I know these are supposed to be jokey references to real events but I have no fucking idea what half of these are referring to either in context or in abstract
The NYT is treating these issues the way I look at the NBA GOAT debate which is 1) also stupid 2) absolutely harmless and 3) kind of fun. They should view trans people as more significant than my case for Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Who, by the way, has more political insight than the NYT.
Trans women in Florida prisons are put in male prisons and aren't allowed to even wear a bra, but let's just call it trans "issues" like it's a little argument about pronouns
the fact that there is no public outcry over how humiliating this is anywhere but bluesky is so grim to me, for an evil rag run by evil people this is actually one of the most evil things they have published. From the placement of trans allowed to email me to Adolf Wordle being given positive impact
Just one Pepsi
We all know they are lying.