Rebuking Donald Trump puts US Chief Justice John Roberts in a tough spot. It's drawn sharp criticism from Trump's allies and comes as the top court braces for the flood of legal challenges to the president's executive actions
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Hannah Arendt's warnings for Democracy -- “The most terrible thing was not the brutality of the system, but the terrifying normality of the people who sustained it.” The banality of evil - So, do we have enough decent people in the United States, willing to do the work of democracy to save us?
while presidents have occasionally criticized judicial decisions, Trump's actions represent a significant escalation in the level of criticism and attempts to influence the judiciary
The executive branch is going after rights of the citizenry, and using scare tactics to convince the public that they should be happy to hand them over. Due process, search and seizure, privacy, once gone are gone for good
The Supreme Court needs to do what is right and just, and what is within their power, as directed by the Constitution. The buck stops with them, as it relates to the law. Three branches of government, checks and balances.
Roberts is already in a tight spot that he & some other justices put themselves in.This is the absolutely true test of our democracy & rule of law.They must finally put our country over their politics & greed or our country will be in more than a “tight spot”.Trump’s destruction will end it all.
I hope against hope we can finally count on them to save the country. I know 3 or 4 of them are corrupt - because we have seen and heard the evidence. If they don’t, we are are come to the rescue, I hate to think of it.
Oh fuck Roberts. He’s a large part of the reason we are where We are right now, desperately trying to fend off fascism by an asshole president Who thinks he’s king. Thanks to the corrupt Roberts court
Roberts is the architect of a great deal of the current bullshit. Citizens United and immunity ruling are ending our democracy. He’s a fascist piece of shit who will go down as leading the most corrupt, destructive SCOTUS in history.
Could you maybe state what a grave threat to democracy and the rule of law this is, or do you want to continue to be complicit in the fucking weak, milquetoast, dance-around-the-truth-but-never-print-it bullshit your entire industry has succumbed to? Jesus Christ, you people have no guts.
The judiciary is an independent branch of government. If any of the sitting justices ever feel like they're in a tough spot, something must be very wrong in America!
He’ll soon be in the bread line with the rest of us since the Supreme Court will no longer be needed. How will they survive without the power and protection afforded them?
Congress should just be abolished along with the Senate. They’re just ass sitters at this point. They’ll be of no use soon.
The power-hunger of the right-wingers is limitless, true? They've already packed the Supreme Court with MAGA partisans & get long-established precedents overturned, yet remain angry & grasping. No independent thought allowed. Only rubber-stampers for Trump should have a voice?
Totally agree, except we’re all suffering the consequences. History, if they don’t continue to erase it, will prove what a corrupt justice he was. The RV justice too. And the justice with the crazy wife.
Roberts is MAGA. He gave the rich our election process and then gave Krasnov immunity. His only challenge is maintaining a job if he chooses to make SCROTUS irrelevant.
He's not in a tough spot. He's a wholly owned subsidiary of this dumb cabal. There's a world of daylight between mealy mouthed "criticism" and actually doling out justice.
Not surprised. If any judges need to be impeached we should start with him, then the justice who gave immunity (who seems to be regretting it), and then the justice with the upside down flag and crazy wife.
The Supreme Court is the last bulwark providing a peaceful resolution of T's attempt to install himself as King. Congress has surrendered, most of the Dems are in disarray clutching their pearls. We trusted to much that the 'group-think' that is voting would never select a destructor. We were wrong
Dear Supreme Judge, I believe it is too late for this debate. The individual in question does not respect your institution, and your recent decision has granted him unlimited power. Congratulations, you have achieved this outcome.
No, it's actually a quite simple 'spot', either the SC intends to uphold the Constitution and the Rule of Law, or, they, too, join the queue of scump lackeys!
I learned in 10th grade about this thing called "checks and balances"? So... isn't he just doing his job? Doesn't sound like a tough spot, seems like that's the job he signed up for? If I could figure that out as a 15 year old hopefully someone at his level of experience could figure it out too.
A tough spot? Since when is standing up for the Constitution a "tough spot"? Shouldn't the headline be, "Roberts stands up for the Constitution and angers Trump who wants to trample the rule of law."?
Sure, he may be finding himself backed into a corner, but this is hardly a sudden rug pull ffs. Maybe he shouldn't have been such an enabler all along - y'know, if he'd consistently stuck up for the actual Constitution more than for his boi Trump?
They created it, now they can deal with it! Had they followed the constitution, we would not be in this mess! Roberts, Clarence, Alito, Barrett and Kavanaugh were instrumental in making him a king! They all suck dumps tiny little orange balls! We are doomed!
And how do you suggest they do that? Issue an arrest warrant? 100% certainty that won't happen & even if it did, the US Marshals (under the Executive Branch) won't enforce it. The Executive has too much fire power, pure and simple. The President can even federalize all the State's National Guard.
I hear you, and it’s scary as shit.
But the court has to stand up anyway. And give people the wake up call they need to get out from under this sociopaths control. And if not, we will have to fight somehow or leave somehow.
Who's the psychopath? DJT or JP Morgan? Exxon? Microsoft? They've broken-away because they've painted themselves into a corner. Netanyahu is showing the way. There's no time for asking politely like the post-colonial era. They'll just take, and if they can, like Japan did, systematically loot.
Unclear, Reuters, as to how ANYTHING a Supreme Court Justice (who has a lifetime appointment and can never be appealed) could do that would “put him in a rough spot”🤷♂️
If the judicial system falls to Trump, we are royally fucked. Nice to see some life out of the Supreme Court…finally. Hopefully we’ll see much more in the future.
CJ Roberts is in an awkward position, but I'm not seeing he has any intention of rolling over.
Congress should just be abolished along with the Senate. They’re just ass sitters at this point. They’ll be of no use soon.
SCOTUS Justice’s wife with previous ties to a cult, was a lead organizer in the January 6th coup
Citizens United installed Christian Nationalist with cult ties
We have a Rouge Justice who believes in absolute power and has a far right Christian agenda used to manipulate the courts outcomes.
Robert’s legacy will forever be tied to Trump by ignoring the fact that Justice Kennedy’s son Justin, was Trumps personal banker and head of the real-estate division of Deutsche Bank … which loaned to Trump when other banks wouldn't
The People stand with CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN ROBERTS on this case - fight tyranny - fuck tyrant drumpf he’s not above the law
They could always remove the restraint and file charges after the fact.
But that takes a spine to do and he might be missing one right now
Color me unsympathetic.
But the court has to stand up anyway. And give people the wake up call they need to get out from under this sociopaths control. And if not, we will have to fight somehow or leave somehow.
It’s self imposed.