Seems like a good time to remind everyone of one of the best headlines of the last decade:
"British scientists don't like Richard Dawkins, finds study that didn't even ask questions about Richard Dawkins"
"British scientists don't like Richard Dawkins, finds study that didn't even ask questions about Richard Dawkins"
Years and years ago
Ditto Sam Harris
“Do you believe in ghosts”
“Well done here is a Nobel Prize for braininess”
I’d also very very unfavourably compare Dawkins’ to Carl Sagan’s grasp of humanity.
Who actually is quite thoughtful...
You can be English, Welsh, Northern-Irish (sorry Ireland), Scottish, or Scouse, those are your options.
And a lot of them flunked that test big time.
This could straight up be one of their headlines.
It turns out there is a root of Western Civilization, and it brings the Eschaton.
This is the Eschaton that destroys the delusion of Western Civilization.
"The study was funded by the Templeton Foundation, which has traditionally opposed Dawkins' work"
I wish we could treat the pre- and post-God Delusion Dawkinses as different people.
GLaDOS: "Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that."
'"Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that."'
One of the best lines due to how unexpected the delivery is.