yet she's still wearing MAGA merch
so she's fine with harming her neighbors en masse at a distance, just not with harming a *specific* neighbor personally
Over to you, mr Vance……
(I strongly suspect the only thing Vance et al will be doing now is doxxing the trump supporter to his brownshirts)
Russia expends a ton of effort creating mistrust of the media & ensuring many of us aren't tethered to the same facts
They're not focused on the bigger problem.
Delegitimizing news media is the 1st step to authoritarian rule. The R's focus since Gingrch on lie-based hate of the left, the rise of partially fictional "news" (Fox),& the internet's echo chambers are killing our democracy. 2/2
I'm sorry, trust in the facts reported in the news media (not tone, word choice, and what to emphasize) are our defense against pogroms or they would be if we weren't already past salvation.
Oh wait
He's a little troll who, like the fairies, can be asked not to be such an annoying little turd by offering him little gifts -- in his case, lube, bits of old furniture upholstery, or a Happy Glove.
(He lives behind the toilet)
- You have to be sure to include the insults. He loves those.
This one was not (apologies for it being a goddamn yt short).
To learn you need to be willing to accept facts.
Off the racism/Trump topic, I have a cat owner pro tip to share: If you let them out, sometimes they wander off for a while. It's because they're cats.
Also she made sure to reach out to them in their language to the best of her abilities.
So she just decided to blame Haitan residents, huh
The MAGA mindset is a mental illness.