The health insurance system. Our plan started at $1,300/month for me + wife. In 4 years it went up to $2,300/month. $5,000 deductible each. So I need to spend about $38,000 a year before I see significant benefits. I get one prescription at no charge. Without insurance that prescription is $17.00
When faced with the idea of universal healthcare, the American establishment invented scare stories about NHS Death Panels deciding who lives & who dies.
We don't have death panels in the UK but America does but they're called health Insurance companies.
Accountants decide who lives & who dies.
We do-as the majority of voters-especially here in Ont-ignore the fact that the current provincial government is destroying it in favour of US style for profit& will likely vote the corrupt clowns back in. Voter apathy, mal-information on SM & captured media-nefarious, foreign owed are destroying us
It's extraordinary to those of us who live in Australia, for eg. how you're not rioting in the streets at the utterly absurd charges you face for health care! I pay 2% of my taxable income every year and am happy to do it. For that, no matter what anyone in my family needs, it is covered.
Right? When I moved to the US and learned about the U.S. “healthcare system” I was like, uhm, why are you guys not grabbing your pitchforks and descend on Washington??
I do believe we can achieve it peacefully. We finally have a breakthrough with the right. They are staring to realize that the divide is top to bottom not left to right. The clock has started for the billionaires grip on power. It’ll be as peaceful as they choose.
Yes, it does. Especially considering countries that America thinks of as lesser than us or even third world actually have a national healthcare system with paid maternity leave.
I believe that between voting Trump in again and our for-profit health insurance and every year reset of our high deductibles is dumb and we must look so stupid to the world!
Lots of things I disagree with you asshole. This one I do agree.
In US, ppl r commodity. A source of Income & profit. Hospitals r Garages. Doctors & nurses, r Engineer & technician.
When the doctor does NOT call you by name (Hi There), it tells the whole story of doctor-patient relationship in US
I'm french. I feel so sorry when I hear people go bankrupt because of medical bills. That never happens in France because we are all covered by our social security and our mutuelles.
Not to mention the ONLY democratic nation on the planet that prides itself in allowing convicted criminals to be elected leader of the country. The rest of the democratic world finds that reprehensible.
I agree 💯
When I look at the American political system, I find it sad that we, Canadians, complain so much about ours. We have paid voting hours, $10/day daycare, maternity & paternity leave, affordable university, free dental care for people aged 65 and over, and so on. We have a good country.
I'm happy for you. Imagine that some Americans believe that if you don't have enough money to pay medical bills, you deserve to die. What a horrible way to think.
One more thing, I was early 30's when I was diagnosed. 12 years ago. Healthy today.. Tomorrow, No one knows.
So very thankful to live in Canada at the right time too.. But yeah, people in my neighborhood doing triple takes. I've walked by people that don't recognize me. I'm very, very fortunate 🤗
Thank you, one of the lucky. Specialists are in high demand, I waited for 3 years, covid had just started on my referral. Expected to be one. Now it's up to five years. It wasn't much better in most states, might be now. Highly specialized care is becoming harder to get everywhere.
And I'll add that according to my neurosurgery team. typically in the US, bilateral dbs for Parkinson's is done one side at a time VS Canada both sides same day. VS months apart, all so everyone makes more money.
Coming January 2025 even more people are going to have dental Care. As long as your family income is 90 k or less, You can sign up starting in January.
we truly do >>> as a daycare teacher if i was to get pregnant i get to leave work the moment i find out im pregnant, and after get to spend the first year of my child's life at home. (mat leave) everyone that thinks america is the "greatest nation" is truly lying to themselves idc.
This ⬆️
So many Canadians don't realise how lucky they are to live in Canada and not in the US. The US is simply awful. And under Trump, it will get worse.
Well, we do pay for it through our taxes. But I’d rather pay into it now than fight with an insurance company. And it’s for everyone, not just the people with money.
