Me in the Guardian today on DEI as the new N-word for the right:
Same racist press that amplifies DEI N word slur
the willingness to treat serial liars as good-faith actors
its a conscious choice they make. Every. Day.
White supremacy, Nazi dreams, with Hitler's speeches at his door,
Permission to hate, a structure of evil and shit,
Trump's legacy, a violent, disgusting pit,
They're still not bold enough to throw out the 'N' word in public, but I'm betting it won't be too much longer before they do.
All black. No diversity. No inclusion.
As with affirmative action, they hate it when black people are included, but hate it when they're left on the sidelines.
Good times
Kendrick: I don't hire imcompetants.
Americans still voted him into office.👍Anyone feigning surprise is just a massive hypocrite.😞
And racism = bad, therefore Black politicians = good? Faulty logic.
My point is, you're not helping.
Because it's a "one-size-fits-all" term the right has been looking for since slurs began being removed by the media.
Use "DEI" as the descriptive and EVERYONE knows WHO you're talking about so other slurs aren't needed, to the regret of old-school right-wing pundits.
It’s best to leave race out of it and hire based on merit and talent.
Laws exist to protect against discrimination.
I don’t care about DEI with heart surgeon, FAA controller, Airline pilot, EMT, ER Doc, etc.
Merit & Qualifications are ALL that matter.
We need to hire based SOLELY on those.
Musk runs companies & is not a corrupted politician.
Expose it all.
Based on his actions, I for one, appreciate knowing what money goes where.
He’s making enemies cutting off the flow of free money, & exposing who was getting it.
Gates, Page. Brin, Jobs, Zuckerberg all billionaires with HUGE Gov contracts.
Gender, as protected under existing Civil Rights laws, does not extend to sexual orientation, preference, or identity.
The issues before us are based on some people trying to insist they are.
The supposed Übermensch
You know... Nazis.
Same with pronouns, lgbtqia, menstrual cycle, ovulation, fertilization, rape, critical race theory, woke, etc.
They have the combined intellect of a gnat.
Fact: All legacy media is owned, or run by Repugnantcants.
Just little old me , underdog
“Oh yeaaaahhh….”
“This… is that. They’re still pissed they can’t say the n-word.”
No shit.
dogwhistle like "thug"
that one got my wife's coworker's husband asked to leave our house
And “CRT” with “Welfare Queens” 40 years before that. And example after example before and in between. And so on and so on.
And press will always cover the new term like it’s novel.
It is every minority, it is women, it is LGBTQ, and it is the disabled so let's be careful not to pretend its just racism against blacks because its far more than that.
Elections today GA, KS, NE, NY, WA, OK
& coming up in states from today through spring
We just flipped a deep red seat in Idaho blue let’s show this admin we will still vote & win
We can flip the House by summer
Our vote is still a biggest defense
So do it. There's a lot of folks hoping this happens.
I think that answers your question
Same idea