I'm a Clinical Social Worker. I've served folks thousands of low income and unhoused folks during my career and I can tell you this is the absolute truth.
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When the poor have lost all of their dignity and are starving and unhoused , they will be looking for opportunities to get their needs met and I don’t think the rich are going to like it much but that’s the price of not looking after are weakest and poorest.
Thank you for airing out your complaint, we're sincerely sorry for the awful experience. Share your concern regarding our company as a direct message for further assistance.
I’m sitting on hold right now for food stamps. The average wait time is about three hours. But if you don’t do this then your application is denied. You also have to do this every single time you need to report a change that might affect your benefits.
After sitting on hold for hours I was finally approved for $23 a month because I get SSDI. God forbid that a disabled person get any extra help with food. The max you can get here is $292 a month. But you have to have 0 income. I feel like I just wasted my whole day for nothing.
Right. My mom tried to get my father in to a nursing home when he got dementia. She would have had to become destitute herself to become eligible for Medicaid. Thankfully he died before she had to do it.
Exactly! The yearly reviews you need copies of rent or mortgage and electricity bills and bank statements etc etc and all kinds of hoops to jump through.
Of course the Red hats think it's easy because they're ignorant, statistically, the red States are the states MOST on assistance!!
I’ve worked in public child welfare for 20+ years, over a decade at the local Dept. of Social Services. It is most definitely NOT easy to obtain these needed benefits.
Former RN case manger and this is the absolute truth! The only scamming I saw was from the institutions like home health agencies or DME companies to name a few NOT the recipients!
CLEARLY......I personally have never received any assistance (fortunately), however I know many people that have, and the things they have to do to receive it is like jumping through hoops. They also have to have their employers fill out a form and send it off to the government as well.
One Of Biggest Medical Frauds In U.S. History Was In Florida By A Healthcare Insurer —CEO Was Rick Scott —Now Senator Rick Scott Previous Occupation Military -Is A Millionaire! Quit As CEO —Never Faced Criminal Charges!
The “Only Fraud” Is By Medical Service Industry Over Charging And Charging For Services Not Given!! This Fraud Is Allowed-By Trump,GOPs,Elon —Also Big Business Fraudsters—Who Fired US Inspectors Who Prevent Gov. Fraud— So Trump ,Elon, GOPs, Corporations Can Rob Americans/U.S. Freely No Oversight!!
Yea, they gave my poor Father who barely had any SS because he worked for the US retrofitting warships into beach landing boats carrying equip and soldiers to war. They gave him $6.00 a month when he retired at 65 in 1980.
I happened to get paid every other week. Four times a year I got three paychecks in a month, my SNAP and Medicaid would be cancelled and I would have to go to HHS and explain and get them reinstated.
The smart people in America understand and know! They understand and know who Trump, Elon Musk and who those men in our government are! They need a good spanking, from the citizens of the United States of America! Trumps invitation to Zelensky was a set up! Today Trump became worse than Putin! 🆘
5 years of bank records. Unless you had control of your parents banking, it's gonna take a lot of work or money to get all those. Especially if they never had good records for you to start with. With life insurances and investments unknown. Yikes.
I know, I've done it. Luckily we took over early.
And heaven forbid your parents or grandparents spend their own money on anything other than themselves during those five years. They will be penalized and denied Medicaid if they gave any money to their family. Ask me how I know. 🙃
She also didn't think that she even qualified for Medicaid because she's a green card holder not a citizen. So she didn't know anything about that look back thing and neither did anyone else.
This is where we are with my grandma. And I have been told multiple times now that she does not qualify and she will not qualify for the next five years because she gave "gifts" to her family members. A.k.a. used her own personal funds to take care of her family, even when she didn't have much.
Same. People who are eligible loose their coverage all the time due to small mistakes. The fraud and abuse, if any, are coming from vendors, medical providers, and medical device companies. For an individual to engage in Medicaid fraud is nearly impossible
I lost my disability for not being "disabled enough." Even with 2 decades of documentation, 8 providers, surgery, etc. I'm still fighting to get it back. Because the people that never had to be on it think I'm okay... contrary to 8 medical professionals and my literal body falling apart.