Indeed. But don’t worry, you still pay less than the average American ends up paying throughout their life—depending, of course, on your tax bracket. Premiums + copay + taxes. They pay a share of care costs even if insurance is covered by the employer. Costs themselves are higher too. It’s wild
It would be a bit silly to go and pay on the American side; they can just pay for private medical care on the Canadian side, if it's not fast enough for their liking. Our system isn't perfect, but no one in Canada is going bankrupt because of the cost of health care. No one.
My sister has had cancer three times, and received immediate care each time. So, I don't know where you live, but it doesn't seem that your “reality” is the same for all Canadians.
Important to note that conflicts between insurers and providers have nothing to do with patient care outcomes. Those fights are entirely over how the profit is split.
Because it is. The US is so far behind with healthcare, family leave, education, vacation time, sick leave. People should look at Finland and get a clue.
We can all thank Richard Nixon for this. Early 70's Nixon did his buddy Kaiser (yes, Kaiser Permanente) by approval of for profit health insurance. This system is immoral.
The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, enacted by the 93rd United States Congress, made it legal to profit from health care in the United States. The act was effective on December 29. Nixon signed into law.
We don’t think we know.
Australia enjoys free healthcare and we don’t have everyone running around with guns. Life is relaxed and stress free.
America 🇺🇸 is a shit hole and I will never live there again. Heaven has been found but don’t tell anyone.
Healthcare workers and patients alike have been under their thumb for far too long.
There isn't anyone in my hospital that cares the United CEO was assassinated, and I mean not one person. Match that with millions affected by their misguided decisions who care less as well - things must change!
It's an awful, awful thing that should never ever happen. I have a son near this age. I would be an off-the-walls, unhinged, rage-filled crazy woman. I also have a niece with Type 1 diabetes. I fear for her future.
It's not a system it's a con. The really hilarious bit is if you pay the government to do anything for the people like defending, or education etc that's ok. But if it's everyone's health and wants to scare people to not take it, call it communist! Yet Russia owns the US government. It's insanity🙊🙉🙈
🙏🙏🙏 👉 hey man that interview you did a few days ago with BTC was so fucking excellent, that was one of the best clips I've ever ever seen
YOU should do that much more, you speak to the elephant in the room while other people (even BTC, sadly) are taking the bait and proliferating the noise-news 👑
well lets say food industries multilioners sell us very unhealthy food and drinks than the pharma multimilioners sell us very unhealthy drugs while the insurance multimilioners deny our claims. Looks like we have no chance to brake free. Do we ????
Isn’t there a document circulating explaining to Russian soldiers the fastest way to self-exit?
I mean. This doesn’t change the correctness of your comment I suppose.
I mentioned the war because despite how much money Putin is throwing away on it, Russia continues to provide mostly free universal healthcare to its citizens.
I can only thank my Irish ancestors for going South when they left Ireland rather than West.
Having cancer treatment for the past year in Australia, it hasn’t cost me an extra cent.
I say extra because for years when I worked I happily paid the Medicare levy and taxes.
The best part is how, after years of work, they force you into selling everything you own and going broke before "insurance" will pay for residential care.
A country that has so much pride in their innovations, developing groundbreaking initiatives ,they’re sure are backward when it comes to healthcare for all!!’
I am not an American nor have I ever lived there.But being from a profession that works closely with US healthcare in terms of research and guidance,Almost 8 years ago I realized that the US has sold the world 2 big fat lies among many other .
A: US healthcare
B: The US democratic system.
It is. However, it is a very profitable business. And in the US profits are more important than people. People appreciate that conundrum as a form of freedom. Freedom to choose a provider, even if it is detrimental for them.
Well, it's what happens when profit is prioritised over delivering an essential service.
Like what consecutive Australian governments have done to housing.
Placed profit before people.
Not the people of Ontario, Canada. Their gangster Premier, Doug Ford, an acolyte of Trump & Orban, is Americanizing their public health system with the help of banks, insurers, system insiders, and gangster billionaires.
People do not comment on the Reagan annihilation of our medical and mental health care systems. He single handedly put us in this situation. Completely deconstructed the system.
