For everyone saying they are all MAGA or he is just a McConnell clone, keep in mind that Mitch is/was dead set against removing the cloture rule across the board. It’s unlikely Thune would do it either. Bannon not liking it says a lot.
Even the Buffoons sycophants know there’s no sunlight when you are up his butt. Thyme was part of the bipartisan border bill that DJT killed while running his shadow government.
So glad it isn’t Scott. While I certainly don’t agree with Thune on a lot of policy, he isn’t a Trumper. I really hope he’ll succeed and do some good in the Senate
I'm very heartened by this. Trump was screaming for a MAGA Senate Majority Leader after having to deal with Mitch McConnell. He had two MAGAs in the running, and they BOTH lost. I don't think Trump has the support in the House & Senate he thinks he has.
There’s covert MAGA & overt MAGA! The connecting dots? They all are MAGA in the GOP! Until that is IMO understood & accepted there will not be the revolution for change!
Just to be clear. This isn’t a party anymore. It’s maggot klan clown kakistocracy. We are all going to watch them fight each other. He’s no McConnell. He is not McCain. Wasn’t he just in Russia for his birthday?
"Mr. Thune, what do you think of President Trump's comments that unmarried women approaching the age of 30 should be auctioned off to potential mates?"
"Well I haven't seen that so I can't comment, we're just focused on stopping the Democrats radical liberal agenda."
So this shows that the only one that was able to win was Thune which means the Senate isn't 100% lunatics on the republican side, now mind you this is also about the lesser of 2 evils
Well, out of the options, he’s the best they could have picked. I’ll take him over Rick Scott any day, at least Dems have a track record of being able to get *something* done with him. Senate will be a little better than we think.
We need to stop pretending these performative and temporary votes are newsworthy or even relevant. This is all going to change when a new Senate gets sworn in.
Do you think they included the new Senators in the vote? I would have assumed they'd wait until January
Not that it matters much but this is *interesting*
I’m not sure what all of that will mean in the long run.
I was worried for a moment that Trump would have a better hand with congress this time.
"Well I haven't seen that so I can't comment, we're just focused on stopping the Democrats radical liberal agenda."
I kinda think Minority Leader Schumer is happy about this.
The recess scheme.
I cried.