Yes, yes, yes! It's a rigorous process that most who need benefits don't know how to apply, can't fill out the paperwork, don't understand how it works. Taxes are the same for many people. They end up paying someone just to get the money they're owed. It's not easy even when you know how.
Is this bullshit making the rounds again? If anyone is gaming the system, it means the system is not giving enough. Not that it should be harder to get food and healthcare. How can people even live with themselves when their instinct is to be cruel to others?
Years ago, while working 2 jobs, my husband and I applied for assistance. After all the paperwork, we found out we made $20 dollars too much (gross income) to qualify for assistance. We must have had 3 or 4 visits at family services.
I was always so confused by my dad hounding illegals for this. As someone who relies on both systems it’s not easy. Even as a born citizen I’ve had to jump through hoops and it’s been a headache a lot of the time.
Absolutely! I'm sure you're spending your day handing out government subsidies on a whim without a care in the world. It's a cumbersome administrative process.
The stories are always about those who got CAUGHT and they don't realize that they are NOT helping their argument at all. The ones committing fraud are caught and they have to PAY IT BACK!
I'm going through this now. It's not easy, even harder to get than snap. And they expect mentally disabled people like me to do this all by themselves or spend money you don't have on a lawyer you can't afford. It's fucked up. It's not easy to get for those that need it, fakers won't get in easily.
And they also use humiliation tactics when you apply. In order to prove where you live,they won't accept your ID or a bill in your name,they make you get letters from two neighbors saying you reside there. A waste of time and proof of nothing.
If the WORLD comes together we can defeat Putin without TFG or his ridiculous Clown Car Cabinet. No amount is too small, people. LFG! https://u24.gov.ua
Sadly, it's the crooked doctors and medical people who conduct all the fraudulent acts so I look forward to hearing about all the arrests and prosecutions initiated by DOGE. 🙄
Three times fully disabled, single father of two. Been on the system for about 15 years because I couldn't afford insurance. People have no idea what it's like. Please, I've had 14 surgeries. Let's switch shoes.
I’m a social worker too. I work with ALS patients and we’re so nervous about the NIH cutting funding to ALS research. My pALS generally qualify for trials.
Stealing Medicare is (apparently) much easier, given the huge number of spam calls I get shilling "medical braces" and "Medicare add-on plans". Blocking spam calls (which is totally technically feasible TODAY) would save the government billions, as well as removing stress from all of us.
I’ve seen enough of those investigation stories to know that it’s usually a small medical clinic lying about its patient’s treatments so it can steal money from Medicaid and Medicare.
So TRUE! I've actually thought that government should HIRE the successful ones, and put 'em to work. They will work harder and longer than the average joe for sure!
This is so absolutely true!! I've worked with many kids, living lives that you "pick yourselves up by your bootstraps" people couldn't handle for 5 minutes
My daughter was briefly on EBT and she had to fax 27 pages of supporting documentation and wait almost six months for approval. Then, when she got a 50 cent per hour raise, they immediately sent her a demand for new documentation.
The form for Medicaid for a nursing home patient without assets has to be at least 20 pages long (filled one out POA) and takes forever to complete (with additional docs)
As an elder law attorney who helps people with Medicaid applications, I can confirm. Even people who very obviously qualify have a hard time getting approved.
Doctor here, can confirm💯. There is Medicaid fraud, all perpetrated by a small percentage of providers and companies that falsely bill Medicaid.
None of it is by recipients.
The only ones that steal it are the ones in power and have access but they don't look there and when the do catch one the fine is less than what they stold.
I can attest to this. I'm disabled and working on getting SS. Right now I don't work, so I have state benefits, including food stamps. There are HOOPS to jump through.
My son just lost all the money on his SNAP card. Supposedly, it got hacked. I told him if it was hacked, the hack started with Elon. Now he is waiting to see if he gets money in March. We live in a blue state.
And with both programs, I and others like me are continually required to fill out long, complicated forms to justify continuing to receive aid. And every time, the aid is reduced although my limited income remains the same. Makes me want to spit.