The foundation that Nixion laid Reagan built on to ensure our health outcomes would be income and job-dependent. Adding to the stigmatization and demonization of poverty and poor health. Add a dash of prosperity gospel and now we have truly dehumanized the least among us.
The myth about 'socialized medicine' is that it isn't a pooling of health insurance via taxation instead of the devil-take-the-hindmost-go-it-alone robbery in America.
That, in fact, is all it is. You pay and use it when you need it, but without killer premiums and insurance company gatekeepers.
Compare this rage to when voters realize state legislatures have slowly killing their access to the ballot box. #gerrymandering #ISL #StrcitVoterID #NoPreclearance #NoReferendums #NoHomeRule
Let's face it, the health insurance industry is basically protection racket, shaking us all down, but then when we actually need the protection, DENIED!
It is. We in communist, totalitarian Australia have a universal healthcare system. (BTW actual communist China doesn’t.) It works. It is at times awkwardly meshed with privatised medicine. Sickness, injury doesn’t mean penury. So many grasping hands creaming $s off in #USA? #democracy #publichealth
Yeah. Apart from Kamala Harris proposing to bring down the cost of insulin for all Americans and promising to use the power of her office to bring down the cost of other prescription drugs. And Donald Trump vowing to get rid of the ACA and replace it with his concepts of a plan.
You've got roughly 900,000 people employed in the health insurance industry. These are things which are very easy for armchair critics to dismiss with a handwave.
There have been millions of excess deaths due to privatised healthcare. As far as suffering metrics go, the calculation is pretty simple. Even from my armchair.
When did the Harris campaign ever say that? Harris and Walz kept saying that the polling (however inexplicably) was tight. They never took the election for granted.
It capitalizes on illness and that's no joke, but e.g., socialized medicine e.g., U.K. is not a model. Sent home, then have to return still ill, sent home, still ill & wait, wait, wait. My cousin's father had to wait for a bypass, he died of a heart attack on Christmas Day. Not good to generalize!
A joke and also a tragedy, a place which includes people happily accepting that they get no health care if they are too sick to work, kiss their kids off to schools where they could be shot, and have a minimum wage that would be comically low, if it weren't so sad.
Bernie was always the right choice to run for president.
But... sure to fail because the stupidity in the US is enormous
So they ran Hillary..... It´s time to make the right decisions.
Americans want a red neck racist male in the WH..... Crazy.
Biggest GRIFT on the American people in our entire history. Big Pharma and Private health insurance in cahoots to deny us life. They both “BUY OFF” our elected congress. Where’s a law against that ?
I reshare this link each time to conversation comes up, since too many people don’t understand the hows/whys/ etc of our system and the alternatives. No system is perfect, but there are obvious steps toward a better one.
For some reason, many Americans (including doctors) believe that the alternative would lead to subpar medicine and long waiting time for patients. And yet, the Americans are among the most unhealthy in the world according to all statistics, and are not getting the prevention and care they need.
Someone tried to point out to me all the American medical breakthroughs, that people from elsewhere come for. I replied that most Americans cannot afford them, and those coming from overseas are being paid for by their countries’ state-funded healthcare systems.
No doubt you guys have amazing scientists and technology. But the best of it is for those who can afford it, I imagine. That’s a universal issue, though. Wealthy people in Europe go to Swiss clinics for mind blowing prevention care that’s science fiction for most of us.
The “funny” part is actually that even the wealthiest people in the US system still have worse health outcomes because a broken system is broken for everybody and that radiates upward.
We have private healthcare in Europe. Those who can afford it, use it because they don’t want to wait, and/or they want a nicer environment, and/or because they like to go to someone they know or was recommended to them. Private practices are most certainly not struggling around here.
Even private insurance is regulated in Europe. There are no guardrails in the US. And the public option is not leagues away in terms of care/service. I could afford private but chose public. Here in Germany, even the public ins. is run thru private co.’s but all prices/services are set by govt.
