as an economist who talks to people on Wall St: the data is BAD now, and everyone knows it. the stupid ones are surprised by this, of course, and flailing, but anyone who did more than a gram of thinking is readying their "break the glass" business plans.
Reposted from
Faine Greenwood
Is it just me or has the last 24 hours of U.S news been particularly ominous, even by the standards of the last 3 weeks?
Feels like the wheels are coming off the bus even faster than I’d assumed.
Feels like the wheels are coming off the bus even faster than I’d assumed.
it has been strong but choppy and not surging.
Makes me think of markets AND dollar drop together
How do you measure/monitor this?
In my family, we started moving our 401k out of the market into cash (us$). Does it mean it won't be as safe as we hoped?
What's safe in your opinion?
It is eternally out of reach of my comprehension
Trump only takes credit, not blame.
Trump is too stupid to realise this.
Xi and Putin aren’t though.
Turns out that was projection too!
I guess it's a deer in the headlights kind of thing? Everyone assuming it won't actually happen?
plus loss of alh coverage
which means longer stays with more uncertified days
which means no beds for elective procedures
et cetera
I know my PDEs: hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptical
I know my drones: ISR, dive bombing and one wayical
I know my numbers: Reynolds, Nusselt and... [heaving, looks to chorus]
I know my numbers: Reynolds, Nusselt and Prandtl
Good thing I don't have any stocks because I'd be sweating badly.
Bit of both?