This is a subtle comic to grasp, I think.
A man is wearing a shirt announcing he's a feminist, so he wants others to believe he upholds feminist views. This aligns with "performative male feminism" in that he's virtue signalling.
Then you have two women annoyed that he's doing what they would do.
So, my interpretation is: "How dare he make an outward display of being a good person, when we try to display that WE'RE good people!"
aka: "Stop stealing my gimmick!"
If the intent is to critique dudes, this seems like a shallow critique. What, because the guy wears something to declare support for a cause, we should assume he's being superficial or non genuine about it?
I Do Agree That The Meaning Is Muddled By Alternate Meanings And Ambiguity, Which Is A NoGo For Commentary, And Having To Read The AltText To Know Who's Side's The True Side Is Not Good, That I Have No Qualms About.
I'll be a feminist if I want to but I wouldn't walk around with it written on a t-shirt. Actions speak louder than words so if I'm to communicate my involvement in feminism to the world it'll be with helping movements, discussions etc.
Sometimes I worry that the worst thing that ever happened to progress, was people outside of the marginalized group being judged for supporting it without being part of it. Yes, women should lead the charge of feminism, but men need to support it too to make real progress in the patriarchy
What am I supposed to do then? Not show support? Idk, I get the joke but it just leaves me unsure about how I'm supposed to behave appropriately. I just want to exist as a man without doing harm, and advocating against harm. If speaking up myself is silencing women, then I'm sorry, I'll shut up.
I'm gonna echo firstname lastname. Try to listen to women, but just do what you can and be earnest. I've wrestled with the fact that there are women, particularly online, who have a lot of sh*t to say about men and when they're really fired up on that topic (1/?)
you can't really talk them through it, their mind is made up. I think at a certain point you have to accept there's no "doing right" by some people if they have a bone to pick with you just based on your perceived privileged status, and at that point that becomes their problem, not yours. (2/?)
If you're taking care to listen to women and try to check and correct your behavior as well as sexism from other men when you see it, you're already doing a lot better than most guys get to. (3/?)
Keep your mind open for opportunities to learn, but also accept some people don't want to teach, they just want to hate, and haters shouldn't get you down or weigh on your self worth as a man, they should be ignored.
Perhaps this is something I should talk to a therapist instead of a webcomic artist. Why I'm so desperate to wish to be exonerated from this presumed sin of being a man.
Managed to confuse and piss off people from both sides of the aisle and bait someone into a pronoun argument over "they" and an abject failure of understanding context clues.
Perfect political satire comic.
The confusion stems from how it seems two women are stating performative feminism is being "taken away" from them.
Implying that when women do performative activism, it's okay, but when a man does it, that's wrong.
Seemingly creating a double standard, instead of just admonishing the act itself.
Also, you seem to be using the term "sensitive" derisively. Is it wrong for people to be sensitive now and try to understand an author's message?
Or is it wrong for people to dislike generalized hatred towards them?
You should give professional lessons on gaslighting. Maybe bring your past 5 comments to your therapist and ask her to unpack how they're showing your fragility and obviously clouded critical thinking abilities, because it ain't my job.
Clearly they want their big ol' mustaches back.
Women need male guardian to travel, says Hamas court in Gaza Strip
A man is wearing a shirt announcing he's a feminist, so he wants others to believe he upholds feminist views. This aligns with "performative male feminism" in that he's virtue signalling.
Then you have two women annoyed that he's doing what they would do.
aka: "Stop stealing my gimmick!"
If it's not, then this is a really stupid comic.
To complain about someone supporting you has to be one of the most cringe thing one could do.
And Of Course, How To Improve ConveyAbility WithOut Hassle. No Use Pointing At Problems WithOut Trying To Get SOME Solution Going! :)
Perfect political satire comic.
Implying that when women do performative activism, it's okay, but when a man does it, that's wrong.
Seemingly creating a double standard, instead of just admonishing the act itself.
Or is it wrong for people to dislike generalized hatred towards them?
You're using it like it means you're making an effort. It means your ego is fragile. Sensitive.
It's truly not hard to grasp, idk how you're confused by such simple nuance.