I had my babies in Strasbourg in France and with their Carte Vitale, I could go to a semi-private hospital for a ridiculously small amount out of pocket. I was treated like a queen and my children had impeccable care.
Never start a sentence with "let's (or let me) be clear". It just tells me you've been talking out of your ass up to that point. "Correct me if I'm wrong" means you have no clue what you're talking about. "If I'm honest (or to be)" means you lie most of the time. Just say it without preamble.
Turns out his viewers are also affected by the broken healthcare system.
Democrats need to capitalize on this opportunity to inform MAGA that they are the party trying to improve their lives.
When faced with the idea of universal healthcare, the American establishment invented scare stories about NHS Death Panels deciding who lives & who dies.
We don't have death panels in the UK but America does but they're called health Insurance companies.
Accountants decide who lives & who dies.
Now disabled, w physical issues I wont go into.
In dealing with our healthcare system for 35+ yrs:
• the system is set up to grind you down, make you suffer, make you give up.
Since Covid, the good drs are too burned out to care.
The American flag should be Orange, White Nationalist, and Blew-it.
It is archaic and demonstrably cruel.
Capitalism at its worst.
In US, ppl r commodity. A source of Income & profit. Hospitals r Garages. Doctors & nurses, r Engineer & technician.
When the doctor does NOT call you by name (Hi There), it tells the whole story of doctor-patient relationship in US
When I look at the American political system, I find it sad that we, Canadians, complain so much about ours. We have paid voting hours, $10/day daycare, maternity & paternity leave, affordable university, free dental care for people aged 65 and over, and so on. We have a good country.
So very thankful to live in Canada at the right time too.. But yeah, people in my neighborhood doing triple takes. I've walked by people that don't recognize me. I'm very, very fortunate 🤗
So many Canadians don't realise how lucky they are to live in Canada and not in the US. The US is simply awful. And under Trump, it will get worse.
This is crazy even for European standards. Y’all are blessed
Australia enjoys free healthcare and we don’t have everyone running around with guns. Life is relaxed and stress free.
America 🇺🇸 is a shit hole and I will never live there again. Heaven has been found but don’t tell anyone.
There isn't anyone in my hospital that cares the United CEO was assassinated, and I mean not one person. Match that with millions affected by their misguided decisions who care less as well - things must change!
YOU should do that much more, you speak to the elephant in the room while other people (even BTC, sadly) are taking the bait and proliferating the noise-news 👑
I mean. This doesn’t change the correctness of your comment I suppose.
Having cancer treatment for the past year in Australia, it hasn’t cost me an extra cent.
I say extra because for years when I worked I happily paid the Medicare levy and taxes.
There I fixed it.
Let’s be clear: the entire democratic world thinks the US is a Joke.
A: US healthcare
B: The US democratic system.
The entire democratic world thinks the US is a joke.
Healthcare and Education are among the most basic foundations of democracy. Healthy educated citizens make a country great.
Not a bunch of entitled, greedy billionaires
Like what consecutive Australian governments have done to housing.
Placed profit before people.
"Let’s be clear: the entire democratic world KNOWS the US healthcare system is a joke."
Fixed it for you.
There, fixed it some more. Why do you think only "democratic" countries know this fact?
Hah. I didn't even think about that. I was just copying and pasting.
You are correct.
Fixed it for you.
Fixed it for you to.
That, in fact, is all it is. You pay and use it when you need it, but without killer premiums and insurance company gatekeepers.
Jokes are funny.
We think it is a crime
Mehdi is 100% correct
A joke and also a tragedy, a place which includes people happily accepting that they get no health care if they are too sick to work, kiss their kids off to schools where they could be shot, and have a minimum wage that would be comically low, if it weren't so sad.
But... sure to fail because the stupidity in the US is enormous
So they ran Hillary..... It´s time to make the right decisions.
Americans want a red neck racist male in the WH..... Crazy.
“It’s the best health care system in the world” means nothing if people can’t afford to access it.