LCSW here as well, and the amounts you are given are very little! As well as healthcare coverage! And the vast majority of individuals rely on the little they do get!
I’m a community-based worker have been for 35 years. My clientele is under privileged low income. I’ve never had one client fraudulently collecting anything. Half the time it’s difficult to get what they are entitled to, you liars.
I had to apply for
Medicaid on behalf of my parents who needed nursing home care. It is not easy. You need lots of financial records and they take all their social security benefits and any other pension. All the recipient gets is $50 a month for personal expenses.
I agree. Providing all the financial records and then having several follow-up interviews was a very consuming and detailed process. Every time there is a change in income (social security) the share component is reevaluated. So it is constantly reviewed!
THIS!! I had to get help ONCE in my life…. I left crying with NOT getting the help I was entitled to as someone who had worked and paid into the system for almost 20 YEARS at that point. #EatTheRich
The GOP is saying the word Medicaid does not appear anywhere in the budget resolution they passed, TRUE. However, the Dept. of Health and Human Services, which administers Medicaid, is all over the resolution and has been given a $$ reduction that can only be met by cutting Medicaid to the bone.
Often, they trade for drugs. Well #EinsteinMAGA (new nick name for them) that's a drug problem not a food stamp problem.
Switzerland, a country that cares about their citizens, offers drugs in a safe, clean location with a pamphlet on how to get off drugs &, if they want, there's room in recovery.
Here is a simple truth of our society: no one's problems are being caused by poor people. No one.
Somehow, the wealthy class in this society has convinced people that poor, non-white people are the cause of their misery. At the same time they take actions to compound said misery daily.
Agreed! I was really down and out after the 2008 market crash! I was injured @ work, they fired me. I fought and won my disability from eed but it did not cover mortgage. Hoa, taxes, let alone food and gas to find a new job. Couldn’t sell home bc i would be “under” on sell $ to payoff … continued
I had to fight tooth & nail for 2 months to qualify for food stamps which I expected to only meed for 3-4 months. They were cruel & made me have my mom write a letter stating she was not helping pay my mortgage! I was in my 40’s FFS! I felt sick to my stomach.
💯they ALWAYS demonize low income. It’s ALWAYS the Drs, hospitals, pharmaceutical, landlords etc that commit the fraud. By me 2 cab companies were found GUILTY of stealing MILLIONS Frm Medicaid 😡😡
I too am a LICSW in health care. I can attest to the fact that thousands of people, of all ages, would not be alive today without Medicaid. The ACA made the difference between life and death for people with cystic fibrosis, as well as many other genetic disorders. This admin is PURE EVIL.
My severely disabled adult son and I (also disabled) had to wait in the Arizona sun for 3 hours, keep returning with an ever-increasing amount of documentation and get fingerprinted for the grand total of $8 per month each. We spent it on beans, tortillas, milk and sour cream.
I was an 18 year old homeless highschool student and was grilled about why I couldn't find a job with benefits to support myself. It was dehumanizing and humiliating. I lost my Medicaid after going to college.
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I worked as an Elgibility worker for a brief time. It was disheartening to see the humiliating hoops needy people had to jump thru to receive inadequate help from the county/state/federal government.
The ones who commit fraud are not the recipients of Medicaid coverage. Folks need to try looking at the providers of Medicaid covered services like clinics (see private equity owned healthcare).
I received an $0.86 stock dividend check after I sold all of my stock and applied for and received food stamps. My food stamps were canceled. Eighty-six cents! True story.
Yup! Bastards! I have two auto-immune malfunctions. I applied for Social Security Disability and got it on the first try. Now the Bastards want that,too!🤣🤣
Save social security! We can flip two U.S. House seats in Florida April 1. Help call Voters To Re-Enroll In Vote-By-Mail today. Call from anywhere in the U.S. until 9pm ET, 8pm CT, 7pm MT, 6pm PT. https://www.mobilize.us/gayforcongress/event/758405/
Why? All vote by mail expired in 2024 & voters must be re-enrolled.
