Same. My mom and I own our house together, and her check is a big part of keeping this roof over our heads. I'm freaking out a bit, right along with you!!!
All of us on SS are freaking out right now. I’m also extremely angry. I’ve worked my ass off since I was 15, working after school part time. I’ve worked at jobs I hated, but I had to make a living. I need the SS I paid into for decades.
My first job paid minimum wage which was $1.27/hour. I worked after school in my high school’s office under what was called the Poverty Program. My family’s income was at the poverty level so I qualified. Girls could work in the office, boys could work in grounds maintenance.
If that ever happens, Trump and Musk will be taking their lives in their hands. You will never see so many elderly and disabled with all of their medical apparatuses engaged in protest.
I can literally start collecting social security in 6 months I've worked all of my life until the past five and a half years ago when I retired. I don't know what I'm going to do I already am a caregiver and I don't even get paid to do that
If someone is getting Social Security, they're not working full time, so they're a drain on the system. It's the same tactic Hitler's Nazis used against severely disabled people as he tested the idea of the final solution.
Sister and her mom need it. It’ll ruin our entire future if it goes away. I’ll never understand why punishing Americans was a winning ticket. I don’t want to share a country with these assholes anymore.
You're so kind, thank you. 🫂 I have been job hunting for weeks, but I tell ya, ageism is real! Even with all my degrees and experience. I'm not giving up, though. 🙂
Ageism is one of the uglier, quieter "isms" in the job market. It is utterly unfair and a waste of potential resources who want, or need, to keep working.
We all are to be honest. Talk to the people in your community many do not know this is happening, join a local group so people can advocate for you and many like you, protest, volunteer and ask your kids to do the same. We need to be LOUD and if you can get a MAGA supporter to join us.
I am part of a protest group in my county, and I also write postcards to voters for any elections coming up. I've signed the AARP petitions and wrote letters and called my representatives. I am doing everything possible to be proactive.
Trump will find himself in a world where he can’t leave the bunker! Try taking the only check millions of people with guns and noting much left to deal with away. Pretty dumb plan but then again, he is a moron!!
My husband and I have social security, no savings, no pension. I went back to work last year because social security was not enough to live on, but neither is my parttime job in retail. We may be freaking out a lot.
Republicans have proposed changes to Social Security with includes increase the age for social security. This will only effect people under the age of 59. If your parents are currently receiving social security they will not be effected.
We all should be freaking out. A lot. We should have taken to the streets months ago by the millions. We have the power of righteousness and numbers on our side.
I have one daughter, she’s 55, lives alone, she has offered multiple times to have me move in with her, I’m not going to do that to her. My roommates are on SS alsothey live in my house because they can’t afford rent & I’m not having them on the street. If we go down we’ll go together.
Exactly, this was set up so we wouldn’t burden our children with taking care of us when we have lived too long! I do not want to be a burden to my son. And without Social Security, I might well be a burden. Trump’s response is probably going to be legalized euthanasia.
What I don't understand, is why aren't grocery stores and retail saying anything about this, you know how many billions they would loose if this happens? Utility companies wont get paid, water utilities wont get paid, rents/mortgages wont get paid. I dont understand any this this.
I know I would be hunting down some politicians and republicunts.....but that's just this elderly old female veteran who is on SS. I'll show them the same mercy they are showing us. WE know who they are...they can't hide forever!
I hit retirement age next month. Counting on my SS has been the main thing getting me thru the past few rollercoaster years, and frankly, I wish MORE folks than just us Olds were freaking out about it 😒
I've been told my entire life (I'm 36) that I will never receive SS because it'll run out before it gets to me. The system has always been rigged but now boomers are ACTUALLY freaking out because it's their problem now. Sorry though, gotta be hard to realize it'll impact your generation.
And why did you accept this?? Even if this all wasn't happening right now, do you have any idea what your life is going to be like in a 25 years? What if you CAN't work until you die? Boomers & Gen X have been paying into YOUR future as well, you should care you're being stolen from, if not Olds😒
Maybe YOUR generation should have been trying to fix it for the kids instead of telling us "it's for me but not for thee" my entire life and maybe I would care more 🤷🏻♀️
I'm sorry I misunderstood you. SS has been under threat by the GOP as long as I can remember. But I've gladly payed into it knowing I was paying in for thee as well as me. Generations should NOT be fighting each other, especially now when a massive dark supercell is bearing down on us all.
