Finally science has answered the question “what happens when a man injects a pharmacy’s worth of gear and then refuses to lift?”
Reposted from
Pornhub’s Gore Vidal
new angle on Elon physique just dropped
That said, he is the only human being I have seen shaped remotely like that. Like one of those square torso people drawn by children.
Besides a sadistic prick.
Torso reads:
"I love taking too much HGH". The rest:
"no anabolics, no sleep, no working out"
(wild spec. But Im getting high cortisol vibes)
Not seeing development in the muscles where I'd expect it, if he was taking anabolics and not working out.
Good chance I'm wrong though.
Dude is afraid to walk around in the open.
Good times.....
That was the cover image for Heroes Reborn (1996)