Quick social media headsup from the olden days: do not subscribe to any blocklists of which you do not -absolutely- know and trust the creator. A lot of trolls will make genuine looking blocklists, and then slowly start adding good people to them. Always verify account names & handles!
And the reason you've highlighted is why I've been avoiding them altogether.
I also got that shinagami eyes plugin for my browser that marks transphobic bigots in red that's pretty spot on 99% of the time if someone is going to be an obnoxious tool
A tale as old as the Internet itself.
I guess I must be in at least 30 blocklists
Note: im not one of the nice good ppl lol
Better to aim for popular lists like "Bots/Crypto/AI spammers" (a fairly easy judgement call) rather than "people who have personally irked me" (preference.)
Thus exposing a bug that now it's gone, you can no longer alter its status so everyone remains blocked/muted until they fix it 😅
I was naive and thought it only blocked the one time. It’s very powerful that it just keeps blocking as it updates. I mean it’s good powerful, you just have to be very mindful of how they work, and the ones you choose to subscribe to.