I grew up in rural Utah and voted blue down the ballet all 18 years. I had all the adults my entire life telling me "you'll never get SS" and they were the same people voting it away from me. I promise it's not only the older people who care, it's just us younger gens have dealt with it for years
The democratic party deliberately stabbed him in the back. In the most obvious way possible. He easily could have beaten trump in 20 for sure&again in 24. In stabbing Bernie in the back in 20, we got trump again. It's a miracle Joe won. Candidates must toe the party line
If its true and they cut off SS, millions will have to rely on already $$ stressed family to take them in. Others will die working into old age. Those with disabilities will have it the worst. It’s devastating to an entire nation. How f**king cruel & inhumane.
I’m not in your position but recently had to deal with Californias Disability Insurance System.
Some things to do before you have any issues:
- gather every possible required document (ids, birth certs, SSA statements from online)
- create an online profile for your parents now
- find your local office now and confirm if it will remain open or closed
- book a meeting for each NOW (Before there’s an issue) and either cancel it or keep it and get clarification on any other things you may need in the future.
- stock up pantry goods when on sale
This is good advice. Planning ahead. Getting and being prepared. Reaching out to neighbors to see if they need help with the process. A lot of people don’t have family to ask.
I’m going to make a big donation to my food bank. We can all help. 🙏
Your parents neighbourhood may have a foodbank or similar hardship support network. Maybe look into soup kitchens nearby. Call your local Republican coward to protest.
You may feel less stressed if you act. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
My brother is completely disabled, with an immigrant in home health assistant. My sister is handicapped and her medical come thru her partial disability. My entire family (except my mother who didn’t vote at all) voted for the orange slug (I have 3 brothers, 2 sisters and 3 in laws).
This is my son. If he loses his Medicaid HE WILL DIE. If my Social Security goes away WE WILL BE HOMELESS IMMEDIATELY!!!
Fuck Lutnick, shitler, DOGE, MUSK!
This is a crisis that demands action. The consequences of inaction are devastating, and the time to act is now. Cutting or eliminating SS, and the ground will shake as people rise up in protest. The masses will not stand by silently while their lifeline is jeopardized. We must push back now.
Not to be a total jerk, but it's not just the social security it's also the Medicaid which pays for nursing home care etc for elderly and those with long-term illnesses. We are facing a very difficult future.
Don't just assume that the GOP cares about political suicide anymore. This is a government take down and I don't think Congress, Democrats, Judges or our military are going to stop it....
It's only political suicide if they intend to ever let us have a fair election again. I think they are only so brazen because they aren't worried about losing elections anymore.
well, imagine how all of us out here who, like your parents, need SS but we don't HAVE anyone to fall back TO.
My parents are both dead
My brother's dead
It's me and me alone and I NEED SS.
What's insane is that some of the poorest people in the poorest states still voted for this anyway for exactly this ⬇️ reason... thinking shitler was talking about the "other" guy.
Now they're all finding out that they're the "other" guy.
U truly do not understand them. Most of em are apocalypse lovin preppers. They want this to happen. To prove they're right. So they'll take one for the team to see the Fed collapse & everything is going according to their plans, so they're even more confident & willing to suffer to get rid of y'all.
I understand them just fine.There's always the apocalyptic loonies willing to take one for the team in every cult.But the vast majority of red hats voted to screw someone else & to 'own the libs.'They're FO that it's not as much fun as they thought bc they're getting done right along w everyone else
Everyone that isnt a millionaire will need the safety insurance programs you will never get those protection just working till you drop or struckdown its a fact ! Your a liabilty with no saftey net if those were gone !
thinking that we're right to be freaking out right now. I work full time but still rely on my son's survivor SS benefits in our new apartment. Zero trust the checks will continue as they should
You are not. My mom just went into long term care. It takes her social security check plus Medicaid to pay for her care. She is immobile. We are all freaking out. This is insanity.
I want to know what the game plan is. So are they just going to murder everyone needing constant medical care by neglecting them and not answering the phone? Nobody's gonna forgive that. What then? Rule with violence to keep us all slaves or threaten us with slavery if we aren't "behaving?"
