Trump & Vance keep saying we “need” Greenland for security.
But there is no threat to Greenland from Russia or China or any country.
If there was a threat, why would the US keep just 150 military personnel in Greenland? (Air Force and Space Force)
But there is no threat to Greenland from Russia or China or any country.
If there was a threat, why would the US keep just 150 military personnel in Greenland? (Air Force and Space Force)
“Freedom is slavery”
“Ignorance is strength“
In George Orwell's 1984, the Party slogan "War is peace" is one of three core tenets, along with "Freedom is slavery" and "Ignorance is strength," used to control the population through propaganda and manipulation of reality.
This is Musk and other Oligarchs trying to achieve the same goal.
Sometimes not at all.
Ah…the art of the deal
Peter Theil and this is why Vance is so into Greenland it's his REAL bosses baby!
Weird angry hateful man
We’ve had an agreement to essentially defend Greenland since 1941.
This is about Trump and Putin negotiating spheres of influence and claiming rights to resources.
It's all about mining their resources.
It’s literally the “Northern Passage.”
They are small. Keep them small. They will hate this.
Even China will have a hard time with the terrain in Greenland. In China is not that stupid., this is about minerals and resources only.
He wants them.
Yet millions of his supporters are convinced if we don't take Greenland, we're in some sort of grave danger
Because this is what you get when a cable channel spreads toxicity, hate and misinformation and gaslights the nation for 36 years
I am ashamed to be American. More accurately, I am ashamed that Trump is American.
It wasn't his reason for wanting Greenland in his first term.
2019 -
Him and his buddies’ plans sounds something right out of the “Die Hard” movies.
In your own familiar language, it says,
Too many Libertardians reading too much alternate history/science fiction. Maybe soon disclosure of extraterrestrials??
It's about welfare security, for the oligarchy.
It is Russia, who needs Greenland for sea routes and to surround Europe. Note also
- Putin is now threatening Norvegian Svalbard, too
- Denmark controls the baltic sea sea routes, that are crucial for Russia.
Pressuring Denmark is a huge favor for Putin, there is no real US interest here, on the contrary what they are doing only hurts US by weakening Denmarks position as an ally against Russia.
Hilarious, in view of the abandonment of Ukraine in favour of the biggest threat to “international security” on earth.
That’s a poser: should NATO help the US to invade a NATO country, or should they defend the NATO country so attacked?
This argument should keep them busy for quite a while….
More info ..
The same can be said of Canada and its vast natural resources.
But respectful, sane American presidents use diplomacy and not megalomaniacal threats and bullying. This is why no cooperation with Trump can happen
Maybe doesn't realise where ice comes from?
i just did.
All other "reasons" are smoke and mirrors.
All this annexation talk is serving only Russian interests. US already had all the access it wanted to Greenland and Canada, because Canada and Denmark were close allies. But if US now serves Russia, Denmark and Canada need to be removed.
There is no reason to own Greenland because of a security reason. Greenland is through Denmark a part of NATO.