NEW: Pregnancy became far more dangerous in Texas after the state banned abortion, according to ProPublica’s first-of-its-kind analysis, which found the sepsis rate for women hospitalized as they miscarried in the 2nd trimester shot up by more than 50%.
Here’s how we sifted through data on millions of pregnancy hospitalizations and analyzed the outcomes before and after Texas banned abortion.
Naturally, normally the intent is to *lower* that number.
Write your reps and wear NIOSH-approved (text on the physical mask) face masks while protesting.
It is white Christians this to you. So quick, find a way to compare them to brown Muslims
That alone speaks volumes about how little value is placed on women’s lives.
Mienten los que nos intentan convencer de que "todos los políticos son iguales".
Women are now broodmares.
If they die they die. Texas is ground zero for this.
Well He's here and he's doing his thing.
God already won and the Trumps and Musks will burn forever!
They are simply brainwashed since birth to respond the second they are called upon.
It could work. People really might forget
Until THEY start feeling the pinch, until these MONSTERS start losing $$$ they'll keep on being the bastards they are.
I keep waiting for artists to stand up...
Austin is AMAZING. The people who live there are even better...but they're being used.
Artists have the power to affect how many people come and go. Athletes have the same power and I'd absolutely love to see players of all sports do the same
Pipe dreams, but it's a thought
There are already knock-on effects for example medical personnel in gynecologic fields leaving the state for fear of prosecution, which will make this worse.
Atlanta, where I lived, is the same. Yes it's changing but the state isn't.
Texas is rotten at its core, just as Louisiana, Georgia and Florida are. Until people take their $$$ elsewhere, these places won't change.
In the two earlier years, there were 79 maternal hospital deaths.
In the two most recent, there were 120.
What a tragedy. All the way down.
White women own this bullshit. Not me personally, but us in general, especially in red states. We are voting for our own fucking demise.
The Hippocratic oath, do no harm.
The MDs have blood on their hands in Texas.
Save a fetus, murder a woman.
That ban was all lip service to their zealot donors.
Come on ladies!! If you'd leave a toxic abusive partner, TEXAS IS YOUR ABUSIVE PARTNER!!
#resist #theelectionwashacked #etrump #trumpsleptwithelon #morewelessme #leavingmaga #deportelon
“Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition that arises when the body's response to infection causes injury to its own tissues and organs.” - Wikipedia
Best of luck to you in your work.
Start with the festivals. #ACL should be boycotted by artists.
Their wives, daughters & mistresses will still receive good reproductive care-whether they have to travel to see a top obstetrician or they have to jet out of the country for a “spa weekend”
Full stop.
#feminism #womensrights #uspolitics #USA #call2action #protest #activism #fascism #oligrarchy #health
WRITE your elected officials, WEAR NIOSH-approved face masks, and PROTEST.
Protest daily for #ReproductiveRights until Trump is out of office.
Should I send them a similar email next Wednesday?
The MSM doesn’t care.
MAGA definitely doesn’t care.
A lot of women don’t care.
Even the Democratic Party doesn’t really care because if they did, they would be screaming about this all over the place.
*rolls eyes*
Can you research Indiana, now?
Cause when push comes to shove
I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love
Da-da-da, dat-da, dat, da-da-da, da-ya-da
Da-da, dat, dat, da-ya-da
They’re not prolife…they’re pro control.
Replacing lone star!
Did you know that nazi/kkk imagery is actually upsetting for some people to see?
Or are you too lost in your “resistance” mindset to care? You’re not being helpful. Your memes suck.
Silence is killing this country!
Ignorance is killing this country!
We’re all well aware of what’s happening and where we’re headed. You don’t need to traumatize or desensitize ppl w your memes.
The goal is to terrorize and punish women.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 ought to be the word of this century.
Or maybe not.
We may end up with China's ratio of women to men.
Due to the one-child policy's legacy, men in China struggle to get married because there are too few women, thus they have to be "top dogs" by their traditional standards.
I will open the file every day and use it to write my elected officials.
so i try to file the unimagianable horrors as under "cannot change" at the moment.
but i am looking for the strength and the wisdom
and instead of anger i hold still
You though they couldn't?
This is a test case for the nation.
Perverts are blocking
Offenses that include the depraved indifference phrase include reckless endangerment, aggravated assault and even murder.
Rape protection is ONLY given to the rapist who can demand child support and visition rights from rape forced conception.
Write your elected officials and wear NIOSH-approved face masks while protesting. Unacceptably evil bills.
Protest for #ReproductiveRights until Trump is out of office.
Resistance isn't futile.
Revolution is necessary.
politicians are murderers.
I am Floridian and definitely could see why some people would be moving away after getting a good dose of our reality.
The US Constitution does not recognize the unborn,
not its existence,
not as a legal entity,
not as a person or citizen with rights or protection by laws.
Not the slightest hint.
And US Law SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES the unborn as persons with rights.,were%20abandoned%20in%20one%20year.
No amount of religious horseshit excuses this