I'm pretty sure that's what the mean girls in the White House wanted. They want you freaking out and they know it's insane. They don't care. It's heartbreaking. And I have told many that narcissists shouldn't be anywhere near the White House but Trump supporters are too insane to care or listen.
The French Revolution will never be over. This is how we get the government to work for us instead of itself and the greedy billionaires it surrounds itself with (in any country)
Lots of people will. That's why SS has never been cut off. Politicians have been trying to pull money out of SS for years, but too many people will be in DC knocking on their doors if they do.
They earned it. trumpy wants to fleece Americans out of our social security which is why he has been calling it an entitlement, so he can con people out of it.
That visual reminded me of the very 1st episode of Designated Survivor & makes me wonder who is the Designated Survivor now? Because that could become relevant if enough people get pissed off. It wouldn't surprise me at all. Somebody may not be able to bear it and decide to go postal, so to speak.
So many of our parents, disabled friends, shoot I get SS survivors benefits for my kiddos.
Most people on Medicare have their premiums come out of their SS checks automatically. The way the administration and cabinet is just tearing everything apart is dangerous and beyond chaotic.
I get it. I was planning to start benefits next year at full retirement age, but now I'm afraid it will A) take forever to get through and get started and B) they could find a bogus reason to discontinue benefits and I have to deal with legal red tape.
Fuck these mother fuckers! They take our Social Security that we paid into our entire lives, its time to go gloves off-elbow up! Arm up to defend your homes and families! We all need to fight these fuckers head on of they try this.
You and many others. It is owed to them, yes.
It is estimated to fill about 40% of the income needs of a retired person, and for some it ends up being more than that.
Plus, the federal government is cutting programs that have helped food banks. Add to that price increases due to trump's tariffs.
if they're dumb enough to touch that shit you're going to see a LOT of attempts on peoples lives. that's a GREAT way to eat instant riots and consequences
My in-laws and father live on Social Security and Military Pensions. They're all freaking out. If shit starts getting cut, time to head to the streets en-mass and let DC know we're not fucking happy.
Philadelphia coming through!!!! There is now an official flyer for Orange Turd's visit to attend the NCAA Wrestling championship this weekend! 🙌 Everyone show up and Turn up!
Most of us feel the same way. It will be devastating. It’s looking like that’s what it’s going to take for us to do something. No one else is coming to save us. Frankly, I’m ready for us to shut this govt down if that’s what it takes. I’ve had more than enough. Each day they do worse.
I feel this with every ounce of my being. The constitutional crisis we’re dealing with is also creating a mental health crisis - anxiety is through the roof over this trash.
Right! I’ve always been good at taking long nature walks with the dogs & plenty of outdoor time but now, I take extra measures to reduce risk of anxiety attacks. Vitamins. Calming herbal teas. Monitor how much news I take in. I even bought 0 thc 10 mg cbd gummies for bad days. Lol
I feel you. Social security is the only income most people will get after retirement. Millions are counting on it to live & survive. Upon retirement, we get what we have paid for w/our hard earned dollars, & have worked for 30+ years. It is OUR money, not an “entitlement”
💯 the fear and anxiety 😟 these deplorable actions surrounding social security are causing will actually send many into a physical or mental health crisis!
Most of us are in the same boat. So are a lot of landlords, nursing homes, utility companies, etc etc.
There are 50 million SS recipients so you gotta figure there are something like at least 35 million households that rely on SS benefits for living expenses. And most of those 50 million people
are related to the other 285 million younger people in the country who are in the workforce or will be in the future.
I can't imagine anything they could fuck up that would be more guaranteed to get them shitcanned than fucking up social security payments. It might take a few months, but if they
I would survive (I think) without social security. But I am aware of my luck and privilege and I actually give a fuck about other people. I will be calling, marching, fighting for all of those people, including your mom and dad.
I plan on writing to my governor, my Senate and House reps, but I don't expect them to do anything since the Democrats have been sitting on their thumbs for 2 months. 😒
Yes, they are, but too many of them are not doing anything to stop the current administration from obliterating the programs that keep people from losing their livelihoods. Why are they not out holding rallies like AOC and Bernie Sanders instead of giving lip service?
