Of course he did. It’s only debates he chickens out of! I’m sure the questions will be softballs pre-approved by his team so he can sound somewhat coherent 🙄
Thanks for the warning to watch some #BobsBurgers or Southpark at that time and to stay off social media. The less I see or hear that orange julius thing, the better.
A total of 5 linked Corporate Capitalist News outlets control almost all US Media. News Corp, NA, Disney, AT&T and Comcast own 90% of the TV stations and related Media. It is all "Manufacturing Consent" just depends on which Corporate Right Wing team you are on.
Where he will lie, the press will believe it and run papers about how everything is cool and then in 1-3 months they will be shocked to learn the lie was a lie.
Since when was this ever a good idea but for trump? 😒 People shouldn't interview him unless they're prepared to control it, fact check, and hold ground
Thanks for letting me know though. I’ll read the transcript later.
If it were someone else, maybe. But that Welker woman doesn't have what it takes.
She will fold
Fuck all the way off corporate media.
Interviews with pathological liars aren't interesting.