After some digging, I found the six-year-old video of Senator Fischer being sworn in by Mike Pence, with her husband by her side. As expected, he gleefully shook Pence’s hand twice and thanked him for his leadership. His refusal to shake VP Harris’s hand today confirms my suspicions of bigotry.
Watch his mouth. He looks a little confused.
Might still be a bigot.
But one with a stroke maybe.
Can't call it anything without knowing more.
This is the sad bit. It's happened so many times that it didn't even cause her pause.
Let that sink in for a bit.
She's like...ok. Whatever.
Guess I’ll use the “Not a Role Model Method” to teach Ethics.
How DEPLORABLE purposefully & hatefully not shaking the Vice President’s hand is that⁉️
Senator Wife could have gestured to her Hubba-Bubba.
Hope clip is kept and circulated as a Teaching Tool of what Public Service is NOT.
As someone who’s had a lot of disabled people in their life, you learn that it’s not acceptable to force someone into using their cane hand. But, his demeanor says otherwise, so fuck him
We were told women were TOO emotional, women are stronger than these flakes of dandruff
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