Braverman should be driven out of public life for saying something as bigoted, conspiratorial, ridiculous, and dumb as this but she won’t be, of course, because anti-Muslim bigotry and Islamophobic fearmongering has been normalized in British public life.
Braverman can be dismissed as mad, bad, irrelevant.
But Trump?
Pakistan is an Islamic state and it already has nuclear weapons.
Hate and fear are all they have going for them now.
Meanwhile the 1% wealthiest are subjecting Britain to corporate rule. No! Look at the Muslims!
Which of course, we will use to blackmail people into supplying the babies so that our atheist overlords can feast.
Incrementalism and ten connivance of the elite.
I live in fear. That’s the intent. But it’s a Pandora’s box and history shows it can’t be controlled.
So what is Braverman worried about exactly?
Are they going to win an election?
Is the religion perhaps so alluring that people will start converting en masse?
Is she worried that Islam is just too irresistible for Brits?
Or is she just a bigoted moron?
- George Orwell, 1984
Utterly vile woman.
Husb( who is Jewish!) recently joined Reform
Did Pakistan nuke another country ?
Off-course it's Islamophobic horseshit.
To be fair.... I despise *ALL* organized religion but the hypocrisy of her stance is laughable were it not so dangerous.
You're also calling a whole country of 240m+ people fundamentalists, which is obviously not true.
There is no need to be so aggressive & rude to me, or about me.
None at all.
We are not in Otterman times.
I'm.not sure it's a vote winner
But, why would you want anyone this ridiculous to represent you?
At least she didn’t have that stupid hat on.
But that is not the point.
Cruella claimed Britain would be the first Islamic state with Nuclear weapons which is patiently wrong. It would not happen and is one of the most stupid claims that I have heard from these morons.
Parkistan already has capacity.
Iran is a Islamic Republic.
On reading the Article again you realize she is repeating a uninformed claim Vance made some time ago for reasons as you say to create division.
It wont work with the majority of British people.
We are on our way, pretending we aren't.
I don't know if you folk know how, but you have GOT to start fighting. Stiff upper lipping/just ignore them is not the play.
The majority of people are not interested in politics and believe the headlines. The billionaire owned media know this and all promote MAGA news
Islamists will dominate the UK unless this suicidal mass migration policy is ended.
The answer is 0.
By the way her husband is a Zionists!!
Hasn't she heard of Pakistan.
Too difficult a question for a NAT-C Tory
Second: These are not intelligent people. These are not decent people.
That said, they know how to manufacture outrage as a distraction for their outright theft of public goods.
We ignore them at our own peril.
A perfect example of the type of person who Musk would buy to do his bidding. A Trump, but with a vagina...
She's as batshit as Liz Truss ever was and just as thick as Badenoch.
What is it about the Conservative Party, that they just keep attracting this kind of human dross?
She's a traitor to Britain.
Then I look at the US.
Then I look in the mirror and then outside, and shake my head and wonder what has become of 'GREAT' Britain, or the now ironically named, 'UNITED' Kingdom.
Oh, wait, they already do that. It's called "Piers Morgan Uncensored."
In Asian?
My head around why it was considered a racial slur
I think this story, at a defining time in her personal life, is very illuminating.