It's very difficult and stressful getting snap benefits along with others. I get snap benefits, thankfully and it's also stressful to go through redetermination yearly, but I'm grateful for the time.. Sigh
It’s definitely possible to commit that kind of fraud, but it requires a lot of work and study to find the loopholes. Most people wouldn’t have the patience or determination to do it. I’m sure there are a handful of people who are gaming the system, but it’s not pervasive, and firing doesn’t fix it
In the 80’s when Reagan used to blather about ‘welfare queens’ I would offer to do a welfare interview to show people what it’s like. 5-10 minutes was the longest most people lasted. When I asked to see their checkbook, they would lose it.
Seems to me that a hard look at Senator Rick Scott needs to be brought to justice for his Medicare fraud of a BILLION dollars but he's a friend of elon musk.. so, the American people are again denied justice while millionaires kiss the ass of billionaires and spit on the working class.
As a single father with 2 kids. Half custody, I had to pay $1000/month child support. My income at the time was about $2500/month before support payment.
After begging for "food stamps" for weeks, I was given a one time $300 SNAP card...
Same goes for unemployment. None of these services come easy and you have to prove a lot of things to get them. And yet you always have that one person who know a guy who's a friend of a friend who got it with no difficulty and for years and they're rich off it somehow 😑🙄
Applying for assistance and managing Medical benefits are full time job. I watched my mother, battling two cancers, spend all day on the phone trying to get doct appts paid for and get food and housing assistance. I don't know what was harder, fighting cancer or trying to prove she needed help.
Exactly! My son is a disabled adult, since his birth trying to qualify for Medicaid,we've had to be scrutinized financially and medically, provide income statements, medical forms, letters, evaluations, assets and tax forms, etc..
Its not fraud or waste, just an agency they don't want.
The lies and bullshit are particularly heavy with the Right in general, Trumpers in particular. This is a pernicious meme originiating in the Reagan Administration, promoters of "Trickle-Down Economics"and similar magical thinking.
By their lights, if one is poor, it's their fault.
I agree. I work with individuals with developmental disabilities, many of them severely disabled. We still have to supply proof of their eligibility every 6 mos...nope, they still haven't found a job.
I’ve learned in my life that no one who is “deeply concerned” with welfare abuse know how the programs work! Often when they tell me the reforms they would like to see it’s things that we already have!
Someone needs to put up application & tell everything… like you can only claim 50-100 for rent even tho u pay a grand ect….. bc people do not know this
When I applied for SSDI the first woman assigned to help me was horrid. I did sent her everything she asked for by FedEx. She kept denying receipt.
I wrote to my governor & within a week got notification that I was approved.
After that my new rep even helped me get SNAP.
I'd been warned by someone to keep detailed records & send documents to any social services via FedEx
After paying into the system & having worked so hard all my life being treated like that was humiliating
Of course the Red hats think it's easy because they're ignorant, statistically, the red States are the states MOST on assistance!!
I know, I've done it. Luckily we took over early.
I will just say, it’s much easier to go to work every day!
There is a lot of fraud that is perpetrated by fake entities
Blaming patients for Medicaid fraud is uninformed
None of it is by recipients.
Providers, well that is a different story.
Medicaid on behalf of my parents who needed nursing home care. It is not easy. You need lots of financial records and they take all their social security benefits and any other pension. All the recipient gets is $50 a month for personal expenses.
Switzerland, a country that cares about their citizens, offers drugs in a safe, clean location with a pamphlet on how to get off drugs &, if they want, there's room in recovery.
Somehow, the wealthy class in this society has convinced people that poor, non-white people are the cause of their misery. At the same time they take actions to compound said misery daily.
🔎🔎🔎 Alt. Text Available
Cuts to Medicaid are immoral.
Why? All vote by mail expired in 2024 & voters must be re-enrolled.
That was some self dealing grift
After begging for "food stamps" for weeks, I was given a one time $300 SNAP card...
Eventually I took full custody.
The end. 😐🖕🏻
Those leeches don't have to worry about dinner or being warm.
Its not fraud or waste, just an agency they don't want.
By their lights, if one is poor, it's their fault.
That's like using elder fraud as an excuse to reduce social security checks. Makes no sense.