As an alum of the Justice Department unit that reviews EOs for form & legality--the Office of Legal Counsel--I've been watching the EOs & memoranda as they came out. What struck me most is the centralization of control and access. Things are happening so quickly that many haven't realized it yet.1/x
They’ll Trump have adulation and grift off our backs while they turn us into a white nationalist techno dictatorship.
The domestic players seek to install an intrusive regime based on the Christian nationalist Seven Mountain Mandate, & they’re just as bad for the country.”
Unfortunately, many law firms are also bending the knee to Trump.
I wonder when they set their sights on banking and finance, fuck it up, and detonate the world economy.
It’s a coup.
It’s a coup.
Our media refuses to identify it. Can’t call a spade a spade.
We’re fucked. Our people don’t get what’s going on AT ALL.
When do we vote
I see something very similar in the EOs, repetition of phases, words and rhetoric, not by one person but possibly a small group.
R 💙
My mind wonders these things.
Learning something from the Communist Party of China maybe? 🤔
Doesn't sound efficient at all in my opinion.
Hell, with this one EO, they can stymie all federal agencies, bog them down in purchase orders and required sign offs so that nothing gets done—assuming the personnel are there.
That sounds quite ominous.
Character like being gay? Trans? A Democrat?
Conduct like off-duty social media posts critical of Trump?
What’s the state thing about? I don’t think EOs will give them access to state systems. Scary if it happens. Need to stop this authoritarian regime NOW!
One's cautionary tale is another's users manual.🤷
America's adversaries must be swarming the Dogeies looking for a weak link. All it'd take is one, they're all pretty computer savvy.
It also makes accessing all gov data much easier for the billionaire running the gov & an ai co
When I was at DISA, I got a spearphish attempt from Russia. Shoulda responded "I'm just not that important".
Of course that doesn't circumvent the use of hard power, but I refuse to go there.
If we just happened to have a corrupt, authoritarian government, centralization of these departments will make it much easier to dispense or withhold favors.
Manipulative propaganda #101.
Thank you for helping us focus on some of this democracy-crucial activity.
The media has personality disorders — just like Trump.
one source close to the president told them the president’s ultimate power over judges comes from the fact that they do not command an army, while he does. “Are they going to come and arrest him?”
Russia seems to be part of the coup - been promised ownership of Europe?
China are selling USA debt, no idea how they fit in - might lead the revolution?
Tariffs are to extort and break alliances.
These under the radar EO’s are the ones that really matter. The ones that are consolidating power into a unitary executive making Trump and a limited number of his acolytes, all powerful.
Good bye democracy, it’s been an interesting experiment knowing you.
Don't know how this genie ever gets stuffed back in the bottle without a near-death government collapse.
The time is ripe for an Independent third party upset to break up the split in American politics.
Dems, courts, military, or...
trump is the disease
Freedom. Equality. Independence. That might does not make right. That profits do not supersede principle. That America — the world’s oldest democracy — was a beacon on a hill. /4
And I am almost equally furious at Chuck Schumer and others who should be resisting him but fail to recognize the moment. Their weakness and line-drawing are inexcusable. /5
Donald Trump will not destroy America for one simple reason. I and millions of other true Americans will not let him.
Fuck him.
Get to know your neighbors and folks you meet at demos. Support the people who are being harmed.