And what exactly are AOC and Bernie doing that will reign in Trump? They’re not helping with special elections to take back the House. They’re certainly not focusing on Schumer to vacate his leadership.
Because they’re holding town halls for their constituents. AND, for what it’s worth, it was Tim Walz’s call to action and IMO, AOC should be in NY, holding Schumer’s feet to the fire. Jamie Raskin has been sounding the alarm, Klobuchar had 14 town halls, Tammy Duckworth has been screaming from the
Rooftops. Good on them, but let’s not pretend the whole Party isn’t out there fighting. Even Schumer is facing his constituents, it isn’t going well. The grand tour is going well, but you know what’s going to happen when they’re back in DC? Nothing, they’re still the minority.
I don't disagree with your thoughts at all. I know the Democrats are in the minority and realize that my thoughts are stupid, but it comes from the frustration of how running from the center and appealing to people like Liz Cheney left too many people with a bad taste in their mouth.
Do not write; call. The post office is having a hard time delivering mail. We have been seeing reports of mail not being delivered for 3 months after being dropped at the box. Email boxes are full for most too. Town halls are becoming the place to meet to share ideas. Good luck. 👍
I meant to say email,not regular mail. I received two emails back already. One last week and one this week after I sent them stuff in late February. They didn't really say anything that made me feel better, but at least they answered. 😏
Call your local senior office and ask for help. They will be able to put you in touch with people who can help. If you need adult care to attend an event they may provide someone. No one can caregiver alone. It’s too hard. You must ask though. Good luck. 🤞
It will be fine. Grocery prices and inflation have already come down so much under Trump our cost of living is going to be insanely low and we won't need social security. /s
Reality: it likely will get cut off 😣 BUT watching the momentum build with AOC/Bernie, the growing Tesla Takedown. When they cut social security people will be in the streets — too many people will be affected. Years ago many would’ve stood by & shrugged; people are fighting back now. Hold on 🙏🏾✊🏾
And Lutnick said if they complain about not receiving their SS check they are ‘fraudsters’. Only fraudsters complain and yell the loudest. Projection yet again. Good luck with your magats.
They are the victims of a huge misinformation campaign, spread by the churches among other groups, and think they are on the right side. They think you are the one who has been brainwashed. It's sad and unfair but not their fault.
I have a family member in a federal job and he and my father both say his job is fine because he’s a veteran and Trump is looking out for veterans. And if anything happens, they said they’ll just send a letter to Trump and Musk who has their backs.
. . . or stupid. Just plain stupid, and I don’t mean that in an insulting way. They are stuck on simple and stupid because that’s who they are and it makes life easier or easy for them. Stupid and simple—no budging from those positions or worldview.
The crappy part is that the rest of us will complain and fight back enough that they hopefully will not cut it, and then she will say, "See, they were only going after fraud." They never learn.
They’re not going to cut off jack shit. They can’t. Millions of starving homeless seniors will totally fuck up a major voting block for them, not to mention the number of senators and representatives that want to keep their jobs.
I prefer reality over fear mongering and the fact is IF they were to eliminate SS THEN they would have millions of homeless starving senior citizens in the streets.
Elections don’t even enter into it because the civil unrest from such a thing will boil off the charts and they’ll be toast.
I’m on social security disability. I have no idea if I’ll get my payment next week. It will devastate me financially if not. I’ve been on SSD since 2010. I have never, ever even thought that money wouldn’t be there when promised. I expect that at some point in the next few months it won’t be.
You SHOULD be! Commerce Secty & billionaire, Howard Lutnick, claims not sending out Soc Sec checks is the best way to uncover fraud. He says his mother-in-law wouldn’t complain if she didn’t receive her check, but a fraudster would scream out. Recipients who complain are fraudsters.
Everyone voting to dismantle social security needs to answer the question. Do you want to be responsible for supporting, feeding, and medical bills for your aging parents. I'm sure there's very few saying yes.
The truth is most people can't support their parents. And there are millions of seniors and disabled folks who do not have family that can care for them if their benefits are stolen ( yes, stolen!)- losing that lifeline would be an actual death sentence for millions.
