I think it has more to do with you might get locked up for absolutely no reason at all and then flown to El Salvador to die in prison even though a judge said you should be released
Reposted from
The Washington Post
International travelers concerned about President Donald Trump’s trade policies and bellicose rhetoric have been canceling trips to the United States, depriving the U.S. tourism industry of billions of dollars at a time when the economy has started to appear wobbly.
No more Florida for Spring Break!
What now is, and the before times are nothing like each other
They may not be coming to houses, yet, but they could be flagging passports for anything they choose.
Nobody knows what's going to happen.
There are states I don't want to travel through even if it's just on the way to somewhere else.
Just leaving it here
Elbows up
I expect our tourism will drop by almost all of that 40%.
To that I say, "wise choice. You've got awesome stuff in Canada, you don't need to come here and take risks and pay more"
Our business class is incapable of accurately measuring how bad this is.
They are doing everything possible to wreck our economy and our standing in the world.
Take you to the hospital, I mean.
We might even have to establish procedures for helping political refugees from the US.
She cut and cut and cut, leaving flat budgets for the next three years. Parents were upset, but they were incensed when
Who'd want to risk it, and/or support that regime?
I've told some European friends who are coming in May to maybe rethink their plans, and to write down phone numbers in case their phones get taken away
This country is 100% not safe for foreigners or people who look like foreigners.
The danger from lockups and being a foreign visitor is simply the final nail in the coffin. Or, at least final until the next thing...
I'm not in a (currently) targeted group, but seeing the way the US gov't is attacking groups and removing rights of people is downright horrifying.
I agree it's not safe to travel there. Take care & be safe!
If I lived in another country, I would stay far from this place. We are fucked.
But the economy has always been apolitical, if you don't mention how it effects the poor and marginalized
US immigration officials are horrendous, and they carry guns as well, but I suppose that goes for most people in the US.
I read on Twitter some years ago that a tourist with a bullet-proof vest in his luggage got arrested on arrival. But surely a reasonable precaution for visitors.
I'm definitely not coming to the US again and I know so many others here in the UK who have decided the same!
It's a labor camp.
The United States sold captive migrants with no due process to El Salvador as prison slave labor.
The USA will only regain world wide trust when you & your ppl are voted out of office.
Come over, have some fun, then when you’re ready to call it a trip find an ICE agent and tell them where you’re from, and boom!
You may have to endure a little torture but it’s still better than flying Spirit.
A Mr. Yuk tattoo being difficult to remove feels deeply appropriate somehow. Honestly it's kind of awesome you got that!
The detention of foreigners with VISAs only exacerbated the protest
This is HIGHLY worrying.
swap her out for marge or bobbles?
Americans are asleep at the switch!
1/6 of the Serbian Population were on the street last night!
That would be 66,000,000 Americans!
1.5 Million Americans attended the Superbowl Party. At that very same instant: Elon Musk robbed the Treasury with 40 Protestors outside!
And the one single word: