they're also counting on local law enforcement to be willing to sit around and take orders from the feds to occupy their own cities and i do not think this goes the way they think it does
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we may be saying the same thing, but i think it's not an entirely sound plan to assume that you'll be able to enlist the local badges who've been sitting on their asses for four years in your door kicking squad to arrest toddlers
maybe they dont get off their ass but if trump is giving them one set of orders and local dem electeds are giving them conflicting orders they are gonna 100% go with trump
If we're talking like workplace raids.... those take even more time and effort to organize, have even more people to deal with, and more things go wrong. Think of how many exits there would be to secure at just a normal warehouse. Think of how much more chaotic it'd be going into say a McDonalds.
I tend to disagree, just because the reactions to local chuds was a very inertial response. Didn’t actually require any action. As opposed to what they’re going to be asked to do, would require actually getting off their ass.
It’s not great, but I won’t go broke counting in lazy cops.
They’ve been repeatedly saying that if blue states/cities don’t acquiesce, they’ll send the national guard from red states to enforce it. I don’t see that going over well with state NG, local cops, or residents. Guess we’ll get to find out: Trump always talked about making Portland “an example”
yes, i live in portland, i am aware, they are also the laziest city employees in every major city and the work trump wants them to do is hard and unpleasant
It’s not great, but I won’t go broke counting in lazy cops.