!"🤞), because I'm sure that's next.
They're doing exactly what was promised, yet everyone still acts like this is a surprise, no court, or seemingly "journalist" apparently just didn't think it would happen.
One thing the judge did note is that deportations could continue if they weren’t using the AEA as their basis - so it’s possible some of these were under a different justification.
Is the tweet meant to be 7:46 AM? (Or was it out of order in the timeline?)

Sunday, March 16 at 7:46pm Eastern
Is there a link between GlobalX and musk?
They are are saying that the people who have been sent there are dangerously terrible people
What is the truth ?
The executive order does not have a process for adjudication of whether or not the people are dangerous or terrible. There is no evidence required, no hearing to determine. If the Trump admin says they're gang members, they are to be detained and deported, no questions asked, allowed, or required.
Via @apnews.com: “Boasberg verbally ordered the planes be turned around, but they apparently were not & he did not include the directive in his written order” https://apnews.com/article/trump-venezuela-el-salvador-immigration-dd4f61999f85c4dd8bcaba7d4fc7c9af

Steve Vladeck @stevevladeck.bsky.social:
Trump admin clearly violated the “spirit” of it

(but not technically?)
“The Trump administration said the president actually signed the proclamation..on Fri night but didn’t announce it until Sat afternoon. Immigration lawyers said that, late Friday, they noticed Venezuelans who otherwise couldn’t be deported under immigration law being moved..for deportation flights.”
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video of immigrants in El Salvador

“Venezuela’s government in a statement Sunday rejected the use of Trump’s declaration of the law, characterizing it as evocative of “the darkest episodes in human history, from slavery to the horror of the Nazi concentration camps.”

I'm willing to bet Judge Boasberg will not be even a little bit amused by this adolescent and willful defiance. May his judicial displeasure be felt painfully and inflicted widely. 🤨
No development in recent memory could have been easier to predict. The question now is “will there be any consequences?”
lock him up
what happens to a normal person who goes against a judge's order? It needs to happen to Trump (and Musk) asap
They should all come back to the US
The judge should issue the arrest warrant for anyone who disobeyed the court decisions.
Yep there are no other options. No fucking around. Arrest every one of them
Problem is, who will do the arresting? He owns them all.
Local municipal police
If I were judge who wanted anyone to take my orders seriously _ever_ again, I would be hauling Rubio into the courtroom to explain his behavior, and to watch him live and in person order the reversal of this illegal policy.

Then hold him until compliance was verified.
And hold him in contempt.
The lack of buffonery and unprofessionalism from Rubio and the rest of this administration is mind boggling.

Zero self awareness, 100% self preservation.
Lock him up!

Not for this flight but it does look ooopsie too late for lil marco
@washingtonpost.com helped to put Trump back in the White House by refusing to endorse the only non-fascist candidate. I'm not reading or reposting anything from this paper unless and until it is owned by someone who isn't owned by Trump.
The verbal order from the chief judge of the Washington, D.C., District Court, James Boasberg, explicitly told the government to turn around any aircraft that had already departed the country if it was still in the air.

Ignoring the order of a federal court judge for malign purposes. Such fun! 🤔
Put Rubio in jail.
This is their plan. They're going to make the courts irrelevant by making all these rulings and cases moot.
What’s the next step?
The USA is a dictatorship. Right now. At this moment it happened. Dictatorship with a Fanta Fuhrer.
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civil contempt. hopefully the disbarment of every govt lawyer involved
They need to remove all the lawyers from DOJ so they don’t have any and so nobody wants to work for DOJ as well.
Got a gut check on how likely you think that will be?
you can bet the court will do something re: civil contempt soon. maybe set a show cause hearing first for the gov to explain itself. but not much to prove up—Rubio’s tweet is pretty clear
Not quite true - we need to know who was on those planes (e.g. whether they were subject to Trump proclamation) and what their immigration status was (e.g. did they have a final order justifying removal). Also what the lawyer knew and when.
100% agree— thanks for adding that gloss
Thanks for the insight.

I will be watching very closely.

Not an attorney but this is some scary, scary shit my man.
oh it’s 𝘙𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 scary
Huh. Alright!

I really wish our times weren’t THIS interesting.
If I were the judge, this would result in Rubio and Noem both being told to appear tomorrow and explain. They may or may not end up getting out of the courtroom without handcuffs.
Rubio has shown us how weak he is, throwing away any little bit of integrity he may have had before he decided to enable a criminal thug to destroy our country.
So, if not legal contempt, at least actual contempt....
Looks like Marco should cool his contemptuous ass in jail
I don’t suppose the Judge could haul Lil’ Marco before the court and do a little something something with contempt?
lil' Marco sez wha? backed up by the ketamine kid?
oopsie doopsie we did a facism
Its amazing that people who used to be part of the government BEFORE Dump , like Rubio, have no concern about breaking laws now. The treasonus assholes were here all along.
Where is the indignation of the media? Of our elected officials? Of the citizenry? This might be the point of no return…
They're all complicit :>

And they don't wanna accidentally start a revolution, so they're hiding stuff as much as possible
This was predictable.For years we’ve watched judges issue warnings to Trump and he skates every single time.Erosion of the rule of law has been tumbling down a slippery slope for some time.It seems no one,not judges or Democrats,wants to be the bad guy.Granted the fallout from MAGA would be huge.
That judge needs to haul them back in and ensure enforcement of her order.
Hold Marco in contempt.
Better yet, deport him; his parents are immigrants …
Maybe that will shift his boorish illegality v
The gen X douchebag that wrote that New York post headline needs to learn what gangbang means.
Daily reminder that Dems unanimously voted to approve this guy. Every single democratic senator looked at Marco Rubio and said “yep, he’s the guy for the job”.
Ball is in your court, Judge. Don’t back down.
every Dem Senator voted to confirm fascist toady Marco Rubio
Childish, obnoxious, lawless jerks are running the country.
The disrespect for the law is breathtaking and very dangerous.
The ICC should put a warrant out for Bukele.
Not surprised about smugness of defying court order…but 47 is also expected to pay for the incarceration?
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Republicans are gleefully evil, and Democrats make it possible by pretending to be the opposition.
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what, exactly , do you want the dems to do
after a lot ofreading, it looks like Schumer was correct in voting yes on the CR
see here

and here

What do you think the Democrats should do? Should they not give the courts a chance to do their job?
Democrats are fake opposition. Good Cop Bad Cop.
enjoy your day in the sun, marco, you'll be a raisin soon enough.
Should anyone need it, his Florida Bar number is 102946.

I've seen judges hold people in contempt and put in jail for ignoring lesser court orders. Though in Canada our government and courts are still mostly functional.
Put little Marco in jail for contempt. Willfully violating court orders are not “Oopsies”
Make him bring them back!
The cruelty is the point. These people are tyrants.
they have all regressed to 10 year olds under Musk
So what should happen now? Impeach Trump? Arrest Rubio? Implement fines?
Can we change the name of the Department of Justice? Something like the Department of Jesters
Nah, Jesters were important. They were the only ones allowed to criticize the king. And were essentially advisors who were also performers, and any comments on the king were a part of the act to those outside of the royal family.
Well then it can’t be Jesters because they aren’t doing any criticizing. How about Department of Jokers? Just trying to keep initials. I would hate for them to waste stationary 🤣
Seems like an inappropriate post from the SoS. My guess is that it will appear before the judge real soon.
Marco Rubio is what diarrhea would be if I could walk around and say stupid things.
Cuban-American who hates left wing dictators but loves right wing dictators openly mocking OUR Rule of Law.

Have the pocket pardons already been issued?
No pardons for civil contempt.
He’s a disgrace