To the people who say it’s not a Trump voters fault in the world of information are full of shit ! It’s exactly everyone’s fault who voted for this man for whatever reason whether it be eggs or religion . Nothing was hidden! It was in plain sight !
I'm with you. I'm 60 with 3 siblings, all of whom subsist on SSA, Medicare and medicaid. My husband and I are saving money cause we know we will have to help them. I'm terrified
So you think they're going to kick you off of social security and Medicaid? SSA checks will get bigger, not having to pay tax on it, so that helps. Why would they cancel your family.
Yeah, I know you still have to as of right now. Hopefully, they will follow through on no tax, though. Will take a while for it. Dad is on social security as well, so I'm just being hopeful for it.
Looks like their trailers are going to be very crowded with Grandaddy, Grandma, Mom and Daddy moving in.
I AM freaking out! My kids do not have the means to help me if I lose my SS check.
I'm not going to lie and pretend to be strong here, I am afraid.
You're not going to do anything. Your parents worked and paid the price for social security.
... and they'll get it, or some spoiled rich beast with a bone spur will pay for it with its life.
Not you!
It’s our money
Billionaire Lutnick to Millions: Don’t Complain if Social Security Stops
They'll die
And both are political parties have put the capitalists in charge
I hit retirement age next month. Counting on my SS has been the main thing getting me thru the past few rollercoaster years, and frankly, I wish MORE folks than just us Olds were freaking out about it 😒
The democratic party deliberately stabbed him in the back. In the most obvious way possible. He easily could have beaten trump in 20 for sure&again in 24. In stabbing Bernie in the back in 20, we got trump again. It's a miracle Joe won. Candidates must toe the party line
Some things to do before you have any issues:
- gather every possible required document (ids, birth certs, SSA statements from online)
- create an online profile for your parents now
- book a meeting for each NOW (Before there’s an issue) and either cancel it or keep it and get clarification on any other things you may need in the future.
- stock up pantry goods when on sale
… just some thoughts.
I’m going to make a big donation to my food bank. We can all help. 🙏
You may feel less stressed if you act. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
Serves mostly seniors and homeless. Horrible what’s happening.
Fuck Lutnick, shitler, DOGE, MUSK!
families breaking their heads trying to figure out how to fix IT
when it comes to our eldery loved ones
Imagine the old, alone no one to help them!
We feel the weight of all these problems on us
and no end in sight
My parents are both dead
My brother's dead
It's me and me alone and I NEED SS.
Now they're all finding out that they're the "other" guy.
Your oppression is their profession.
Nobody wants to hear it and for sure nobody wants to do it.
But this REALLY IS the only way out.
Most people on Medicare have their premiums come out of their SS checks automatically. The way the administration and cabinet is just tearing everything apart is dangerous and beyond chaotic.
I may wait until I'm 69 or 70 to start.
We rely on it too as do millions of others, who have paid into it their whole lives and it is rightfully theirs
It is estimated to fill about 40% of the income needs of a retired person, and for some it ends up being more than that.
Plus, the federal government is cutting programs that have helped food banks. Add to that price increases due to trump's tariffs.
under the bus.
Not retirement age yet , but i need that money
It’s mine
Stay alert.
Call your Senators.
Seniors unite
There are 50 million SS recipients so you gotta figure there are something like at least 35 million households that rely on SS benefits for living expenses. And most of those 50 million people
I can't imagine anything they could fuck up that would be more guaranteed to get them shitcanned than fucking up social security payments. It might take a few months, but if they
Flood their zone
I’m equally frustrated and seriously alarmed.
They voted for Trump every single time.
When I asked my mom what she’s gonna do when he cuts Medicare, she said he’s only looking for fraud.
They’re gonna be blindsided, which is a feat when I straight up told them.
Elections don’t even enter into it because the civil unrest from such a thing will boil off the charts and they’ll be toast.
This administration just doesn’t seem to care about the citizens.. unless you got millions or billions.
You need to get of BlueSky. The people here create and feed on other people's fears.
Try out and follow a select small number of reasonable and calm liberal and conservative thinkers. I suggest Dave Rubin and VDH.
Zero. Zip. Nada.
Don’t you think there would be if they were serious? They’re not serious. They’re lying. All they do is lie.