Off to a great start with endotracheal fires and carcinogens in the plume from laser hair & tattoo removal.
Also airborne HPV. Never forget HPV.
Off to a great start with endotracheal fires and carcinogens in the plume from laser hair & tattoo removal.
Also airborne HPV. Never forget HPV.
That is just as horrifying but at least makes more sense.
I never want to think about endotracheal fires again.
On the plus side, I have a new appreciation for the fact that my trachea has never been on fire.
I feel blessed.
Not quite as blessed as I was before I learned this can happen, perhaps, but still - blessed.
It is SO important to have local air filtration, just for the stank if nothing else.
This is why it’s fun to step over to the medical sections from the technical/scientific ones sometimes.
I am ready to wince at numbers.
TRANSLATED: the dermatology laser was attenuated by the skin, but still powerful enough to reflect off the bone of the socket to the eye itself.
As both a biologist and a former EMT who also kinda sold lasers to schools this is fascinating but also nooooooooooooooo
Physician arrogance 😠
Dear Doctor, your hand is not an adequate substitute for proper PPE for patients. Also pretty sure you need both hands for the procedure.
The heating felt like an ice cream headache from the other side of the palate.
I'll be over here, dreading what that device manufacturer's paperwork is going to look like after that...
And, umm, sometimes it becomes relevant real real quick
to be clear, I hate the dysphoria more than cancer, but still Very Worrying
thought I suppose it's the laser tech to whom this applies the most, and I would indeed appreciate her wearing an N95
I think you've mentioned something about lasers & nanoparticles before...