Actually, I did read several days ago DeSantis was pissed, because he wasn’t notified. Desantis has nothing to lose at this point. Maybe he wants to try to be a hero. Just once.
I do not want to sound like I am defending them, but what are they under investigation for in US jurisdiction? Is the AG being closed lipped about the evidence or are they fishing?
Trump frees Jan 6 rioters. 10 are re-arrested within one month and at least one is dead. Trump frees Andrew Tate. Andrew Tate under immediate investigation. Maybe he's just not good at this.
Disenfranchising formerly incarcerated people, trampling over the civil rights of the state's population, fucking up the local insurance industry, FL had done all of the above. Yet THIS is where they choose to stand on the right side of the issue???
[ Leans closer to mic ]
YARAs ranting everywhere.
YARA'ing this. YARA'ing that.
YARA'ing until we're all beshat.
Ugh, I feel dirty.
I will never understand that place