In your opinion as a lawyer, how similar is this to staring into a cop's body camera and saying "it is the seventh of November 2023 and I, Cenk Uygur, am absolutely blitzed on cocaine" in terms of evidence?
Ted Cruz not born in the US. There's other instances noted in this article as well. Of course, the difference is that the people listed had at least one parent that was a "natural-born citizen". The gist seems to be "If that's our candidate we'll make it legal."
I don’t think that’s the gist. The consensus (but admittedly untested) rule is that there is Constitutional birthright citizenship and statutory birthright citizenship. If you fell under either at the time you were born, you’re a natural born citizen.
It's never been tested because that's what everyone understands. John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone. Birth in the Canal Zone did not automatically grant citizenship. No one seriously doubts that he was eligible to be president.
To be fair, his mother was an American, and IIRC didn't have Canadian citizenship. Cenk was born in Turkey to Turkish citizens who later emigrated to the US.
Hey he’s got a Warren Court precedent decided on due process grounds arguing that maybe he can serve, surely the Roberts-Thomas Calvinball Court will buy it!
John McCain was arguably a naturally born Panamanian citizen but was allowed to run. The law that would have granted him natural citizen status based on his parents and being born on a naval base wasn't passed until 1937 after he was born in 1936. Were Cenk's parents American citizens at his birth?
The man got 6% of the vote when he ran for Congress in California but now he's going to win a national primary against an incumbent?! Plus, he's ineligible to be President. Ego maniac doesn't begin to describe this behavior. Or is this a grift? A grift would make more sense.
"I couldn't even win a primary to be a rep in California, but I am totally going to kick Biden's ass just as soon as someone changes the Constitution to let me do it."
Because he phrased the tweet like he was going out to look for Luke on the back of a tauntaun in the middle of an ice storm despite all the warnings not to.
Sure he might have an abrasive personality but he's also got thousands of hours of off the cuff hot takes that will surely win over the hearts of Americans.
This is amazing. I'd bet upwards of 98% of Americans have never seen or heard of this IDIOT, and he's making this claim, what, some 9 weeks before the Iowa caucus? How delusional can a person be before it is classified as mental illness?
Does he honestly think he can skirt the laws stating only a natural-born citizen of the US can run for US president, or is he counting on Americans being dumb enough to contribute to another fake campaign?
Dude isn't letting the fact that he's a naturalized citizen stop him from "running" for the Democratic Party's nomination. There's a lot he doesn't understand.
I have a hard time believing he doesn't actually know better, and this isn't some sort of ploy for attention or scam. I guess it could go either way, but I'll place my bet in the "this is some kinda scam" bucket.
Clicked, and phew!
It's like how scam-emails have blatant misspellings and grammar errors on purpose