Damn I should have done this the one time I saw these 2 guys walking out of an IGA, one was wearing normal clothes and the other long hair & a lavish red bathrobe holding wine & saying in a surfer voice "yeah man your gonna be a dad, that's so radical, their gonna add so much joy to ur life" 😂
Love this, literally guys when they go grocery shopping (after they failed like 7 times to get what they actually needed and ended up with like sprite or something)
Kinda like me with one of my roommates when any number of us are high. There's a mission objective and it must be met, doesn't matter if there's another bus of tourists that came in and stand between us and the grated parmesan.
Can you draw the frumpy lady I saw this morning walking two little fluffy white pups in the Chicago cold (7 degrees) saying to them as they lift a leg to pee: “Hurry up! It’s cold!”?
Stay focused and don't look at the cookie displays!
Halfway there... almost to the checkout line... and why in the name of all that's holy would someone make a four foot long box of Ding Dongs? (checks date) Nevermind. We have an epic ding dong taking office. I get it.
Why are all you sad soap-gene people all over this if it doesn’t taste good to you *for genetic reasons,* and it does taste good to us for essentially the same reason… it’s not our fault we lucked out.
Now I want to see an episode of the Bear where Carmy and Cousin Richie and are frantically going from store to store searching for a specific ingredient and struggling to find it while exuding this energy.
*not literally, I was by myself and I call it coriander
They need it for their guacamole.
Gonna be the best damned guacamole ever!
Mission with a grocery list 😂
i cant taste cilantro at all? so like
what does it taste like???
1.50!? That baller as hell!
Halfway there... almost to the checkout line... and why in the name of all that's holy would someone make a four foot long box of Ding Dongs? (checks date) Nevermind. We have an epic ding dong taking office. I get it.
Cilantro seeds are great in anything spicy as well.
My penance is done.
(🛑🚨DISCLAIMER: 👆 joking - do not attempt)